Mildly-Relaxed Ladies: Do you have trouble with rollersetting?


Well-Known Member
I have a question for you type 4a/b ladies who are mildly relaxed: Do you have trouble roller-setting your hair? Or, IF you go to the salon, do you find that your stylist has a bit of trouble roller-setting your hair? (ie. snags, tangles, harsh combing, etc)

I'm wondering because I'm thinking about going back to my mild relaxer (Design Essentials mild w/shea butter), and the only thing holding me back is the fact that I remember how it would seem like my stylist would have a bit of trouble roller-setting my hair when it was mildly relaxed. I mean, she wouldn't say she was having trouble, but I would just feel and hear how the fine-toothed comb was having a bit of a struggle to get through my thicker mildly-relaxed hair.

Even when I was rollersetting my own hair, I remember how I would try to be EXTRA careful since the comb didn't just "glide" through my hair like it did when I was relaxed with a reg. strength relaxer.

Do you ladies find it hard to get rollersets or maintain "straight" styles with your mildly-relaxed hair? Or does it depend on the type of setting lotion or mousse that you use to set the hair? Do you find that your hair is more prone to breakage, tangles, or other hair woes now that it's mildly relaxed?

I need some help making a decision! I liked the fact that my hair was thicker, fuller, and seemed STRONGER when it was mildly relaxed, but I don't want it to be counterproductive. :ohwell: Please...any input would help a lot! :D
Nope. I don't have a problem with rollersetting. I just make sure to use roll small sections. I comb with my hair sopping wet to make sure it's smooth and pull the hair taut around the roller. It comes out wonderfully.
I am going back to texlaxed, myself. My relaxed strait hair is more prone to breakage. I found out that mash rollers work well for my air dried hair. It also helped straiten my roots. I'm one month's post relaxer now, so it's not really hard on my hair yet.
I have no problems at all rollersetting my hair and I use a mild relaxer. I rollerset every week and it is actually helping my hair to grow. If I want to wear a straighter look, I just wrap my old rollerset and it stretches it out. I do the same as sunshinebeautiful, I make sure my hair is really wet before I comb it and roll it and I do small sections. Also, by rolling a little tighter in the front, my new growth isn't as visible.
I am going back to texlaxed, myself. My relaxed strait hair is more prone to breakage. I found out that mash rollers work well for my air dried hair. It also helped straiten my roots. I'm one month's post relaxer now, so it's not really hard on my hair yet.

I'm currently texturized and I have a hard time with get relaxer straight rollersets. THey are just frizzy and I do every thing and I've watched Macherie's dvd a million times and I still get frizzy results! I'm just going to have my stylist take me straight but with body. My question for you is What are Mash Rollers? I have self grip, magnetic, and mesh.
I meant mesh rollers. sorry.:blush::rolleyes: I have the ones with the brush roller inside. They help my hair to go very strait. Does your have the brush inside? The one I found were at Rite Aid and they were a no name one. I hope I find more a the BSS because I don't have enough to do my hair right. I just roll them on and within an hour I have nice curls. They are also a small size, so they are very tight. I have to take them out very carefully so I don't take out any hair. The down side is that I can't sleep with them in. It hurts my head.:ohwell:
Thanks for the input ladies. :)

Do any of you go to the salon to get rollersets? And if so, do you find that your stylist doesn't quite know how to rollerset mildly-relaxed/texturized hair? Just curious. Because I like straighter styles (doesn't have to be bone-straight though) and when I would go to the salon, I would feel her tugging and pulling to get that rat tail comb through my mildly-relaxed hair, and I would sometimes wonder if having mildly-relaxed/texturized hair was doing more harm than good. :ohwell:
Thanks for the input ladies. :)

Do any of you go to the salon to get rollersets? And if so, do you find that your stylist doesn't quite know how to rollerset mildly-relaxed/texturized hair? Just curious. Because I like straighter styles (doesn't have to be bone-straight though) and when I would go to the salon, I would feel her tugging and pulling to get that rat tail comb through my mildly-relaxed hair, and I would sometimes wonder if having mildly-relaxed/texturized hair was doing more harm than good. :ohwell:

I part with a rat-tail comb, but I comb through with a bigger comb. I'd have major breakage if I tried to comb through with a rat-tail comb. My rollersets come out nice and smooth, for me its about the products I use and the amount of tension I use as I roll up, and also doing a rollerset on sopping wet hair. I have to rewet each section with my spray bottle cause if I didn't then it would be frizzy.