Men Who Actually Want Families


Well-Known Member
Just an observation:

After listening (more like eavesdropping :look:) to a group of men talk about marriage and kids, I'm finally realizing that many of them actually want that. This isn't the first time I've heard this but it's just strange to hear it coming from men my age. :lachen:I mean, we're moving up in age (I'm 26) so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it but it's just some of these were the same men who swore they would never get married and/or have children a few years ago. A few of them even have the ages down for when they want to settle down (one said 29) and start a family (followed by the first baby at 33 and the second at 35), I thought women thought this way not men. :perplexed All in all, it actually gave me hope.
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The notion that men don't want marriage, commitment or families is female Why-Can't-I-Meet-A-Good-Man nonsense.

Like women, some men want it. Some don't.

They just want it at THEIR pace and don't want to pushed into it by external pressures. Although, sometimes a little added pressure can help them along the process. :yep:
Like I always say, don't believe the hype. :nono: I swear sometimes when I read/hear things I wonder where some of these ladies are hanging out and/or who they are hanging out with. Not to say there aren't any dogs out there, but I've met waaaaaay more men in my age group (I'm 27 btw) that want marriage/kids/fam than those that want to cheat and be heaux.
i feel like every guy i know wants to eventually have a family and kids. shoot, i wish i could find a nice one who doesn't want to have kids at all. unfortunately the ones who seriously don't want kids are jerks in some way or another in most cases.
Oh yeah, they are out there. I do not want marriage and kids have found that many men are devastated when they find out I'm just not down for either. If I can attract them, I know a woman who wants to be a wife and a mother certainly can.
I've actually not encountered a man who has openly said that he did not want marriage or children--at least not one that hadn't already had one or both. Women do get baby fever, but I actually think that men feel a strong (er?) need to carry their name into perpetuity...generally through offspring.

Our society has the timing so off kilter. For millenia, woman have married older men because women are ready to bear children much earlier than men are ready to take on the responsibility of providing for a wife and children. The way generations are segregated now makes dating across age groups potentially awkward, but just dating older is so much easier than trying to force young men to want marriage and family before they are ready for it.
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My brother is my "barometer" for the male species...Lol! He had his own goals and aspirations. Once he fulfilled them, he felt he was the package that his "dream woman" would desire...she was who he wanted to be the mother to his future children.

My brother is FIONE, I'm grateful he isn't conceited...I'm conceited for him, LOL! Most chicks would have "accepted" him in his earlier "state".... but he wasn't ready....he wanted more, which he felt was the "quality" woman, who had her "package" together.

He and the woman of his dreams did "undergrad" together, dated and were she moved to the west coast for her "residency", she is a physician.

As he continued his educational pursuits, fate would have it that he too was relocated to the "west coast" where they re-united, love flourished and marriage consumated.

They are working to start their moving from the west coast back to the east...where family is.

I sure hope they get a "move on" dd is the only granddaughter, and niece and she turned 15 in May.

I certainly agree with this thread...There are men out there who actually want families!
Yeah, most of the men I've dated, actually all, have wanted a family. It wasn't the right timing for US, but they did want it one day. My current SO wants to be married and have a child(ren) and we're on the same page with that.
I actually heard a man make the same comments. However, he was talking to the younger men and women in our group. He basically said that "men,by the age of 29 you should know if you are ready to be married or not", he also told the ladies that if she is with a man(over 29) for more then 3 years and HE(not SHE) has not brought up marriage or future goals then it maybe time for her to move on..
I agree that there are men who want families but sometimes they can be far, few & between. The reason I say this is b/c I believe it has a like to do with timing, the two people involved and where they are in their lives..

Men just want it when they want it and some are ready early and some later..