Mini-braids challenge january to april 2014


New Member
(Sorry in advance for my bad English).
So as to reach my goal (of HL at the end of the year) I'll stay focused on protective styles. The more efficient one for me is set of mini-braids (with own hair). I've planned to have them installed on next sunday and will try to keep them until the 12th day of april. It will mean to have them during 3 months. I'm sure, if I stay consistent in hair care I'll be able to retain a lot of length. The hardest part will be keeping the style for so long.
Be in a challenge will help me to stay motivated. Is someone interested in such a challenge???
If so, just thank this post and it will be ok and, please, answer the following questions:

- when will you install your set of mini braids?
- how will you keep the style fresh for three months?
- how will you stay focused?
- your regimen?
- your goal at the end of the challenge?
- starting picture?

It would be great to have updates every 2 weeks, especially to know if you're not too bored with the style (it will enable us to encourage one another)...I know it will be the difficult part for me.
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- when will you install your set of mini braids?
Next sunday (12th)
- how will you keep the style fresh for three months?
I'll redo the braids progressively when the new growth will be 0,5 a inch I think.
- how will you stay focused?
By trying to switch styles with min braids (Youtube will help me I guess...but my head is a little bit scalpy with them...we'll see).
- your regimen?
Won't change anything but will DC and shampoo more often cause I wont be afraid of detangling sessions for three months (the bright side of things).
- your goal at the end of the challenge?
longer hair but HL won't be achievable so soon.
- starting picture?
Will post a picture of the mini braids as soon as possible.
Thanks EnExitStageLeft Wow, three months is a while. I don't have mini braids though, so my styles will not be versatile and I will get bored. I don't have the patience for that. 4 weeks is probably my limit in these braids. :look:
Thanks @EnExitStageLeft Wow, three months is a while. I don't have mini braids though, so my styles will not be versatile and I will get bored. I don't have the patience for that. 4 weeks is probably my limit in these braids. :look:

Yes, three months it's a long way to go!!!! I think it's important to have fun with mini-braids and experiment different styles with them not to be bored.
does it have to be your own hair? I have mini braids right now but with extensions. i plan to keep them in until mid-February or early March.
okay. i can join this then. thanks!

- when will you install your set of mini braids?
Installed December 22, 2013
- how will you keep the style fresh for three months?
I actually plan to just leave my hair the heck alone. I really don't know what to do with my hair at this point and any messing with it will just conflict me further.
- how will you stay focused?
Stay ONLY in my challenges and the transitioning/relaxed threads until I make up my mind. No more PJ anxiety.
- your regimen?
Wash my braids every two weeks. Spray with Aussie Leave-In Conditioner daily. I'm also taking 10kmg of Biotin daily.
- your goal at the end of the challenge?
At least 2-2.5 inches of solid new growth.
- starting picture?

See attached. One of my hair length as of right now and right before I got braids. The second one is with my braids installed and I hope, god willing, to keep them in until March.


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okay. i can join this then. thanks!

- when will you install your set of mini braids?
Installed December 22, 2013
- how will you keep the style fresh for three months?
I actually plan to just leave my hair the heck alone. I really don't know what to do with my hair at this point and any messing with it will just conflict me further.
- how will you stay focused?
Stay ONLY in my challenges and the transitioning/relaxed threads until I make up my mind. No more PJ anxiety.
- your regimen?
Wash my braids every two weeks. Spray with Aussie Leave-In Conditioner daily. I'm also taking 10kmg of Biotin daily.
- your goal at the end of the challenge?
At least 2-2.5 inches of solid new growth.
- starting picture?

See attached. One of my hair length as of right now and right before I got braids. The second one is with my braids installed and I hope, god willing, to keep them in until March.

Thanks naija24! It seems like we are going to be two in this challenge, but it doesn't matter, as long as it allows us to stay focused.
Nice style! Did you install the braids by yourself?
Here is a picture of my mini braids. They have been installed today. A friend made them without using comb...thanks to her (I'm in an exclusive finger detangling regimen - used a comb two times in two years on hair soaked with conditioner).


Wore my hair out almost all week long (the first time for soooo looong!!) to avoid frustration given that I won't see it loose for three months (will try at least).

Have a nice challenge naija24!!
GL ladies!

I'm trying to keep my ends stretched this year so I won't join this challenge.

I usually rock these for most of the year, like 3/4 of the year. They allow me to WNG b/c I don't have the texture to do it on loose hair. I usually water rinse, or cowash them in the mornings. I like to wear mine in a ponytail and wear them down if I'm going out. At night I moisturize, heavy seal and then bun. I redo them every 2.5-3 weeks. Mine are scalpy too but I don't care! LoL They look better to me as they get frizzier.

You can also do most loose styles in these. I've seen banana clip ponytails, banana clip buns, braid and twist styles and different updo and bun styles.
GL ladies!

I'm trying to keep my ends stretched this year so I won't join this challenge.

I usually rock these for most of the year, like 3/4 of the year. They allow me to WNG b/c I don't have the texture to do it on loose hair. I usually water rinse, or cowash them in the mornings. I like to wear mine in a ponytail and wear them down if I'm going out. At night I moisturize, heavy seal and then bun. I redo them every 2.5-3 weeks. Mine are scalpy too but I don't care! LoL They look better to me as they get frizzier.

You can also do most loose styles in these. I've seen banana clip ponytails, banana clip buns, braid and twist styles and different updo and bun styles.

Thanks MzSwift to have shared! How many weeks can you keep your mini braids at a time?
Quick update: I've got those mini braids for a week now. Co-workers complimented me (they're nice cause I think it looks so scalpy lol) and I've tried to spice up the style by ading accessories but I miss the volume. I've "pre-pooed" on friday with coconut milk and honey overnight then shampooed and sealed with vanilla oil extract and my African pride leave-in. Only 12 weeks to go! lol