Membership approval


New Member
My sister tells me that she attempted (twice) to get an account some time ago and her username and password needed to be approved and was denied approval???

She said that she never got to the point of paying $5.

Does anyone know why this would have happened??? (Specifically one of the MODS)

Did accounts need approval a couple of years ago???

She would be such an inspiring addition to the forum in terms of her hair growth.

Thanks for your help!
My sister tells me that she attempted (twice) to get an account some time ago and her username and password needed to be approved and was denied approval???

She said that she never got to the point of paying $5.

Does anyone know why this would have happened??? (Specifically one of the MODS)

Did accounts need approval a couple of years ago???

She would be such an inspiring addition to the forum in terms of her hair growth.

Thanks for your help!
I've never heard of anyone's membership not getting approved here. If you give me her exact screen name that she registered, I can check it out (even if she didn't pay the subscription fee).