Anyone getting 2 inches a month?

If it's possible, I would looooove to know the secret. Maybe one of these days, I'll get touched by the hair fairy too. :fairy:
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1 inch in 3 weeks would mean 1 and 1/3 in a month not 2 inches. I could've sworn there were stories of people growing 2 inches a month a few years ago on this forum. I don't remember who and I never really followed up to see the proof coz I just don't think it's possible. But then people like Diane Witt did baffle hair scientists with hair that grew more than what people expected so you never know. Personally, I'm happy with 1/2 inch a month.

This woman's growth rate isn't so special. Her Terminal length is....:look:

.5 inches/month for 15 years = 6" x 15 = 90" /12 = 7.5 feet. When the pic was taken it had been 15 years since her last haircut so...she's right on track.
This woman's growth rate isn't so special. Her Terminal length is....:look:

.5 inches/month for 15 years = 6" x 15 = 90" /12 = 7.5 feet. When the pic was taken it had been 15 years since her last haircut so...she's right on track.

But her hair is another 1.1 feet longer than 7.5 feet right? So that would give her more than .5 inches a month.
Unless her last haircut left her bald then she would have more than 7.5ft of hair now. What if her last haircut was to BSL or to WL or something like that
i havent seen it (that i can recall)... but i do believe that factors can make you have a burst of more than 1 inch of hair growth for that month (possibly 2 months)... but then the growth rate will go down to normal

that reminds me of a friend that I have that claims that her hair grows about 1 inch a month (with out any growth aids), and with mn, she says it grows about 1 1/2inches or more a month.... all this while her hair has never been at or past shoulder length.:rolleyes:

I dont know... i think anything is possible... but i wont be making any claims until i can get those rates for at least 6 (and have pics to prove it).

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: LAWD!
Do you think that woman on the other page was just advertising?
But her hair is another 1.1 feet longer than 7.5 feet right? So that would give her more than .5 inches a month.

Right...but that's 18 extra inches spread over 15 years. My point was that she clearly was not getting 2" inches a month. (I know that's not what the OP was implying...:yep:)

Imaginge someone getting 2 inches a month for 15 years. 360" of hair --> 30' :nono:
Hi everyone, newbie here. :grin: I was wondering if any of you who are using growth aids are getting 2 of growth each month or even more? If you are, please post:

what growth aid you use (yes, pills and homemade potions count)
how you use it and how often
how long you've been using it
how much growth you get

Thanks for your help!

Well before you wish for 2 inches, make sure you learn about your hair first and identify your staples. Otherwise that 2 inches a month wont matter, because you will still be gaining and looseing 2 inches every month. :lachen::lachen: Same length 12 months later . You know its about retention girl!

But if anyone figures it out pm me :look:
Right...but that's 18 extra inches spread over 15 years. My point was that she clearly was not getting 2" inches a month. (I know that's not what the OP was implying...:yep:)

Imaginge someone getting 2 inches a month for 15 years. 360" of hair --> 30' :nono:

Ok, I gottcha girl. Thanks.:yep: