Members without hair growth goals?


Well-Known Member
Are there any members here who aren't focusing on how long their hair can get but are focusing on other things?

For instance, when I first came here I was all about long hair. Now I'm more concerned with health and thickness of hair. I'm more impressed by bangin' full, thick, swingy neck length hair than I am by lackluster APL/BSL.

Sometimes I feel funny about that b/c I know this is the long hair care forum. But to me, I feel other hair care priorities wanting to take over besides length.
I understand what you mean. I still want it long but am not willing to take unhealthy looking hair just for length. I like it soft, shiney, bouncy and as full as I can get it.
I understand what you mean. I still want it long but am not willing to take unhealthy looking hair just for length. I like it soft, shiney, bouncy and as full as I can get it.

That's true! Even though my hair is getting longer, I'm mentally focused on the the thickness and health. If it starts to look scraggly again I will snip, snip in a minute! I'm not afraid.
Yeah...but this board also preaches 'Health over Length' it's cool.
....and you have to care for your ends if you want those lengths.
But I'm like you---I don't see the hoopla over a APL or BSL head if the ends are all ate up.
I've seen ppl who said they were focused on overall hair health, though.

But don't feel odd.
I'm trimming up too. I just trimmed last night. LOL.
This is going to knock my scheduled APL date back but whatever....I have to grow out these layers. I want it to be even length and full
(might get confusing right now)

This thread for me is really scratching at the surface of deeper feelings. I guess I wonder sometimes, if growing long hair wasn't such a challenge for my hair type, would I still be so into it?

I mean I love short and medium cuts. But part of me doesn't want my hair to be that short b/c I know that I can have it longer. That's silly I know.

So I struggle with the goal of long hair but at the heart of things I'm really concerned about thickness and health.

I don't know.

It's Saturday and my mind is on ice, forgive me ladies, lol!
I met all the length goals I had for myself last year. Now I just focus on keeping my hair healthy, I mught actually do a major cut next month.
I met all the length goals I had for myself last year. Now I just focus on keeping my hair healthy, I mught actually do a major cut next month.

That's real cool! Are you going to switch up your style? Maybe get locs or go relaxed (not sure of your current style).
(might get confusing right now)

This thread for me is really scratching at the surface of deeper feelings. I guess I wonder sometimes, if growing long hair wasn't such a challenge for my hair type, would I still be so into it?

I mean I love short and medium cuts. But part of me doesn't want my hair to be that short b/c I know that I can have it longer. That's silly I know.

So I struggle with the goal of long hair but at the heart of things I'm really concerned about thickness and health.

I don't know.

A challenge?
What do you deal with...slow growth? If you don't mind my asking...

WellI figure--just focus on the health and the length will come.
I'm all about the health of my hair and I figure the length will come, I've gotten a lot of great info here and that's why I come.
Well a few years ago - I may not have joined a forum called "Long hair care" - but - I came here with BSL hair or longer.... So - I just care about healthy ways of getting to MBL.

But - if I don't that is ok. I consider my hair long.
Me!:look: I've never been focused in length but thickness. I think my hair would look great short or long as long it's thick and healthy.
A challenge?
What do you deal with...slow growth? If you don't mind my asking...

WellI figure--just focus on the health and the length will come.

I think it's a challenge. It's easy breezing now but b/f I came here my hair was jacked up b/c I did'nt know what I was doing. So I do think it's a challenge to stay on top of your game and be consistent and everything.

Well a few years ago - I may not have joined a forum called "Long hair care" - but - I came here with BSL hair or longer.... So - I just care about healthy ways of getting to MBL.

But - if I don't that is ok. I consider my hair long.

That's cool steam treatment lady! I thought of you last night while I was DCing (not trying to be creepy but you know what I mean) :grin:

That's me, I'll go the healthy route. I just have to figure out what to do with my hair as it gets longer. It seems like I'm having to learn new ways to style it and wear it everyday. My hair is turning into a little animal with a mind of it's own, loL!
Me! I've never been focused in length but thickness. I think my hair would look great short or long as long it's thick and healthy.

That's a good attitude to have :-)
>raising hand<

I don't really have LENGTH goals. I don't think I ever had them. Maybe in the beginning I thought I did because that is what everyone else was striving for, but it is not that important to me - just to have long hair. I think I was actually blinded my length-length-length and forgot to appreciate the baby steps I have taken over time.

Honestly, I want easy to manage, healthy, whatever length I feel like having at the time, lifestyle worthy, pretty hair.

The length itself is not what have have my eyes set on. When I finally felt comfortable to secure enough to admit that to myself, it felt like a weight was lifted. That is how I know that it is not what I am here for.
>raising hand<

I don't really have LENGTH goals. I don't think I ever had them. Maybe in the beginning I thought I did because that is what everyone else was striving for, but it is not that important to me - just to have long hair. I think I was actually blinded my length-length-length and forgot to appreciate the baby steps I have taken over time.

Honestly, I want easy to manage, healthy, whatever length I feel like having at the time, lifestyle worthy, pretty hair.

The length itself is not what have have my eyes set on. When I finally felt comfortable to secure enough to admit that to myself, it felt like a weight was lifted. That is how I know that it is not what I am here for.

Very well said Honeydew! I hope to be where you are soon! I've made so much progress length wise but I'm honestly thinking of cutting my hair back to the length where I started at.

But I know it will be much healthier. I just wanna have fun with my hair. And at chin/length length I felt like it flattered my face much more and was more fun to style :ohwell: Now that my hair is longer it almost feels out of control.

I've been thinking about this for a while but it is how I feel. That's why I feel that health and thickness is way more important to me than length. But I will think about it more.
I have thickness goals and length goals. I've always wanted long thick hair. The thicker the better. I'd prefer healthy, thick, short hair instead of long hair with scraggly ends.
It's definitely all about length for me. My hair has always been pretty healthy, and the gods know I reallllly don't need it to be any thicker - I just want it LONG. :lachen:

I suppose it all depends on what you want, and what you come to LHCF already having. :yep:
Me! My hair is hovering around MBL, and I've been trimming to maintain that for over a year now. I am happy with the thickness of my hair so I'm just maintaining and focusing on mew styles and manageability.
Are there any members here who aren't focusing on how long their hair can get but are focusing on other things?

For instance, when I first came here I was all about long hair. Now I'm more concerned with health and thickness of hair. I'm more impressed by bangin' full, thick, swingy neck length hair than I am by lackluster APL/BSL.

Sometimes I feel funny about that b/c I know this is the long hair care forum. But to me, I feel other hair care priorities wanting to take over besides length.

I agree with you. :up: Some of the most beautiful heads of hair on the board are the bob lengths that are so silky and shiny.
>raising hand<

I don't really have LENGTH goals. I don't think I ever had them. Maybe in the beginning I thought I did because that is what everyone else was striving for, but it is not that important to me - just to have long hair. I think I was actually blinded my length-length-length and forgot to appreciate the baby steps I have taken over time.

Honestly, I want easy to manage, healthy, whatever length I feel like having at the time, lifestyle worthy, pretty hair.

The length itself is not what have have my eyes set on. When I finally felt comfortable to secure enough to admit that to myself, it felt like a weight was lifted. That is how I know that it is not what I am here for.

I think the two go hand in hand. I've seen long lackluster hair, so that's not what I mean. For me having healthy hair is the main goal, and long hair is a byproduct of health if I choose to wear it long. I've had WL hair before, but I know that without proper care I'm not going to have it again. I do plan to have TBL, but I'm just taking good care of my hair and allowing time to take care of the length. If I can't have healthy TBL hair, then I won't have TBL hair.

Are there any members here who aren't focusing on how long their hair can get but are focusing on other things?

For instance, when I first came here I was all about long hair. Now I'm more concerned with health and thickness of hair. I'm more impressed by bangin' full, thick, swingy neck length hair than I am by lackluster APL/BSL.

Sometimes I feel funny about that b/c I know this is the long hair care forum. But to me, I feel other hair care priorities wanting to take over besides length.

OT: Hey HD, I see you are in lurk mode. Just wanted you to know that we miss you. I do understand though, because I was in "totally not feeling any forum" mode for a couple of months. :grin:
Of course hun!! I totally agree. When i first came, it was all :get long fast, get long fast!!!" ut as time has gone by, I totally forgot about the length issue. Probably, b/c I've been in braids for a while. Anywho, My main focus when it comes to my hair is that it is in tip-top condition includingL Moisture, ends, luster & shine, etc. Now that I have those categories all under control, however, I have begun to set reasonable length goals to follow. I think thats the way it should always be. Health first, length later.
after seeing my hair with bounce and thicker, i no longer worry about the length, everyone else worries about it for me (ooh how long are you growing your hair out? and etc) but i want a healthy head of hair and i am on the right track. if it grows long.. it grows long but i will be fine staying SL forever as long as my hair is healthy
I think it's a challenge. It's easy breezing now but b/f I came here my hair was jacked up b/c I did'nt know what I was doing. So I do think it's a challenge to stay on top of your game and be consistent and everything.

That's cool steam treatment lady! I thought of you last night while I was DCing (not trying to be creepy but you know what I mean) :grin:

That's me, I'll go the healthy route. I just have to figure out what to do with my hair as it gets longer. It seems like I'm having to learn new ways to style it and wear it everyday. My hair is turning into a little animal with a mind of it's own, loL!

That's a good attitude to have :-)

HEEEEE!!!!! I understand! haaaaa
OT: Hey HD, I see you are in lurk mode. Just wanted you to know that we miss you. I do understand though, because I was in "totally not feeling any forum" mode for a couple of months. :grin:

Yes, I have missed your wisdom and humor, HD!

I'm not concerned about getting to any particular length. I just want my hair swingy and blingy!
I use to have a hair goal when I first joined the boards. Now my hair is BSL but it's thinner due to a bad relaxer. Now my focus is gaining the thickness back by trimming away the damage every 6 weeks.
A few months ago I was all about health because I was comfortable with my length, b/t SL and APL. But since my hair started breaking and I had to cut to chin length, I'm all about length. I even started taking progress pics again. Not happy with the shorter hair, now that the novelty has worn off.