Michelle’s Obamas Dating Advice.....

Great advice and no lies told.

Sounds like she did what a lot of us advocate around here:
-Set your standard (She set the bar high)
-Lean back (She wasn't thirsty)
-Allow a healthy masculine man pursue (Barack was clear in his feeling towards her)

The hardest part is staying on the path when the men you are attracting aren't up to code. But the journey is the goal. The right man will show up.
I believe that sometimes we do set the bar high and then cave or compromise our standards. I have been guilty of that. Most times (thank God) I have caught myself when the compromising has just gone too far (for example: a male ‘friend’ convinced me to go out on a date with an ex-con (white collar criminal) because he later attained honest success) . However, I’ve found that if you stay your course, the real men (the ones we really want) will present themselves.
I guess she heard the men who were perverting her story and saying "Well Michelle dated Barack when he was poor. " As if she had to lower her standards.

People love to close their eyes to context. He wasn’t rich but he had an undergrad from Columbia; in Harvard law school with law firms chasing after him at the end of his first year.

Yea! It’s easy to work with someone who is already working for himself.
I guess she heard the men who were perverting her story and saying "Well Michelle dated Barack when he was poor. " As if she had to lower her standards.

I'm forever side eyeing Hill Harper for spouting that BS. Barack had a law degree from Harvard and excellent employment prospects. He was technically poor but had something huge to work with. Morons.

Yea! It’s easy to work with someone who is already working on himself.

Exactly. That was a huge attraction to my SO when we met. :look: The man I dated before him was the total opposite. As soon as I figured that out, I knew it was time to go.
I guess she heard the men who were perverting her story and saying "Well Michelle dated Barack when he was poor. " As if she had to lower her standards.

Yes! It just highlights that standards should have substance!

Fast money goes fast.
Men who have shown that they can plan, achieve, and have set themselves up for lucrative future are the actual goal. He should also show that he is utilizing those traits to try to get to you as well.

I mention this because sometimes men in dead end jobs (or illegal jobs) with no long-term game plan think that women should be bending over backwards just because they have more pocket money than a college or grad-student. To make matters worse a lot of young women fall for it too because it seems like a come up at the time.
I guess she heard the men who were perverting her story and saying "Well Michelle dated Barack when he was poor. " As if she had to lower her standards.
I guess they missed the part in the book (or chose to ignore it) where she mentions all of those top law firms courting him. No matter if he was broke, he had all the potential you could ever want and then some!