Mirror Image Salon Rollarsets. My 1st experience!

I've heard about this 'master' rollarset place for so long now but never got round to going so I went last night with Free2beMe.

Mirror Images was good. The hair came out soft and smooth. The salon is huge with alot of work stations and your seen as soon as you walk in. No waiting.

I had them use my products. Only thing though was at the end my stylist asked 'what do you usually pay?' being its my first time there I didn't know what to say and in her asking I realized it must be diff prices for diff people. I shrugged and said I couldn't remember (lie) saying I'd not been at the salon for a long time. She wrote out $23 for me to pay. I was really annoyed since Free2beMe paid $15 last week and between Monday to Friday their flyer says its $12 and up! So I handed it back saying I brought my OWN products so why so expensive? she crossed it out and wrote $20. I was still annoyed as its still more than what I thought I'd be charged. What happened to the $15 Free2beMe paid last week? I just paid it and left. I have a Dominican salon that I found thats 5/10 mins walk from my home. Its a tiny place, Mother and daughter team. They do a good job so I'm probably going to just go there instead after work. Its more convenient.

Mirror Image is between 109 and 110 Columbus Ave. Its right next to Central Park on the upper west side. It took me 45 mins from work to get there.

For Free2beMe, she was really annoyed because she brought Colourshines in Clear for them to put on and they charged her $10 to put it in. Not only that but they didn't deep condition. They put in the Colourshines, put her under the dryer for 20 mins and rinsed out. No deep conditioning step. She complained (quite right fully) and I think they dropped the cost. Don't you bring your own products to avoid the charge in the first place? And is a deep condition cost more on top of the colourshines?

For a place that size, alot depends on who does your hair. She said the lady who did her the last visit rolled her bangs so nicely. This one didn't at all. I asked her she should've told the woman to do it the correct way and she said she did but the woman still did it the wrong way. I think its a English language barrier thing.

Overall, Mirror Image knows how to do a good rollarset. I saw other customers who's hair came out well but the gripes with different charging (even with your own products)and having to avoid a not as good stylist makes the schlep up there a risk.

I'd go if I was pressed for somewhere to go to in Manhattan. Otherwise I stick to my local.
About bringing your own products, a stylist once said to me "that it doesn't matter what you bring, they charge for the time the stylist spends on your hair because the same process would be done if you didn't bring your own products..." That place took $5 off the normal price and if I brought my own deep conditioner, I was not charged. I was thinking about stopping by Mirror Images after I got my relaxer but I have to spend more time re-evaluating my options. And whenever they ask me how much I pay, I always say $12.00....hahahaha... That way, I get charged around $15. And another thing i've learned, BRH, your hair is long so most Dominican salons charge for length that's probably why she told you $23 and another board member posted that she paid $22 for a wash/condition/set - i remember this because I wrote it down.
Thanks Carmel.

I've heard that some salons charge less when you bring your own stuff so that's why I did it, plus I don't mind using my own things anyway.

I came THIS close to blurting out $15 when she asked what I paid last time.

Let me know if you do go to them. They did a good job but have your price ready when they ask
I go to mirror image and i am sorry you had that experience. i dont know why they would switch up the prices. it says on the flyer 12 and up but 23 is ridiculous. i saw places that had a wash and set for 10. i havent gone to them but i may consider. have you seen any other salons that are inexpensive but does a good job?

next week i want to get a wash and set but i dont want the price to suddenly jump on me. i know they know my face since my mom and i go there but you never know what some people may pull.
God bless you all.
Don't you bring your own products to avoid the charge in the first place?

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Even if you bring your own products charging $10 for time and labor is not unreasonable IMO. Most salons charge FAR more than this AND wouldn't let you bring your own stuff so you could be absolutely sure about what you are getting (which is actually why I bring products - because I want to use something specific and I want to make sure I don't get substitutes or diluted products). I don't think bringing your own product should mean that you avoid ANY charge at all (unless I'm reading that wrong). I certainly think a charge is still merited beccause the stylists there are still providing a service that you are unable or unwilling to perform on yourself. If this logic were the case that would mean that you should be able to bring a full range of products - shampoo, conditioner, leave in, relaxer, color whatever - and simply have the service done for free...
which is unfair to the people who take their time and energy to "do" your hair...I could be dead wrong - but that's just my opinion.

Besides that little difference in philosophy
- thanks for the great review...It sounds like they have it together there (the no waiting etc.) and it's near my house. I'm gonna have to take a little trip over.
Hey Trace, thought I'd hear from you

I hear you about them providing a service. Of course they are and $20 for that is good BUT not fair if they charge one price to one person and another for someone else. Maybe hair length is a factor for them. But that alone, the price thing isn't really fair I think. If they say its $20 and it is, then fine. Not one thing (written on their flyers too) and at the end you get a different price.

Maybe I'm mistaken but I thought I'd heard that at some Dominican salons, if you bring your own products it is cheaper? maybe its not the case for this particular salon then which okay is fine. I know now
Also you are paying for the service, true, so if you ask for something specific e.g Free2beMe wanting rollars done a certain way a at the front, being told yes and then they do their own thing anyway. That's not good.

Anyway check 'em out and report back
Everyone's experience and opinions are different : )
Re: Mirror Image Salon


The charges should be uniform for all clients if they specifically state it on flyers, but that is not always the case.

I know that some salons do reduce the price if you bring your own products. They also may increase that price even if you do use your own products for time and labor; plus there are water and electricity costs.

At least the hair set was good and there was no waiting time. That's positive. If you decide to give Mirror Image another try sometime, let us know how it goes!
Re: Mirror Image Salon


There is a girl that does a GREAT job-Wana I believe is her name. Can I tell u I have stopped going. I wanted Wana to set and style me and they acted like I was breaking the HAIR CODE because I requested her. Also I brought my own products.

Ask for Wana if u go again but they usually do a pretty good job!

I may try a spot in Brooklyn in June and will post about my experience.
Re: Mirror Image Salon

Just curious BRH,
Which products did you take/use for your rollerset?

***feeding my PJ tendencies
...it says on the flyer 12 and up but 23 is ridiculous. i saw places that had a wash and set for 10...

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I wish I lived in New York! Out here I don't think I could find a salon that does a wash and set even for $23. Most of the cost-of-living out here is appreciably lower than New York but the cost of professional hair care for AA hair is not.
I usually do my hair myself but every once in a while an inexpensive roller set at a Dominican salon sounds like it would be a treat.

I dont know if the Bronx is convenient for you but I go to one on the Concourse and 184th street. Herman charges $17 for a roller set and style (more if your hair is long....mine in mid-neck length. He charges $35 for a Motions touch up but check out my post re: relaxers before you go to him for that....
I always ask for the price upfront..Many salons like to do the switcharoo on you..

I'm glad that it was a good set for you, but I agree..I wouldn't feel comfortable either with the nickel and dime policy (charging extra for every little thing).

When I get a perm and I bring my own products, my stylist takes off $5.00 and I didn't expect her to either.

I understand about charging for the time and dryer use but an extra $10.00 is a bit much just to put in a deep condition/cellophanes clear. I would say they should charge but with a discount if you bring your own stuff.

I've passed that salon a few times, but I live further uptown and prefer a place closer to me. Luckily, I've found a good stylist a block away. I'm all for the locals..
A $10-$15 wash and set is pretty cheap. most salons here would charge in the $20's. I guess different areas have different prices.
Hey everyone!!! I have been trying to reduce the amount of heat I use on my hair. I was wondering, when you go to the salon, especially the Dominicans, do you have them blow your hair out or do you just have them put your hair in a doobie when they take the rollers out? I am thinking about trying Mirror Image out and just wanted to know what to tell them before I damage my hair even more.
they will ask you and you tell them what you want. if you want to have it blow out okay. sometimes they will rollerset and then blow out the hair too. it gives the hair a fuller more bouncy look. but if your hair doesnt respond well to heat just have them put it in a doobie. they will do what you want. God bless you all.
Babygirlbx, after they rollar set you they asked me if I wanted a blowdry or what. I told them just to wrap it and they were cool with that. I saw other customers either doing that too or others having their roots blowed out and leaving with their hair down.

Its up to you
I live on 103 & Columbus. Mirror Images is an OK salon. There are two other salons in that same area that are 100% better than them. Whether you bring your own products or not, you get charged pretty much the same or a little less. You are being charged for the time, not product use. "Above Ground Salon" on 108 & Columbus is GREAT. Ask for "Mari" (Pronounced Mah-Dee). She is the BEST. MTW a wash and set is I think 15-20 depending on hair length and conditioner choice. On 106 & Columbus there is a little shop that has a "DOMINICAN CONTIONER" sign in their window. I know SEVERAL people who's hair has grown a LOT because of their deep conditioning. I live in this neighborhood, and nobody I know goes to Mirror Images because they are good, but they are not the best.
i've seen above the ground but never went in there. i think a friend of mine told me about them but i had been going to mirror image and didnt want to switch. i have a love/hate relationship with mirror image. i want to leave to find something better but i am afraid i will have to pay twice the amount for the same service or it wont be any better.

the last time i went to get a touchup i got burned and they sprayed some spray on my hair when it was wrapped that stung the hell out of me. and the spray i am assuming was hair spray dried very hard on my hair and caused it to be hard to comb. i was so mad. i am like you put a sheen on a wrap not some damn hair spray on it. it was so hard on my hair. and my scalp was so sore with the damn burns i couldnt even comb my hair properly and i told them it was burning and i literally was shaking because it bothered me so much and they were spraying this sheen on my hair to give them more time but it still burned. and to add insult to injury my hair still isnt straight. AND i used a relaxer recommened here (revlon) i think my hair has become more resistant.
i washed my hair and it wasnt hard to comb but it defintely wasnt as straight as i wanted it to be. i cant even describe it. thats where the hate comes in. this my second touchup with them and both times my hair didnt come out straight and silky.

the love is i like how they do rollersets and its not too expensive 12 and up. but as far as relaxers at least for me it sucked. i should have known better when i saw the owner do a touchup with this ladies hair and she was so rough i winced. and then when she was done applying it she sat down on the benches across from her working station and just sat there while the girl had the relaxer in her hair!!!!!

and when i was sitting with a conditioner in my hair i saw this lady put perfect for perms shampoo in a mizani bottle.
that to me just made me feel like i desperately wanted to find a new place to do my hair.

i am not bashing mirror image i am just saying what i observed. i have gone to them a couple of times for wash and set, blow outs and touch ups and have accompanied people who went in to get services done. i have known about them for a couple of years now. i think they do a good job but i do find some of their techniques arent great and it peeves me that the expensive stuff they have in the window i have yet to see them open the area and take a product out. if i were to get a service done and wanted a particular product i dont trust them enough to believe what they say they are using is what they are using and i would have to bring my own products.

its a shame and i didnt want to say anything negative about the salon because i know several people go there and i myself like going there and getting in and out quickly but i must forewarn anyone thinking about them:

1) bring your own products
2) if you go to get a touchup make sure you pick a person who you have seen do a good job and WAIT for them, some people will truly abuse your hair
3) start off with a roller set first, i am currently looking elsewhere for touchups because i went twice and didnt like the results and for me three times isnt a charm.
4) bring someone, have them watch what these ladies are doing since you cant see behind your back. and bring your friend who is outspoken. one who will speak up if she sees something off.

Had to let this out. God bless you all.
I live on 103 & Columbus. Mirror Images is an OK salon. There are two other salons in that same area that are 100% better than them. Whether you bring your own products or not, you get charged pretty much the same or a little less. You are being charged for the time, not product use. "Above Ground Salon" on 108 & Columbus is GREAT. Ask for "Mari" (Pronounced Mah-Dee). She is the BEST. MTW a wash and set is I think 15-20 depending on hair length and conditioner choice. On 106 & Columbus there is a little shop that has a "DOMINICAN CONTIONER" sign in their window. I know SEVERAL people who's hair has grown a LOT because of their deep conditioning. I live in this neighborhood, and nobody I know goes to Mirror Images because they are good, but they are not the best.

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Do you know how much they charge for a wash and set? Either one of the salons you mentioned.
God bless you all.
I live on 103 & Columbus. Mirror Images is an OK salon. There are two other salons in that same area that are 100% better than them. Whether you bring your own products or not, you get charged pretty much the same or a little less. You are being charged for the time, not product use. "Above Ground Salon" on 108 & Columbus is GREAT. Ask for "Mari" (Pronounced Mah-Dee). She is the BEST. MTW a wash and set is I think 15-20 depending on hair length and conditioner choice. On 106 & Columbus there is a little shop that has a "DOMINICAN CONTIONER" sign in their window. I know SEVERAL people who's hair has grown a LOT because of their deep conditioning. I live in this neighborhood, and nobody I know goes to Mirror Images because they are good, but they are not the best.

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Do these places use Affirm relaxers? If so, how much do they usually charge for that? Thanks in advance.

Thanks for this....
I'm going to try both salons you mentioned - one of them tonight! I'll post reviews.

But thanks for the references. I just moved to the area and you'd think that with all of the salons up there you coiuld easily find a good one - but it's like finding a needle in a haystack I've found.

Thanks again. I'll let you know how it goes.
ANy reviews? I am planning to try above ground this afternoon. I have to. Mirror image left a sour taste in my mouth after my touchup experience. I would normally let it go but I have learned you have to stand up for yourself. I felt bullied by the owner to do treatments I didnt want to. She just kept insisting that I needed this and that done even though I said no. And the stylist would call the owner when I would tell her no. It is too frustrating for me. And today I am just not up for the fight. I will try above ground for a wash and set and see.

Now I have to find a new place for my touchups because this isnt working. I cant deal with paying money and having people not listening to me, leaving with burns and having my hair STILL look jacked up. something just doesnt work with that.
God bless you all.
No Azul - sorry I didn't get there that night...:(

As soon as I go I'll post. But YOU let ME know how it goes....

Dominga, the owner IS a bully. She tries to get over on you anyway she can.
Her stylists definitely do good rollersets, but Dominga basically ruins it for you. Last time I went, it was on a Wednesday (when the reduced early-week rates apply). ALL I got was a roller set and a doobie. No one had to do ANY sort of styling for my head. So whe the stylist finishes, she writes up my ticket for $15, and I'm like "cool, I'm out." When I go to pay at the window, Dominga frowns all up and says that it should not be that cheap. She then goes over to the stylist and *****es her out in Spanish (which I can't understand). So then she comes back to me and writes me up a new ticket for $20. I'm like what the f***? ALL I did was sit under the dryer and get a wrap. She said well I have a lot of hair so she is charging me more. That made no sense to me and I said that. A doobie is a damn doobie. Whether you have a lot of hair or a little hair it involves minimum work. So she then tried to say that since I had a lot of hair, the extra dryer time that would be required justified charging me more. I'm like whatever. The extra 10 to 20 minutes of dryer time probably amounts to about 3 cents of electricity. That is lame. We went back in forth for a moment, and I was just like whatever, and paid her her money.

That was the last time I've been there - over a month ago. I'm not sure that I'm going to be coming back anytime soon either. Plus getting into these hair boards makes me see less and less of a point in going to the hairdresser (with the exception of touch up time) when I probably know how to take care of my hair better myself. Many of my girls have stopped going to that shop long before me because of Dominga's shadiness. The've all moved to one of the places down the street too. It's a shame too because they good at the rollersets. Next time I am in the mood for a Dominican roller set, I will probably try the other place.

As far as relaxers, I wouldn't go to them for one. I've watched many of the stylists put them in, and as fast as they can get a roller set done, it seems to take them forever to get relaxer applied. I think many of their clients get overprocessed as a result.
Thanks for posting this. I do like the rollarset job they did but I think it would have been better if they stuck to what they originally print as their prices instead of charging more and they wouldn't be having these problems with customers.

I find them a tad out of the way to get to after work which is why I haven't gone back again yet. When you get asked at the end: 'How much you pay?' that's when you know everyone is obviously being charged diff. prices and there isn't a structure in place. Even though its a business they're trying to run.
Well that does sound awful. I usually defend DR salons to the DEATH (BRH - say NOTHING! Shhhhhhh!
) but this one sounds a little crazy...

I have some recs to new ones written down if anyone ever wants them (PM me) I'd like to try them before I start recommending them all willy nilly though. They came highly recommended by some friends of mine that used to or currently live uptown. I was having trouble finding a TRULY superior spot near me and I KNOW there are scores of them I just couldn't find them using my own devices...

Maybe once I review them I'll post on the salon review board....
Sorry I'm getting back to you so late. I just saw this. If your hair is Shoulder length-$15 MTW. If your hair is between your shoulder blades-$20-$25. I don't know if they use affirm, but you can buy it elsewhere and bring it with you. I will walk down there later this week and PM you more info OK?