Midback by Dec 31st 2006 - Challenge?!


New Member
Is there anybody who feels they can reach MBL by December 31st 2006?!

If you've reached BSL this year, its very possible you could get to Midback by the end of this year...soooo, i'm invited you ALL who feel you can do this..to a challenge!

To those who have achieved BSL - now your hair is longer, does your routine now change?

What things will you be doing to get here?

and those who are already MBL what things did you do to ensure you got to midback length?

Thankkkss xx
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I am currently BSL and would like to be a part of this challenge. I just got a touchup yesterday (last one Feb 6th). I did let her give me a trim (last trim sometime last year). I tried my best to watch how much hair she trimmed. :eek:

I am planning to use MN during the summer months instead of MTG (too messy). I've also ordered some dominican conditioners. All this along with my daily supplements, CO washes, caruso rollersets, and protective styles hopefully I can get maximum growth for the next 6 months. :grin:

P.S. My stylist did mention that my hair has gotten thicker and is very healthy. Thanks ladies!
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I'm in!
My hair seems to have been in the same place for the past six months (ranging from shoulder blades to bra-strap).
I'm in the 2007 waist-length challenge so this should be just fine! (Even though I wanted to be WL by Jan 2007. Doesn't look like it's happening though).
I need 3 more inches and I'm there. I'll get in on the challenge. I am also doing the baggie method at night and wearing a bun during the day for the next 30 days. I'm on the no trim challenge, well I fell off for a minute and trimmed but I'm back on that challenge as well.
I'm in. Im right now grazing the top of the brastrap. I figure the back of my hair should get to Mid-back by December. I'm hoping the sides (which are at APL now) should get to BSL somewhere between late September and early November. When my sides of my hair reach full BSL I will cut the back so its all even (damn layers) but that won't be until January/Feb.