Money Miracles


Well-Known Member
I was up last night watching cable and this show came on with the preacher and his wife. It was a show where folks were giving miracle stories of receiving money in the mail. It was almost scary to see the folks tell their stories and quote the amounts they received in the mail. When they had a lady look 70+ say she received over a million, I had to turn! I wish I could think of the name but it was crazy. They were even touting some product of this holy water. All I kept wondering when they were speaking, is how much money are they milking these people for. Now I do believe that blessings come forth, but it just left me with an uneasy feeling when I saw the few minutes I did. Does anyone know the show I am referring to? As believers what's your take on congregations as such?
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syze6 - I've seen it on tv before on one of those sleepless nights in the early morning hours! :lol: I don't know if it's really a show or more like an infomercial but I think the so-called "minister" that sells this miracle water mess is Peter Popoff.
I was up last night watching cable and this show cam on with the preacher and his wife. It was a show where folks were giving miracle stories of receiving money in the mail. It was almost scary to see the folks tell their stories and quote the amounts they received in the mail. When they had a lady look 70+ say she received over a million, I had to turn! I wish I could think of the name but it was crazy.

They were even touting some product of this holy water. All I kept wonder when they were speaking is how much money are they milking these people for. Now I do believe that blessings come forth, but it just left me with an uneasy feeling when I saw the few minutes I did. Does anyone know the show I am referring to? As believers what's your take on congregations as such?

syze6, thank you for posting this. Your heart is speaking the truth as it is very scary to see this going on and ruining people's lives.

The name of the show, Peter Poppoff (sp?) and his wife. :yep:

If water could bring folks money, there's the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, the Mississippi River, the Great Lakes, The River Jordan, The Nile, and let's not forget the Red Sea or my bottle of Dasani.

It's just not right to fool people in order to get their money. :nono:
syze6 - I've seen it on tv before on one of those sleepless nights in the early morning hours! :lol: I don't know if it's really a show or more like an infomercial but I think the so-called "minister" that sells this miracle water mess is Peter Popoff.

Yes something like that! I was like...okay turn!
Yes something like that! I was like...okay turn!

What bothers me is that BET (a Black network) carries / endorses this. And who do they show up in the cameras of this show? Black Folks endorsing it. :nono:

God doesn't need gimmicks to bless anyone... He's God!!! Or have folks forgotten that?
What bothers me is that BET (a Black network) carries / endorses this. And who do they show up in the cameras of this show? Black Folks endorsing it. :nono:

God doesn't need gimmicks to bless anyone... He's God!!! Or have folks forgotten that?

I wanted to call the number JUST to see what foolishness they actually tell these people! My hubby got upset when I said that and stormed out the room. LOL!

It was very scary to me and I couldn't explain why? My spirit did not feel right at all!
@syze6, thank you for posting this. Your heart is speaking the truth as it is very scary to see this going on and ruining people's lives.

The name of the show, Peter Poppoff (sp?) and his wife. :yep:

If water could bring folks money, there's the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, the Mississippi River, the Great Lakes, The River Jordan, The Nile, and let's not forget the Red Sea or my bottle of Dasani.

It's just not right to fool people in order to get their money. :nono:

There are miracle springs of blessings. Remember the one in scripture where the angels would touch the water and the infirmed would enter and receive healing? G-d does use nature for His purposes. Lourdes, France is another. People absolutely do receive healing but only if it is G-d's will. I know of one. Unfortunately, Popoff and a few others are using this as some counterfeit healing water. Unless it's in the Hebrew scriptures or Our Lady has appeared and told us it a source of healing, I don't believe it. I think it's an affront to the catholic faith. There's one spouting healing waters of CHERNOBYL. WHAT???? And the catholic church knows nothing about that? Haha, good luck. Chernobyl? Good night.
There are miracle springs of blessings. Remember the one in scripture where the angels would touch the water and the infirmed would enter and receive healing? G-d does use nature for His purposes. Lourdes, France is another. People absolutely do receive healing but only if it is G-d's will. I know of one.

Unfortunately, Popoff and a few others are using this as some counterfeit healing water. Unless it's in the Hebrew scriptures or Our Lady has appeared and told us it a source of healing, I don't believe it. I think it's an affront to the catholic faith. There's one spouting healing waters of CHERNOBYL. WHAT???? And the catholic church knows nothing about that? Haha, good luck. Chernobyl? Good night.

JB, thanks for sharing this. There are indeed Bible accounts of healings and blessings from the waters.

I should have mentioned the Bible references in my post when I was putting Popoff on blast. Thanks again for posting this. :yep: