Mini Braid Challenge- Summer 2012

I don't plan to DC my braids at all. I feel so bad. :blush: Maybe I'll do it a month in...

I've prettymuch decided that I probably won't DC either. Since I'm a frequent co-washer & I baggy every night, I'm thinking I can get away without doing it.

Ladies how do you prep your hair for mini braids? I have pretty thick natural hair that tends to be dry. Next weekend I have an appointment to get some put in. My plan is to henna, steam my dc in, and blow dry (tension method). But how do you moisturize after the blow dry/before braids are put in and/or what do you braid with? I'll need to apply whatever before I get to my appointment. Thanks.

Since I'm on a no-heat challenge, I didn't blowdry either. I DCed with yogurt, honey, oils & did a mudwash. I used Oyin Honey Hemp as a leave-in & plaited it to stretch. My braider didn't use anything to braid my hair. She just took my plaits down & started braiding.
Forgot to add that I'm loving my braids. Mine are a little fuzzy b/c I co-wash frequently. But not ugly fuzz. It's helped to make mine look fuller. As they age, I'm loving them even more.

I'm just mad that Miss Manter didn't share this when she 1st started. This is one bandwagon that would've had me at WL a long time ago. LOL
Forgot to add that I'm loving my braids. Mine are a little fuzzy b/c I co-wash frequently. But not ugly fuzz. It's helped to make mine look fuller. As they age, I'm loving them even more.

I'm just mad that Miss Manter didn't share this when she 1st started. This is one bandwagon that would've had me at WL a long time ago. LOL

:lol: Well if it's any consolation I'm mad at myself for not sticking to this. I would probably be MBL if I were consistent. I spent all of 2010 in braids and I had my best retention yet. I've enjoyed my hair out recently so I'm back in retention mode...braids, braids, and more braids. :yep:

manter26 Your book is done? Yay, I have been waiting! How long is it?

Yes, it's done! I'll pm you. It's a 29 page pdf with 6x9 pages...but that includes title pages, etc...
nakialovesshoes said:
Forgot to add that I'm loving my braids. Mine are a little fuzzy b/c I co-wash frequently. But not ugly fuzz. It's helped to make mine look fuller. As they age, I'm loving them even more.

I'm just mad that Miss Manter didn't share this when she 1st started. This is one bandwagon that would've had me at WL a long time ago. LOL

I feel the same way. I put mine in the same hour her(manter26) first mini braid thread went up :)
I just finished putting my minis back in and I have to say, 2nd time the charm:lick:. This time I took my time (It took me 8 hours), I really moisturized my hair (bagging over-night w/ glycerin and crecepelo) and then I DC for an hour. Also I discovered this beeswax a week ago by ampro. It's alcohol and paraben free. I luv it! The smell is a little strong (smells like soap) but not overpowering. B/c of these steps it has greatly reduced my frizz. I plan on keeping them in for another 2 weeks (a total of 4 weeks). B/c I am fighting 2 textures, the extra moisture has really helped. A side note, I have never tried crecepelo before and after my 1st use Friday, I am hooked :drunk:. That stuff made my curls pop & I love the smell. I could feels tingles on my scalp when I bagging w/ it over night.

I will post pics Monday! Also, like manter said, you have to braid tight. That really help cut down on the frizz too:yep:
shelli4018 said:
Why don't you redo a section each day? Not sure I could walk around with fuzzy braids for 3 more weeks.....wait a minute....why are your braids so darn fuzzy anyway??? You're tying it up at night? Not manipulating them too much?

Yeah I got lots of manipulation going on, I will admit. And I've been toying with the idea of splitting them and redoing them as I go. I work two jobs though so time is a big factor. Might start tonit though since I only work half a day at one job tomorrow and I'm off from the other.
Also, I didn't do my own braids last time. I had some one do it for me. For SUPER cheap. They were nowhere near as tight as OP's so that may be another reason.
shelli4018 said:
Finished my braids! Ignore the red ends. I jumped on the henna gloss bandwagon which permanently changed the color of my hair. I don't like it....but what can you do, ya know?

Stretching my hair before braiding makes my 4b hair look silkier. But don't let that and the flash fool you. I have very coily, dry hair. Especially at the crown. I'm hoping semi long term protective styles will allow me to retain more growth by cutting down the breakage. My hair doesn't like too much manipulation.

Looks very healthy
Trying to do smaller braids on my hair. Please excuse my short and messy medusa braids, I am just learning :lachen:

I started taking each braid down and braiding into 3 smaller braids. This is going to take a few days.


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^you have a lot more stretch with the smaller ones. :yep: My short braids looked like medusa too :lol: I had to cowash to coax them into going in one direction.
Good Morning Everyone,

Here are the pics of my minis. I absolutely luv them!! Even though this time it took me longer to do (8 hours), I think these are better and have less frizz.

The last pic is after using crecepelo overnight & then dc the next day. It made my hair feel soooo soft :lick:


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pelohello said:
Good Morning Everyone,

Here are the pics of my minis. I absolutely luv them!! Even though this time it took me longer to do (8 hours), I think these are better and have less frizz.

The last pic is after using crecepelo overnight & then dc the next day. It made my hair feel soooo soft :lick:

Very nice job u did. I cant wait till july so I can redo mine:)
Good Morning Everyone,

Here are the pics of my minis. I absolutely luv them!! Even though this time it took me longer to do (8 hours), I think these are better and have less frizz.

The last pic is after using crecepelo overnight & then dc the next day. It made my hair feel soooo soft :lick:

They look great. Bet they'll look even better as they age.
Good Morning Everyone,

Here are the pics of my minis. I absolutely luv them!! Even though this time it took me longer to do (8 hours), I think these are better and have less frizz.

The last pic is after using crecepelo overnight & then dc the next day. It made my hair feel soooo soft :lick:

Love them! :yep:
I have done a challenge in years. I would like to join this challenge. I need something to help keep my hands out of my hair. I am doing my braids tonight and will post once I am done!
^you have a lot more stretch with the smaller ones. :yep: My short braids looked like medusa too :lol: I had to cowash to coax them into going in one direction.

That's funny, cowashing is exactly what turned my braids into the medusa style. I also sleep with a bonnet, maybe tying them down with a scarf would make them lye flat. What would you do to flatten yours out?

I wear a wig to work (and typically my Panama hat on weekends) so I may not be wearing them out any time soon, but I'd like ideas for when they get long enough.
Good Morning Everyone,

Here are the pics of my minis. I absolutely luv them!! Even though this time it took me longer to do (8 hours), I think these are better and have less frizz.

The last pic is after using crecepelo overnight & then dc the next day. It made my hair feel soooo soft :lick:

Those parts look so neat! Great job on the braids.
That's funny, cowashing is exactly what turned my braids into the medusa style. I also sleep with a bonnet, maybe tying them down with a scarf would make them lye flat. What would you do to flatten yours out?

I wear a wig to work (and typically my Panama hat on weekends) so I may not be wearing them out any time soon, but I'd like ideas for when they get long enough.

When my braids were neck length, I wore a lot of roll and tuck updo's. I would flat twist and bobby pin the braids haphazardly. Braiding on dry hair makes my braids stick up and cowashing lays them down.

You can try banding them. Pulling bunches down toward the back of your head and putting a ponytail around as many braids as you can until your whole head is stretched. I would recommend roller setting, cornrowing, or flat twisting but that might make matters worse.
I have done a challenge in years. I would like to join this challenge. I need something to help keep my hands out of my hair. I am doing my braids tonight and will post once I am done!

I actually liked how they turned out! I have never braided my own hair before :drunk:


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Great job on the braids! How did you get them from sticking out?

Nothing really, just did smaller braids and braided down. I sprayed each section with a mixture that I made (water, coconut oil and conditioner). I'm in transitioning stage as well. I did my daughter's, who is 5 with all natural hair, and hers stayed down too so it may have something to do with the oil/conditioner mix.
Just finished working out and my minis are still holding up even w/ the sweat. I've been wearing a head band so that my edges could say down.
My starting pics as of this Monday 6/18:

Saturday will be 2 weeks for me. 2 more weeks & I'm going to get them redone. Still loving them. Cowashing when I feel like it - usually at least 3-4 times a week. Sometimes I'll just wet it in the shower & keep it moving. If I'm feeling extra, I'll dilute some AOHR as a LI since I'm out of my Oyin Honey Hemp.

& if I'm feeling lazy, I'll simply moisturize with my Oyin J&B. Nightly I'm alternating growth aids, moisturizing & baggying. I love my mini braids!