Mom Grows Out Daughter's Kinky Natural Hair to Wast Length

She's such a cutie pie!

OMG I want to hang out with Princess Tiana!!
That is exactly what I want for my daughter. I already told my dh that our daughter won't be getting a relaxer until she is older if she chooses to.
This is a wonderful story- I read it before but couldn't remember where so thanks for posting this OP. This is the attitude all parents should take with their children so they have a positive self-esteem.

I remember getting my hair pressed all the time when I was younger and even though my parents always told me I was beautiful I never thought my hair was because it was always getting "fixed". It goes to show that when you constantly straighten a child's hair or decide to relax it you are sending a message that their hair is not good enough in its natural state.
i was on the phone w/ one of my sisters who thinks one of her dd's cousin's mom should cut the child's hair b/c children's hair should not be that long (wsl). on top, the little girl thinks her hair is what makes her beautiful and a princess. ok...i'll admit the little girl may be vain jane in the making b/c the mom is that way but that's their business imo. but really, cut off the child's hair b/c it's too long for a little girl.:rolleyes: i totally disagree w/ her. my sis said her personal aim isn't to grow her child's hair long...if it's short (it's short) it's short, if it get's long, it get's long. i said well, my dd want's and likes long hair, so as much as i can, i'll work hard for it. Regardless of the length of hair every child is beautiful but we don't have to be ignorant to hair growth. I just wished she'd got off that bowl of bullcorn.

once again...great job ayoka!
great story----every lil ebony girl can have hair like this--just wish our moms would take the time out to understand and be patient...with our hair
our hair just needs a lil tlc and it would flourish