Mizani Rose H20 Night Time Treatment

Do you wash this stuff out?? I want to use mine but I don't know how to..I know you put it in.. but do you rinse it out in the morning? You put it on wet hair right?

Turns out that I checked the ingredients of my Lustrasilk moisture max light and they are virtually the same, albeit tons cheaper (it was free but usually sells for about $3 where I got it). I think this rose h20 product is a rip off because the lustrasilk gave me immediate results with breakage and moisturizing. Ceramide or no ceramide mizani's product is not worth the money for me!
I just bought this product and tried it for the first time last night. It actually left my hair feeling rather dry this morning -- like it had soaked up all the moisture. Is it supposed to do that? At any rate, I put some BB growth oil in my hair to soften it up a bit. Should I keep using this or let it go . . . .
I hear some ladies use a moisturizer after applying this... It was drying to my hair also...I will not buy it again...
GG - Ive found that it really helps w/ my breakage. Its not a moisturizer or nething; you still need to use your regular products in addition to this. The instructions even say to continue w/ your normal regimen, I believe. So its just a boost for breakage. :)