Motions finally responded about ownership....


New Member
So I finally received a response as to whether or not Motions company is black owned, here is the response:

Hi Tara!
Motions was created by a group of African American investors who had all been in the haircare business for years!! They decided to get the best chemist in the world and professional support teams and MOTIONS was born!! It is "public-owned" which means that you, too, can own stock and watch your money grow!!

Take Care!!
"The Expert"
Motions Professional
Hair Care Products

Now, notice how she did not say that the company is still under African American Management. Which means that if it's a public company it was purchased by a larger company, and we know who they are based on previous post. We also know that they are hardly black owned.

On another front, we can own stock in Motions, and the hair care industry is (especially AA hair care) a multi BILLION dollar industry. What I find insulting is how many other African American women who are going broke trying to keep their "hair did" (as Motions would put it) are aware that they can make money off of Motions? And why, instead of creating insulting comics about their biggest consumer, are they not passing out informational packets to us letting us know that we can have a stake in the company??? This Motions saga gets worse and worse IMO.

It's really sad to me because I'm sure the percentage of AA shareholders is very low.

It really is a catch 22 situation, because

1. This company completly degrades the AA consumer which is their target market. Whether they are permed or not all AA's should be insulted by this marketing tactic.

2. This is a public company. How many women in urban communities are aware of this fact? Probably just us now, and those that work for makes me wonder if THEY are public, there have to be other hair care companies that are publicly owned and so we need to research because it's times that the BILLIONS that the hair care industry makes off of us (the AA female) starts funneling back into our pockets.

3. On the other hand, having stock in Motions since they promote not only a harmful product but do so in such a racist way, even if there IS an opportunity for financial growth for the community it HURTS our community as well.

BUT if we (AA women) own more stock in these companies, we have more CONTROL over what is being printed about us and FOR us.

(just brainstorming) but if LHCF and other boards, were to ( as a community )band together to purchase stock in the company due to the large number of members we have on this board, it's quite possible that we could become one of the LARGEST share holders (not THE but ONE OF). Money talks (as we all know) and we would have even a larger influence on how they market to us AND we can start educating people in our communities about the stock options available.

Again, I'm not sure if I WANT to own stock in Motions but it's just shows how deceptive these companies are. They can "educate us" to be "tha BOMB baby" but never have I seen a campaign that says

"Buy stock in Motions and invest in your community" of course not because, well, black people don't buy stocks

We're too busy trying to get with LEO the CEO and BLING BLING

anyway, like I said I'm brainstorming....but I want to not only bring Motions Down, but investigate the other companies that we (used to) GIVE our money too and find out if THEY are public. This could be a way for financial leverage in the community's.

I mean even in a tough economy, you know people will still buy hair products........sigh, this makes me sad, but I'm seeing a way we can reverse this...

But would this be like buying stock in a ciggarette company when you know your aunt had lung cancer???? Again, for me this goes BEYOND Perms and Natural, but it's about racism and using stereotypes to market to us-US who are putting food in their mouths.

Any thoughts???
Okay, so I've decided that I don't want to buy stock in Motions, they need to demonstrate that they can respect the African American Dollar......but

Since it is a publicly owned company this is GREAT to know because we can really hit them in the pockets!! Especially since I doubt that their major shareholders are US (not including employees).

I am planning to write another letter, not just to motions but to shareholders as well (this is public info)....

We need to get people to not only NOT buy this product BUT dump their stock in this company as well. This will make them change their advertising.

In the meantime for community gain, we need to see what other hair companies are publicly owned and check out investing, and not just in our hair, but in our FINANCIAL futures as well. Especially since my technology stock is officilly in the dumper until the economy picks up again.

But again ladies, something to think about because as many products as we purchase from these companies, it's time to start investing those hundreds spent on vitamins and conditioners, into stock in these companies that we spend our money with!

Anyway, just a thought, and as I said it disgusts me that Motions can spend time on "comics" that insult our group, but not provide information letting the urban consumer know that there are ways to invest in order to receive money from the stock.......

Just a lesson learned, if you don't ask, you will not find out!
I agree Tara, It does seem like a Catch 22. But as you pointed out, if WE (AA women ) were to invest in this company we SHOULD have more say in the marketing tactics and eventually be able to eliminate that "manipulative" and degrading marketing.
As someone who is looking into buying out another Beauty supply store and catering to women of color, I would never say, "Yo whaddup, we got the phattest products up in here yo. Come up in here and get your hair 'did'" I plan to respect my clientele and treat all my patrons in a dignified manner.
However, buying stock in that company seems very enticing, it's something that would finally put me on the ownership side of things. After all, I'm a very active consumer.. I mean PJ /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
I don't think it is black owned since she never said that. Does it matter though? (I don't use their products so don't really care either way)
Did I miss something? Since when has Motions engaged in insulting advertising? All I see is the woman in a yellow dress with pretty hair.
funny this came up again. they also responded to me today (i guess someone there is working today):

<font color="purple">Hi Adrienne!
We are so sorry that our comic book was so offensive! We applogize to the highest degree!
The comic book is officially off the web, out of print and in the trash!
Please forgive us!

Take Care!!
"The Expert"
Motions Professional
Hair Care Products </font>

That is so great that you got that response I just hope to never see one of their comics in a beauty supply store!
Well, I clicked on the link (provided in a previous post) to the comic, and it is still up. So the response that it was "off the web and in the trash" is incorrect.
They do seemed to have killed the link from the homepage, though. I started at the mainpage and clicked all around and couldn't find the comics. So some action has been taken. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Here's what I propose. Since we have copies of emails and we can still get to the comics, although indirectly, these should be included in a press release to major black magazines. Once the word gets out, that will get Motions to change their outlook and behavior. I dont' even know how those comics got past the front door of their offices!! If this leaked out to the larger community, that would really hurt Motions. I may just send some info to Essence, Ebony, Source, Vibe, Honey, etc....

So they are lying like rugs about removing that damfool comic strip from the web site, huh? This whole Motions issue really pisses me off, because I'm such a fan of their shampoo and conditioner. I really have little inclination to support those offensive, ghetto talking liars. I need to send an email to them. The more emails they get from us, the better. And it's great that people who contacted them referenced the LCHF. I will, too. These companies need to realize that if they alienate their customers, we will take our dollars elsewhere.
This is sooo interesting. So Adrienne recieved ANOTHER response from the company asking to call Ronn over there. I don't know his title.

So she called, then I called, I'll post later about the response.

Gotta get off the computer, LOL!