Well-Known Member
So I ended up doing mini's in the back and cornrowing the front for now. It's cute though. But I do plan on finishing this set. The crazy weather has my hair EXTRA dry so I'm going to be baggying this set and paying LOTS of attention to my ends so that I'm retaining length.
NaeChail - guess we're hairtwins. That's how I'm wearing my hair now. My minis are a few days shy of being 4 weeks old & my cornrows are almost 2 weeks old. I will start my take down soon b/c I'm going out of town for the weekend. I wanted to do something different but I love this style so much I just don't know.
It was Skala conditionerand water. I liked the way it kept a creamy consistency even when diluted. I'm all out of my bandwagon stash so I added some Aussie Moist and more water. I'm cutting out cones eventually so I'm trying to use up the old stash of cheapie conditioners.
manter26 I gave away alot of Skala recently. I used to love it when I had chemicals but since I'm on a cone free mission as a natural it didn't fit into my routine. I had several jars of the Fruit Cocktail, Aloe & Ceramides DC mask left.
On another note, I recently purchased a liter of Oyin Honey hemp. Currently I'm mixing it w/my Giovanni LI just to use the Giovanni up. Once the Giovanni is finished, I will be using the Oyin exclusively (CWing, DCing & as a LI). Since I henna once a month when I do my take down, I'm just going to use Komaza's olive oil DC for my extra moisturizing DC.
I want to keep my products to a minimum if possible. I'm trying to stick to what works & not add much.
Just curious, but does anyone know what they're spending monthly on products?