Miss Jessie's Salon Visit w/Pics!


Well-Known Member
I'm back and pictures are loaded in the April album. I DID NOT GET A SILKENER! LOL, wanted to clear that up before it's asked. My hair was cut and shingled with Curly Pudding. I know I do not have the patience to do the shingling method as it should be done, so these results I probably won't get until my next visit. I think I prefer my hair bigger and frizzier anyway;) My experience was a good one, my hair is little shorter than I had pictured in my head (front of course), BUT, I think I needed and the ends look sooooo much better and not as straight :) Keep in mind that there is a bigger shrinkage factor here as well and I really won't be able to do an acurate before/after comparison until I style it myself the same way I usually style it. First thing she asked before she cut was "Are we keeping the length?" My answer, yes and she went from there with the Angle/Balance cut. Of course if I hadn't waited 6 months, my hair and ends would have been in better shape and possibly not so much would have needed to come off. Regardless it's a good cut with a good shape. A fresh trim makes a world of a difference with how your hair styles, the curls are definitely popping today!

Miko and Titi were nice... Miko was sporting a twist out which looked like she used large twists to get big waves. Titi, OMG Titi's hair is incredible! It's big, curly, and I don't know how she even styles it. The highlights are BEAUTIFUL and I felt bad for staring so much, lol.

Sorry ladies, I tried again to peep out what the silkener was, watching her do other clients, but the assistant would go into the closet and come out with a bowl covered in aluminum foil that had already been prepared and ready to go. Shampoo used was Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special, followed by Kera Care Hydrating Shampoo and deep treatment with Terax Crema. They have officialy phased out all BBD products (Glass and Stretch). Also used and sold in the salon, Mizani Shyne and Tigi Catwalk styling products (shine products and spritz) I saw a few Bed Head items on some of the stations as well. That's pretty much all I peeped.

While I sat under the dryer, one of the assistants came around serving everyone waiting cheese, crackers, cookies, cakes, and water. Very friendly.
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Your hair looks beautiful but I gotta tell you, I prefer the way you style your hair yourself, like you said before, your hair has a lot of "character" and that does not show so much when they style your hair. But again, your hair really does look pretty. You are so my hair role model. You take such good care of your hair.:)
hopeful said:
Your hair looks beautiful but I gotta tell you, I prefer the way you style your hair yourself, like you said before, your hair has a lot of "character" and that does not show so much when they style your hair. But again, your hair really does look pretty. You are so my hair role model. You take such good care of your hair.:)

Thanks lady, yeah, I see that with my texture, I don't get the volume that some other people get with shingling, it comes out more flat, my curls get really curly, and it has more of a "smooth" and "silky" effect. I like the more "untamed" bigger look for my natural hair. You should see me over here trying to fluff this up to create bigger hair!!! Over all, the shingling did do what it is supposed to do and it came out pretty well.
I think I'm gonna have to get up in Ms. jessie's Salon and get my head did! :lol: Your hair looks great. I like the cut more than the shingling. It's perfect!!!
wow your hair looks great! your hair looks so shiny and soft!! did they put anything else besides curly pudding in your hair?
Shalilac said:
I think I'm gonna have to get up in Ms. jessie's Salon and get my head did! :lol: Your hair looks great. I like the cut more than the shingling. It's perfect!!!

Yep, I could care less about the shingling, lol. I'm all about the hair cut. That's why I tell people if you aren't going there to get a cut, color, silkener, relaxer, or another more complex style, don't bother spending the $$. Styling at home is easy.
Your hair cut looks great! I think once you style it yourself you'll feel more comfortable. (That's how everyone is after a cut) Your curls have great definition and it looks healthy. How long did it take to dry?
jasmine26 said:
wow your hair looks great! your hair looks so shiny and soft!! did they put anything else besides curly pudding in your hair?

Oh, just some Baby Buttercreme when she was fluffing (or trying to, this stuff won't fluff right now, LOL!)
littleaudie said:
Your hair cut looks great! I think once you style it yourself you'll feel more comfortable. (That's how everyone is after a cut) Your curls have great definition and it looks healthy. How long did it take to dry?

I was under the dryer about an hour, it was still damp at the roots in some places when I walked out, but I'd be sitting under there 2 hours if I wanted it completely dry through the scalp. I don't know, buy my hair hold on to water like a well.
goldensensation said:
Just gorgeous!

You make me want to be natural again.

Thanks! It's always an option ;)

I don't think I can go straight again, I'm having waaaaaaaay too much fun right now! LOL!
Did they take ur picture?? i always wondered if you go there if you have to tlet them take a picture.

Love the hair!! looks Great!
As always your hair is lovely!

I have a question and please don't take this the wrong way. I about $hit a brick when someone on another board posted a price list for Miss Jessie's Salon. I am by no means tight with money, as a matter of fact I can be far looser than I should when it comes to purses and shoes but MJ got me like DAYUM!!!

My question is, has it been your experience that the angle and balance cut you receive at Miss Jessie's is that much more superior than other salons that you have been to? Or is it that this is a place that deals with natural hair so it's easier to go to them because you know they won't jack your hair up?

Again, I'm asking out of real curiosity not to make a statement about the salon.
karamel11 said:
Did they take ur picture?? i always wondered if you go there if you have to tlet them take a picture.

Love the hair!! looks Great!

Yeah....they took a picture. It doesn't always go up on the website (they probably get permission) but they do keep the photos in albums. They have Silkener Albums, Natural No-Chemical Albums, and Color Albums. They really don't ask, right after they finish styling they grab the camera. I'm sure you can say no.
JCoily said:
As always your hair is lovely!

I have a question and please don't take this the wrong way. I about $hit a brick when someone on another board posted a price list for Miss Jessie's Salon. I am by no means tight with money, as a matter of fact I can be far looser than I should when it comes to purses and shoes but MJ got me like DAYUM!!!

My question is, has it been your experience that the angle and balance cut you receive at Miss Jessie's is that much more superior than other salons that you have been to? Or is it that this is a place that deals with natural hair so it's easier to go to them because you know they won't jack your hair up?

Again, I'm asking out of real curiosity not to make a statement about the salon.

Girl please, not taking it the wrong way, the prices ARE like Whoa! I think at this point with my hair, and the things that I've gone through with it, I'm paying not only for the cut, but the comfort in knowing I won't walk out with a jacked up head of hair. Out of all my salon experiences with cuts, this is one of the more "detailed" and thorough cuts I've gotten. She actually uses clippers the shape the frame of the cut. The she goes through the hair in sections cutting it at the varioius angles. Now, I had a hairdresser when I was in school that used a similar technique, but other than her, I've never been impressed by other cuts/trims I've gotten.

Because I'm so particular about who does what to my hair, knowing that Miko has been dealing with other people's textured hair for over 10 years, and is the only one that cuts at the salon day in and out, I find comfort in knowing that she knows what she is doing and mess up the cut, and that it will, indeed, be a good cut. The technique she uses for cutting I wouldn't say is unique to the salon, I'm sure if you search and test out a few hairdressers, you'll find some that may cut using a similar technique.

Hope that answers your question!
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As usual your hair looks tight, but why didn't rip the foil off the relaxer container. Don't act like you a'int hood.
MissJ said:
Your hair looks lovely, very pretty. Are you a type 3?

I don't really associate my hair with any of the hair typing systems because it's all jacked up! LOL, I mean, to me, it causes more confusion than anything...I call my hair one thing, someone else calls it another. What a headache!

My true hair texture without any products can be seen in my "naked" album :)
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Wow, it's beautiful so1913!

BTW are you still using Asha's roots? If so, in your opinion, is it too heavy for summer time? I placed an order w/Qhemet Biologics for the honeybush soft hold gel, henna softening oil, detangler, & olive/honey cream.....if I place all of these on my hair and the roots on my scalp do you think that would be TOO much product?

zora said:

As usual your hair looks tight, but why didn't rip the foil off the relaxer container. Don't act like you a'int hood.

Hahahahah! No, what they did was prepared small white plastic bowls that they prefilled with the "substance" (a bowl was one application) and then covered up each bowl with foil. You never saw the original container it came from ;)
tishee said:
Wow, it's beautiful so1913!

BTW are you still using Asha's roots? If so, in your opinion, is it too heavy for summer time? I placed an order w/Qhemet Biologics for the honeybush soft hold gel, henna softening oil, detangler, & olive/honey cream.....if I place all of these on my hair and the roots on my scalp do you think that would be TOO much product?


Roots isn't heavy at all, it's actually very light (and I need to get some more myself!!!). Do you think you will need all the styling products at one time? If you do use all, use VERY small amounts of everything so that you are not over doing it.
so1913 said:
Roots isn't heavy at all, it's actually very light (and I need to get some more myself!!!). Do you think you will need all the styling products at one time? If you do use all, use VERY small amounts of everything so that you are not over doing it.

thanks so1913! I hope not...I ordered the QB sample pack just to see how my hair does w/the products. The problem that I am having now is that my hair is extremely dry no matter how much deep conditioning/hot oil treatments I do. Later on today I am going to buy Lekair cholesterol plus and do a deep conditioning treatment tommorrow along w/a coconut milk rinse.

After using mtg I noticed that my hair has broken off in the back :mad: so I will no longer use that. Today, I purchased Suave's citrus smoothie & toasted vanilla sugar conditioners b/c I plan on cw every 2 days starting next week.

On ebay I won nexxus botanic oil that I plan on using as a pre poo treatment & hot oil treatments. My hair sucks out all of the moisture in anything that I put on my scalp/hair by chance do you have any recs for a moisturizer that I could purchase? Sorry for rambling.
