Men and Celibacy: Is it possible?

Ok... this conversation comes out of a dinner convo I had over the weekend....

My best friend's sister is engaged to be married.... They have been dating for four years. My best friend and her sister grew up in church, are saved, Holy Spirit filled, etc. It appears that the fiance is not Holy Spirit filled.

During the conversation, the question came up about virginity and levels and degrees of intimate relations between a saved couple. And how at times a couple can engage in certain intimate activities, kissing, petting, and maybe even more, etc. Eventually, this direct question came up: how can/does a man "maintain" himself if he is not engaging in direct "release" after such stimulating activity?"

My best friend's sister kinda didn't have an answer to this question.... But she did talk about how that maybe her fiance didn't find her as attractive so maybe that makes it easier for him to not be so sexually stimulated, which then led us to talk about why would they get married if he might feel that or she feels that he feels that way....

I personally think four years is a VERY LONG TIME to be dating and there's the point that when a man is ready to get married, then nothing can stop him from that goal. I also know in my experience, when the issue of sex came up and when the guy found out that there would be no sex, they simply didn't stay around.... so how does this guy stay for FOUR YEARS? :lol:

Just curious to hear other perspectives....
Why do you think the fiance is not filled with the Holy Spirit? Isn't he refraining from sex?

And about your best friend's sister's answer who is supposed to be all holy-spirited filled...she didn't give a "godly" answer to your question. It sounds like if her fiance was more attracted to her, she would engage in sexual activity.