Mini Braid Challenge- Summer 2012

I love lurking in this thread. I wish I had the patience to put mini braids in my hair.

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LAWWWDDD your hair is beautiful!!!

But can I hold my spot for sometime in july? I'm wearing a wig right now and july is my last few weeks in school for the summer...and finals week I want to not worry about what going on with my head much. Plus I was gonna do this anywaysss.... Here's some pics of my mini braids from earlier this year


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Hi everyone ive been lurking in this thread since it was started. I have a question though..Does everyone hide their minis or wear them out? People seem to look at me in the strangest ways when I wear them out which is all the time. I think they're cute..I'm gonna try to post a pic (they're on my cell). They are not super short nor are they super long..they brush the top of my shoulders.
Tangles said:
Hi everyone ive been lurking in this thread since it was started. I have a question though..Does everyone hide their minis or wear them out? People seem to look at me in the strangest ways when I wear them out which is all the time. I think they're cute..I'm gonna try to post a pic (they're on my cell). They are not super short nor are they super long..they brush the top of my shoulders.

Right now im hiding mine because im wiggin it til bsl but I plan on wearing minis forever:)
LAWWWDDD your hair is beautiful!!!

But can I hold my spot for sometime in july? I'm wearing a wig right now and july is my last few weeks in school for the summer...and finals week I want to not worry about what going on with my head much. Plus I was gonna do this anywaysss.... Here's some pics of my mini braids from earlier this year beautiful! Can't wait to see your next set.

Hi everyone ive been lurking in this thread since it was started. I have a question though..Does everyone hide their minis or wear them out? People seem to look at me in the strangest ways when I wear them out which is all the time. I think they're cute..I'm gonna try to post a pic (they're on my cell). They are not super short nor are they super long..they brush the top of my shoulders.

I've always worn mine out. I figure I can wear a wig if I get bored this time around because I have a really nice human lace front that hasn't gotten much use. I'm not bored at all actually. I really love my hair like this.

People tend to stare at my hair too. If I say "hi" they'll ask me a question- how does it get like that?, etc... and I'll answer. It's usually just curiosity. I had a cashier at Publix stand there with my change securely clasped in her hand, staring at my hair. Finally she asked what was in it. I explained that I was wearing yarn braids at the time....
Sorry ladies, I've been so busy with the blog. Thanks for keeping us updated. Here's my growth from this week:



I trimmed this week because I want to stick with my schedule of trimming at every change in season. I did it braid by braid and took about 3 days. I cut off ssk and splits for the braids I could hold out in front of me and examine. I cut a tiny amount- maybe a 1/4th of a cm.

I'll be back to post some pics of style for shorter braids.

HHJ everyone!
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manter26 I went back to look at your short minis and they were cute too so um yea i see why you've always worn them out. I guess I'm officially joining this challenge since 1. Love my minis 2. I've invaded the thread 3. I know how to posts pics..yay!!
I had my mother cornrow my hair yesterday, so I plan on taking out each cornrow at a time to work on my minis. This way I don't feel pressure to complete them all in one day, my hair will stay flat under my wig for work, and my parts are already neat. Win! This is the first time I'll be doing my entire head in minis. I plan to start tonight.
I wish my mom lived close enough to still do my hair she's an excellent braider, she used to put me n my sister's name in our hair and I got a long name;)
Will you guys hold it against me if I take mine out 3 days shy of 3 weeks? I have some events this weekend & really would like a fresh do. I'm going to probably do a cornrowed or flat twisted do & keep it in for 2 weeks if it'll hold up that long & then I'm back into the mini braids.

The babyshower I was supposed to go to in August has been postponed b/c the mommy-to-be is in the hospital maybe until the baby is born. So if we have to wait until the baby is born in October, I'll be in mini braids until they have a post-birth shower.

My hair is unraveling in the nape & around the edges where my hair is super fine & silky. 3 weeks will probably be the max that I keep each set. Do y'all think that is too much manipulation or do I need to take breaks in between? TIA...
^ I think taking a break is a good idea... The only time I don't take breaks is when I take each braid out and re-braid immediately.


Here's the first style in my series of styles for short mini braids: the milkmaid braid


I have a full post on it on my Mini Braid site.

If your hair is around ear length, you can do two rows of cornrows instead of one.

I'm also running a giveaway where 3 people will get a copy of the ebook. See my blogspot for details.
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Will you guys hold it against me if I take mine out 3 days shy of 3 weeks? I have some events this weekend & really would like a fresh do. I'm going to probably do a cornrowed or flat twisted do & keep it in for 2 weeks if it'll hold up that long & then I'm back into the mini braids.

The babyshower I was supposed to go to in August has been postponed b/c the mommy-to-be is in the hospital maybe until the baby is born. So if we have to wait until the baby is born in October, I'll be in mini braids until they have a post-birth shower.

My hair is unraveling in the nape & around the edges where my hair is super fine & silky. 3 weeks will probably be the max that I keep each set. Do y'all think that is too much manipulation or do I need to take breaks in between? TIA...

We won't hold it against you! I take mines out every 2weeks in order to DC and wash my hair. B/c my hair is texturized, I think they will unravel once water hits it.
I got some braids done yesterday. I hope to keep them in for 3 weeks but I'm going on vacation so I hope they can hold up to the pool and beach. I am terrible at taking my own pictures (I don't know how you ladies get such good results) but here is my pitiful attempt.
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I got some braids done yesterday. I hope to keep them in for 3 weeks but I'm going on vacation so I hope they can hold up to the pool and beach. I am terrible at taking my own pictures (I don't know how you ladies get such good results) but here is my pitiful attempt.

Looks great Nisha. Welcome!
I went ahead & DCed last night since I'm planning on taking my braids out Wednesday. I mixed GSO, EVCO, AV & honey with AOHR. I left it on overnight. My hair was shiny & super moisturized. Off to apply some MN to my scalp.
Sunday, too tired to put in braids after day long picnic.
Monday, friend came over for dinner and a movie.

I am scared these minis might never go in :nono:

I gotta get it together tomorrow and start this project!
Just checking in. I did two sections of my hair over and arms, my poor arms lol. But I'm still loving my braids. It's been about a month. I was going for six weeks but I think I need to wash and do a thorough DC because it is HOT here and my hair and this weather aren't getting along. Will post pics of my next set.

I think I'll do an official length check every two or three sets of braids...(8 to 12 wks). Maybe. Idk lol.
Sometimes I spray my braids with aphogee provitamin leave in to moisturize. But if I felt the need to use my Aphogee 2min I wouldnt hesitate while in minis:)hth
TopShelf said:
Does anyone use aphogee on their braids?

I meant to post about protein...your post reminded me... (short answer is yes)

I decided at the end of last yr that I needed to trim more often and on a schedule. The moon phases/cutting on a solstice was the plan. So this summer solstice I went through each and every braid, trimmed a tiny bit from the ends and search and destroyed the last couple inches of my hair. I was certain I got about 90% of my splits.

So...the very next week I looked at my ends and I had more splits...le sigh. My plan now is to use protein about once a week and see how my ends do with that. I used Motions CPR this time around but I'll switch back to ApHogee 2 min when the Motions is finished.

I've used protein before and will just do it more often. I still don't DC. But I don't use a moisturizing DC ever anyway, just cholesterol.