Members without hair growth goals?

I still want long hair but a part of me feels like 'what's the point" since it is going to shrink up to the ear anyway. lol

Right now I'm focused more on keeping it healthy and I am noticing growth as an outcome!
Me! My hair is hovering around MBL, and I've been trimming to maintain that for over a year now. I am happy with the thickness of my hair so I'm just maintaining and focusing on mew styles and manageability.

Hey DI.! I had not seen you on the board in a while!! And I have not even been on the board for the past month or so. Before that I remember once thinking you were M.I.A for a while. Good to see you on the board.!
OT: Hey HD, I see you are in lurk mode. Just wanted you to know that we miss you. I do understand though, because I was in "totally not feeling any forum" mode for a couple of months. :grin:

Hey! It feels good to be here. Yeah, I just got out of the mood for a while. A well needed rest, I must say. It is funny how much gets done when you are not on the board. :)
A few months ago I was all about health because I was comfortable with my length, b/t SL and APL. But since my hair started breaking and I had to cut to chin length, I'm all about length. I even started taking progress pics again. Not happy with the shorter hair, now that the novelty has worn off.

You know what, I think when I started on the board the bolded may be a reason why I was more about length then. I had some major hair damage from leaving a weave in for 5 months (yes, 5 months). Stupid me, but I had to cut out CHUNKS of hair that had knotted up. I found this site looking for ways to grow my APL hair back to the same length and I think coming here and seeing my options had me ALL about length. In the past year or two, I don't think about it as much.

As a matter of fact, I am wearing braids right now in mode so I actually don't want my hair to grow any more than average to make my $180 braid jobs last as long as possible.

One thing about having longer hair that I like is that it is easier for me to deal with my hair on bad hair days and such. With shorter hair it has been harder. That may be the only reason my I desire longer hair and even then APL or BSL is fine for me.
I agree with you. :up: Some of the most beautiful heads of hair on the board are the bob lengths that are so silky and shiny.
ITA!!! Well, and yours also!:grin::yep:

I have length goals, but to be honest I did them to keep me from cutting my hair. :look: I know that shorter hair flatters my face better, I do KNOW that! When I came here, I wanted to hop on board with length, length, length. But, as time is passing a pretty, shiny bob or SL will do just fine. I have had healthy pixie cuts, but now I want healthy bobs. I still do PS to grow it out, but the health of my hair is coming in at numero uno!:yep:
Very well said Honeydew! I hope to be where you are soon! I've made so much progress length wise but I'm honestly thinking of cutting my hair back to the length where I started at.

But I know it will be much healthier. I just wanna have fun with my hair. And at chin/length length I felt like it flattered my face much more and was more fun to style :ohwell: Now that my hair is longer it almost feels out of control.

I've been thinking about this for a while but it is how I feel. That's why I feel that health and thickness is way more important to me than length. But I will think about it more.
I feel you on this. And sometimes I feel guilty because I am here. But, they have great points for healthy hair, so I am fine!:yep:
As my hair is growing, I am finding that I have alot to do to it, I don't like that!:ohwell::nono: But I guess, we gotta get used to it!