Mother Texlax, Blow Dries, Flat Irons DD's GORGEOUS hair!

From my understanding, she didn't know it was a chemical processor (she said she was using it because she didn't want to use a relaxer).
That girl's hair looks very nice! :yep:

Too bad that the momma didn't know it was a chemical. I'm pretty sure from the look of it that she will be able to keep it healthy anyway though!

About the tub... in the vid when she is rinsing the girl's hair out. Imma have to agree that it was gross. I don't think anyone was wrong about that. but I also don't want to make it all about the tub.
That babygirl's hair was soooooo thick, lush, lovely, and long :drool: I wish she had used something else natural to soften her hair like the coconut and yogurt treatment. The end result was beautiful but I'm not sure how it will affect her hair in the long run. Her DD's strands look so thick! I want I want lol.
Pretty hair. I hope that she is able to maintain it with the texturizer.

No comment about anything else......
There is a LOT of love in that video. I love to see mom's take care of their daughters like that...not to mention that that girls hair is absolutely beautiful and she is adorable!!!
I wish she would have just blowdried and flat ironed. Texting, blowdrying on high, and a smoking flat iron is too much IMO.

It makes me think about all the ladies I have heard say "When I was a child and natural my hair was (insert long length) until (insert destructive act). I want my childhood length/health back."
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I had to go back to see what you ladies were saying about the tub and my gracious!

Did anyone else notice that she spread it through her daughter's hair and then left it in for 10-15 minutes? The child doesn't have hardly any texture left! She needs a protein treatment ASAP.
DD hair was gorgeous prerelaxer. Oh my gosh truly drool worthy. I turned out nice. She has lots of length but her hair was amazing! I would tell that Mom really care about DD and doing her hair was a labor of love a clear contrast to the other video with Mom and daughter.
I have to say the kids have beautiful hair and the mother seems to care about their hair, but I just hate chemicals in little girls hair...

The hair came out nice, but wow chemical, blow drying, and straightening back to back is whew...

Beautiful hair, just wish mama would have done some research first...hate the fact that companies really have some parents believing that these products could not be dangerous and very altering of their natural hair... :nono:
I wish she would have just blowdried and flat ironed. Texting, blowdrying on high, and a smoking flat iron is too much IMO.

It makes me think about all the ladies I have heard say "When I was a child and natural my hair was (insert long length) until (insert destructive act). I want my childhood length/health back."


After watching that video that is what I am going to do to my DD. I sometimes blow dry after washing...the next time I am going to blow dry and flat iron....her hair is long and way will I put chemicals in her hair though. :nono:
I hope that woman is not a member here. Ya'll just dogged her out.:nono: Please remember that people's feelings can get hurt due to your words. Season your words with salt, but don't rub it in a wound. This was supposed to be on how that woman did her daughter's hair, not on what her tub looked like. :rolleyes: It would be a shame to have her remove her video from you tube due to this thread.:ohwell:
I hope that woman is not a member here. Ya'll just dogged her out.:nono: Please remember that people's feelings can get hurt due to your words. Season your words with salt, but don't rub it in a wound. This was supposed to be on how that woman did her daughter's hair, not on what her tub looked like. :rolleyes: It would be a shame to have her remove her video from you tube due to this thread.:ohwell:

Her nasty tub was front and center and if she had a problem with people talking about it, she shouldn't have put it in the video. Obviously, people are going to notice it. Maybe she'll clean that filthy mess up now.
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Her nasty tub was front and center and if she had a problem with people talking about it, she shouldn't have put it in the video. Obviously, people are going to notice it. Maybe she'll clean that filthy mess up now.

WOW, Ya'll can be real mean sometimes.:blush::ohwell:
I hope that woman is not a member here. Ya'll just dogged her out.:nono: Please remember that people's feelings can get hurt due to your words. Season your words with salt, but don't rub it in a wound. This was supposed to be on how that woman did her daughter's hair, not on what her tub looked like. :rolleyes: It would be a shame to have her remove her video from you tube due to this thread.:ohwell:

I promised that I wouldn't comment any further on that tub. But come on, we handled that lady's tub issue with kid gloves. Put that over in off topic and see what you get.

At any rate this lady posted a video on the internet for the world to see. In doing so she should be mindful of how she presents herself and her home to the world.

She looks like she keeps herself up (along with her children). Why not do the same with your home. Just doesn't make sense to me. Major pet peeve for me.

That bathroom is disgusting, there's no way around it. Perhaps if she sees this she'll be prompted to do something about it.
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Pretty hair, very cute little girl.

Lord all that mildew around her tub is making me nauseous. I couldn't live like that.

But yes lil mama's hair is banging and her mom takes very good care of it.

Now I'm scared to click on it lol, I have OCD I can't stand Anything Filthy. Lord have mercy. :(
ETA:But the baby hair is beautiful before and after.
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damn Mildew is like 20 inches thick :throwup: Looks like a bunch of kids just went in there and sling dirt and mud all over the tub :nono:
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The relaxer and the mildew had me with the nasty face. The baby's hair is so pretty though.

There was crap hanging everywhere on the tub and I kept on feeling like she needs to get her life in order rather than posting it on the internet for me to judge from the comfort of my own home. Sheesh.
I swear I think thats black caulk. Probably used to camouflage the actual mold and mildew.

No it's filth. Absolute grime and unmentionables.
Also the "texture softener" thing. On the box it says it lasts up to 12 weeks so is that thing like a fake bkt or what?

No it is a just for me relaxer kit with a vial of sunflower oil that says how natural it is on the box. It is not gentle, it is not natural and it is in fact chemicals. It is on the shelf next to the relaxers because it is a relaxer.

It "lasts" up to 12 weeks because then you can get a every other relaxer.

I used it and it straightened my hair without combing it through...then it melted clean off. I didn't do a strand test and it was my fault totally...but it is a relaxer and it is not gentle or natural.
No one got out of hand about the tub.

The comments about it were mostly tame.

It's a fact. The tub was nasty.

It's not mean to comment on it. It's disturbing. I would not post it for people to see. Does she think that's normal? *puke*

I'm not going to make it some HUGE deal... but I did not need to see that, I would never step foot in anything that looked like that and it made my stomach sick - honestly

Anyways, back to the hair... I didn't even know it said the relaxer lasts only 12 weeks. They should really be ashamed misrepresenting a product like that.