Member Info At The Right


New Member
Is anyone else not really liking the way it looks? It seems bulky and unattractive to me. I'm still feeling iffy on the likes vs. thanks option but I'm not sure why so much info is available on the right, especially when it's not clickable (and I'm pretty sure not many folks are interested)

Just as an example:

"Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 930
Thanks: 6901 Time(s)
Thanked: 3307 Time(s)
Likes: 12 Time(s)
Liked: 12 Time(s)
Blog Entries: 7
Mentioned: 27 Post(s)
Tagged: 3 Thread(s)"

I can understand someone might care how many times they were mentioned and as such the info should be available to them...but why is it displayed in member info? Same with how many times they thanked someone or liked something. If I was really curious I'd have to go to their profile anyway to look so why is it displayed. Blog entries is the only clickable option so I can agree that should stay but how many threads they were tagged in?

I guess what I'm really trying to say is member info at the right could do with some downsizing, such as just this:

"Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 930
Thanks: 6901 Time(s)
Likes: 12 Time(s)
Blog Entries: 7
Mentioned: 27 Post(s)
Tagged: 3 Thread(s)"

I personally feel like mentioned and tagged could go but I suppose some people might like that, what's the difference between mentioned and tagged anyway?