Most growth you've gotten in a month and how did you do it?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering what is the most growth you've gotten in a month and how did you do it?

Did you have consistant growth of the above for more than one month? Or one relaxer cycle or however you gage your growth.
I have no idea how to measure my newgrowth. Never have. But I got the most growth when I used Surge. I didn't track my progress 2 much with MTG, plus I wasn't consistent. You can check my album from the end of last year for the Surge comparisons.
1 inch is the most I obtained in a 4 week period.

Here's what I did to get it:
Moisturize AM & PM
No Comb, No Brush
MSM and Silicia (Perfect Combo 4 me)
Stretching my relaxers (currently 20 weeks post)
And most importantly - Leaving my hair alone!!!!!
