Mirror Image Salon Rollarsets. My 1st experience!

OH YEAH!!! I ALMOST FORGOT!! Dominga was kicked out of "The Above Ground Salon" (This was long ago) Thats when she went and got her own salon right across the street. I forgot ALL about that.
Your welcome!!!
I will even point the place and specific stylist out to you if you'd like. I'm only 4 blocks away. Mari is the best in my opinion. She helped my hair to grow a lot once when I had given myslf a bad perm She will tell you which products to use, and how often. Her english is limited, but understandable. She also will take over if she feels another stylist is doing wrong or not good enough. I wish I knew the name of the one I want you to stay away from, but she's tall, heavy set, and has curly black hair. PM me if you want more info
Dominga, the owner IS a bully. She tries to get over on you anyway she can.
Her stylists definitely do good rollersets, but Dominga basically ruins it for you. Last time I went, it was on a Wednesday (when the reduced early-week rates apply). ALL I got was a roller set and a doobie. No one had to do ANY sort of styling for my head. So whe the stylist finishes, she writes up my ticket for $15, and I'm like "cool, I'm out." When I go to pay at the window, Dominga frowns all up and says that it should not be that cheap. She then goes over to the stylist and *****es her out in Spanish (which I can't understand). So then she comes back to me and writes me up a new ticket for $20. I'm like what the f***? ALL I did was sit under the dryer and get a wrap. She said well I have a lot of hair so she is charging me more. That made no sense to me and I said that. A doobie is a damn doobie. Whether you have a lot of hair or a little hair it involves minimum work. So she then tried to say that since I had a lot of hair, the extra dryer time that would be required justified charging me more. I'm like whatever. The extra 10 to 20 minutes of dryer time probably amounts to about 3 cents of electricity. That is lame. We went back in forth for a moment, and I was just like whatever, and paid her her money.

That was the last time I've been there - over a month ago. I'm not sure that I'm going to be coming back anytime soon either. Plus getting into these hair boards makes me see less and less of a point in going to the hairdresser (with the exception of touch up time) when I probably know how to take care of my hair better myself. Many of my girls have stopped going to that shop long before me because of Dominga's shadiness. The've all moved to one of the places down the street too. It's a shame too because they good at the rollersets. Next time I am in the mood for a Dominican roller set, I will probably try the other place.

As far as relaxers, I wouldn't go to them for one. I've watched many of the stylists put them in, and as fast as they can get a roller set done, it seems to take them forever to get relaxer applied. I think many of their clients get overprocessed as a result.

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Gosh I'm glad I wasnt alone on this one. I seriously felt I was bashing the place and I know people who go there and I felt bad to say these things about them. I do feel bullied by the owner. i wanted a steam session after my relaxer and she said something about heat is not good after a relaxer because my scalp or something like that. but ummm then why did i get a roller set and was put under the dryer??? and if it was my scalp why did the lady ask if i wanted a blow out?

she kept insisting that i trim my ends and wouldnt let up and when i said no the stylist said i need it and then called the owner again and she said ooo we will make your hair come out nice you need a trim blah blah blah. well why did my hair come out jacked up, the lady sprayed some type of hair spray on my hair when it was in a doobie that stung the hell out of my hair it felt like acid on my scalp since i had all those damn burns and the damn spray dried up on my hair and made it feel like a helmet. and it is the SAME woman!! she did this to me TWICE. I couldnt even properly touch my scalp for a week it was so sore i would tear up just to comb it. so if you decide to go in there DO NOT i repeat DO NOT go to the lady by the door. she will leave you in tears.


I went to ABOVE GROUND on friday. I walked in and asked for a wash and set. I didnt get to ask for Mari because I saw it was a small shop and I didnt want to insist on someone if she was busy. I got my hair washed by this lady with curly hair. I noticed while I was getting washed that there was different relaxers: Affirm, Mizani, Revlon and I noticed KeraCare Humecto but I dont know if they use it I just know I saw it in a shelf in the store but the products did look like they got used at least to my eyes. I was washed and asked if I wanted a deep conditioner. I said no. A conditioner was put in my hair and I was placed under the dryer. I was thinking in my head did she think I said yes? But I figured I have to do something with my hair after the mirror image experience. So I was under the dryer maybe for 20 mins and then I was washed out and then she roller set my hair. I went under the dryer and they made sure my hair was dry. When I was done another girl took out my rollers and she applied sebastian laminates (I had to peek and see) it was a small bottle so I am almost positive that it wasnt a switch and bait type of deal. she then wrapped my hair and she paid a lot of details to getting the doobie right. after it was all done it cost 15. I was surprised because it was a friday and usually places cost more than on mtw.

so i go up to broadway to get some stuff and it starts raining. I was like omg I just got my hair done and its going to rain. well i just put my hood on and walked fast. I made it home and the hair was still in tact no wetness or anything. so i said before I write my review let me wait till i take it out tomorrow because i dont want to rave about the place and have my hair look like a mess. so i took my hair out and let me tell you i was so happy. shiny, bouncy, silky. THIS IS WAS HOW MY TOUCHUP SHOULD HAVE LOOKED. i thought i would need a blow out because of my hair being underprocessed but it came out straight. And it felt so soft. I spent a good 15-20 mins just staring at my hair in the mirror. and with the ends looking under control i can see the length better.

all in all i am very satisfied. i like that the place is small and not a lot of traffic going in and out and the stylist pay special attention to you. also i saw one of the ladies give someone a ponytail attachment and it looked so cute. i also saw when they rinse the relaxer out of this lady they put her under the dryer with a conditioner. all and all i am glad i gave them a try.

I am open to finding other salons and if there are better ones even better but until then i think i found my new spot for wash and sets.
God bless you all.
I've been to mirror images 3 times and they do a very good job of roller setting. (My set held up even with our very wet weather). They are also extremely very fast. I've never spent more than an hour and 10 minutes there.

There only problem is that they try and get over on you with pricing. The good thing is that I've always paid 15 bucks regardless of the day of the week. but they've attempted to over charge me twice but I stood my ground. Dominga was cool about it and lowered the prices b/c I think she knew she was trying to get over.

i will continue to go there b/c they are very fast and I doubt that I will ever get any other service from them but rollersets.
I am glad you liked " The Above Ground ". It is the only place I go to. I have been going there for 8 years. Ever since I was a teenager.