More Growth Pics.

Wow thats a lot of growth especially from March-Sep. Keep whatever it is up, ur right ur crown of glory is singing His praises all day long :)
GIRL!!! Your hair is doin' thangs!!! Keep it up! :up:

Btw, I was in your neck of the woods yesterday, heading to "Scr'em County"
U know what, i think im about that far away from my BS too. I'm gonna try to take a picture of length in the back to see.
I'm speechless! Your hair looks great! I love the layers, the shine, and especially the length! Keep up the good haircare because whatever you are doing, it's working! :antlers:
Thanks sooo much ladies! Your comments help keep me going. I've had some hard days!!! I started out wearing braids a LOT. That helped me to retain every inch. I also had a couple of trims during this time, though!! I used s-curl and didn't use heat for MONTHS. I just started pressing my hair again. With my hair in it's natural state, I look like a little girl, so until it gets longer I'm wearing it pressed. Plus, hubby is just crazy over how my hair looks now, so I've been keeping it pressed for him. I only let my hairdresser press my hair and she does a Dudley's mask every time I go (which is every 2 weeks) I use absolutely NO heat during the time in between. Actually pressing my hair allows me to get more moisture throughout the strands. I also started using MTG and this grease that my friend makes. I don't know what caused this growth!! I've done a few different things. But the main things were braids, MOISTURE, no heat for a while, and stopping the relaxer. My hair loves being natural! Thanks for your support!
onepraying said:
GIRL!!! Your hair is doin' thangs!!! Keep it up! :up:

Btw, I was in your neck of the woods yesterday, heading to "Scr'em County"

Girl, you should have PM'd me!! We could have met up!! How was the ole Scr'em couny?!! :)
Oh and by the way, I did not get my hair layered. It was cut even when I did the Big Chop last year. All my hair is one length. However the hair at the top of my head does not reach as far down as the hair at the bottom, so it looks layered. I guess anytime your hair is cut even and then it grows out in layers. Does that make sense?