Men will bang ANYTHING! Not really about looks


New Member
After reading/viewing the Steve Phillips thread, I have come to the conclusion that men will put their "thing" in ANYTHING.

All these threads in this forum on how to seduce a man, make him your one and only, etc., means absolutely nothing in the scheme of things if we use the Phillips case as an example.

Steve Phillips is a very handsome man:
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His current mistress Brooke is a beast:

As was the last one Rosa:

His wife Marni:

His wife is cuter than the mistresses, but not by much.

I mean here we are as women keeping ourselves up by wearing makeup, dressing nice, exercising, etc., looking our best only to find that in some cases it really doesn't matter.

If my boyfriend/husband was to cheat on me with a woman that resembled the above two I would leave him IMMEDIATELY. How dare you?!

I look at this man (Steve) and go he's cute, got money, a great job, etc., so if he's gonna cheat on his wife with a young 20 something then of course she's going to be a knockout. Never in my wildest imagination would I think she would resemble the two chicks above.

All this does is reinforce in MY mind that men are NOT discriminating (no matter how much they profess otherwise) and will sex anything with a vagina.

Let's discuss.
I agree!! Not all men are cheaters of course, but if they have no morals, and do cheat, then their standard of "sex buddies" are quite questionable.

Like my best friend always say "coochie aint gotta face".
I agree!! Not all men are cheaters of course, but if they have no morals, and do cheat, then their standard of "sex buddies" are quite questionable.

Like my best friend always say "coochie aint gotta face".

LOL! You just made me think back to Nelly's Tip Drill video:

"I said it must be ya arse cause it aint yo face i need a tip drill i need a tip drill"


It's really not about looks. I mean they'll sit up there with their buddies and be like "Oh hell naw man, I would NEVA put my *ish in her! Are you crazy?"

But yet, when he's not with his buddies and sees the same girl by herself somewhere, he'll try to get some if he believed he could get it.
Maybe she can suck the chrome off a hubcab or can pop a bottle across the room with her cooch. Usually if a man is messing with a busted chick, her sex game is proper.
some men will

if those are women he has relationships outside his marriage with its not just about sex and looks have nothing to do with it..he may bang "beautiful" women and be bored to death with them after a time or few...if he keeps goin back to a "certain" woman he's feeling her on other levels.....the prettiest face, best body and all the sex tricks in the world won't keep a man's interest that long if he's not really feeling her on anything else....all of the above gets boring quick and they would go after the "new" pretty, bomb body, woman looking for new sex wowser...they will remember the girl who gave them the best blow job, they don't necessarily want to keep engaging with her if there is nothing else attracting him to her
Alot of guys r like many cases the wife or girl friend is more attractive...I dont think its about looks...its more about the thrill of something new than anything else...
Like they say,

"Only thing better than the P is some new P."

*smh* Some people are just greedy and selfish. Clearly, he's cheated quite a bit on his wife. This was the straw that broke the camel's back, because she's divorcing him AND he put the house in her name. Interesting.
Maybe she can suck the chrome off a hubcab or can pop a bottle across the room with her cooch. Usually if a man is messing with a busted chick, her sex game is proper.

agreed, if she's fine and knows how to bring it then it's even better. I don't think guys consciously go for women less attractive (some people use this to feel better sometimes).

also, I dont see any beasts or any handsome men anywhere...
I don't think the P, looks, personality or lack there of has anything to do with it. He might just get off on the risk/"thrill" of cheating.

BTW - His wifey is no trophy wife, as are the sideline chicks.
Rule #1: Men don't cheat for better, they cheat for different

As far as the "quality" of the women he chooses, there are so many factors that influence that . . .we could go on forever.
I always remember a man saying he didn't like to have sex with pretty women. He said that they act funny in the bed. Like they look to good to be getting all wild and crazy, and that a lot of them acted like they couldn't get they hair or make up messed up. Like all they had to do was lay there and look pretty. They also felt they look too good, to be shining the chrom (what I look like? hmmmp). And that is why he liked ugly chicks. That they get down and dirty, no holding back. They don't care if they hair or make up gets messed up. That they don't even care if you put a bag (or pillow) over they face, they just do the damn thing. LOL.

I think that is why my DH says he shocked how I was in the bed room, like I look innocent and crap. I just do the damn thing :lachen:
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It has nothing to do with looks. This mistress can be fine or tore up, it is the defect in the man that is the problem. Only woman say "Eww I can't believe he cheated with her", "His wife is so much prettier than her, why". It is a woman thing and guys just don't care.
If it were all about looks, then no man would actually marry women who aren't pretty. But we know that that happens all the time, so I don't see why the mistress would be assumed to be pretty, either.
I think Steve Phillips is highly attractive and that his M.O. is to cheat with much younger women (because late teens and twenty anything are an afrodisiac to men over 30) who HE is out of their league cuz their more likely to be grateful and make less of a fuss.

Problem is that he gets so caught up that he puts out too much of his business.

Seriously, if this chick wouldn't have known highly specific info about his family life and made the allegations, he could have said he didn't know WTF she was talking about and most people would take one look at her be like 'why would he hit that'.

To the OP, I disagree that it doesn't matter how you present yourself or put yourself forward. Anybody can be a jump off.
I think Steve Phillips is highly attractive and that his M.O. is to cheat with much younger women (because late teens and twenty anything are an afrodisiac to men over 30) who HE is out of their league cuz their more likely to be grateful and make less of a fuss.

Problem is that he gets so caught up that he puts out too much of his business.

Seriously, if this chick wouldn't have known highly specific info about his family life and made the allegations, he could have said he didn't know WTF she was talking about and most people would take one look at her be like 'why would he hit that'.

To the OP, I disagree that it doesn't matter how you present yourself or put yourself forward. Anybody can be a jump off.

I've come to realize this. Beauty is subjective. It's funny, I remember a woman telling me years ago that even though men SAY they want a pretty woman when they finally get her they don't know what to do with her. They're either so insecure about her beauty that they either become extremely controlling or wind up dumping her, because they can't handle the attention she gets from other men.

Or they do the opposite and worship her every move, so that she doesn't leave him.
If it were all about looks, then no man would actually marry women who aren't pretty. But we know that that happens all the time, so I don't see why the mistress would be assumed to be pretty, either.


This reminds me of a friend of mine who is always talking about "I can't believe so-and-so dated her! She isn't cute!" Chica, cuteness has very little to do with anything. Even men, no matter how shallow they seem, eventually look at more than just physical beauty in a person.
i disagree with a great deal of the op. i hate how people constantly use this scale of.. she's a 5.5.. he's a 7.6.. and she's a 5.2, and try to apply that to every situation. people are attracted to people for a plethora of reasons. appearance holds different value to different people.. and i think people with this '' scale mentality '' are usually people that put looks at highest priority and they don't necessarily have to be attractive themselves. i just hate the whole '' ugh his ex/mistress/side ho don't look better than me!! '' logic. almost pointless. some people are not affected by appearance.. some people gravitate to personalities that they deem attractive.. or like someone above posted, maybe she's a freak? who knows. he clearly likes it.
Seriously, if this chick wouldn't have known highly specific info about his family life and made the allegations, he could have said he didn't know WTF she was talking about and most people would take one look at her be like 'why would he hit that'.
Exactly, he got too big for his pants and ran his mouth too much. That is how you can stay out of a lot of mess. Keep yo mouth shut and make the other person look like a fool. I am very selective with who I tell what. So that it will not come back and bit me on the arse.
ThickHair;9173234[B said:
]Exactly, he got too big for his pants and ran his mouth too much. [/B] That is how you can stay out of a lot of mess. Keep yo mouth shut and make the other person look like a fool. I am very selective with who I tell what. So that it will not come back and bit me on the arse.

This shows how truly unhappy he was in his marriage. By telling this girl so much info (which happened to be true) no wonder she thought he was in love with her. She was an exception to the rule though by being mentally unbalanced like Amy Fisher was 20 years ago.

Most jumpoffs play their position and would never dare confront the wife out of shame or sympathy. This chick was off her rocker. Crazy can't be hidden. He must have seen the signs and chose to ignore them.
This shows how truly unhappy he was in his marriage. By telling this girl so much info (which happened to be true) no wonder she thought he was in love with her. She was an exception to the rule though by being mentally unbalanced like Amy Fisher was 20 years ago.

Most jumpoffs play their position and would never dare confront the wife out of shame or sympathy. This chick was off her rocker. Crazy can't be hidden. He must have seen the signs and chose to ignore them.

That's why I say look, if you're gonna cheat, make sure that the jumpoff knows that it's a sex thing. Stop confiding in them, telling them the names of your kids and that they play basketball/baseball/etc., that your wife doesn't do this, that and the third and you likely won't have to worry as much about some crazy stalker chick coming after you.

I don't feel sorry for the jumpoff, but I also say he got what he totally deserved by using his looks, money and power to use some broke 22-year-old glorified intern as a plaything for the summer.
That's why I think it's hysterical when I hear women defend something about their appearance saying that "men like it."

Uh, they will try to drill anything.:perplexed