Prayer Line Opens: Thursday, November 10 at 10:00 P.M.

Prayer for getting over my broken heart and for finding a new job so I can support myself. Prayer for better esteem and and to be positive. Prayer for happiness. I feel when I am happy I can do so much good in the world but lately I don't feel like I have anything to look forward to.


Your post touched me. I feel like I've been where you are but continue to look to the Lord and He will lift you up out of this. Everything you are going through will turn around and bless someone else. You have so much to offer, its just hard to see through the pain.

We will definitely be praying for you.

For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
Will be there!! :yep:

Prayer requests:
-Family of my bestie, she just lost her granddad.
-For so many people suffering from cancer (My godfather in particular)
-For continuous direction and guidance in my life
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Prayer for getting over my broken heart and for finding a new job so I can support myself. Prayer for better esteem and and to be positive. Prayer for happiness. I feel when I am happy I can do so much good in the world but lately I don't feel like I have anything to look forward to.



It's going to be okay. The pain is not there to stay. God is soothing and healing your heart; and just know that your heart is not broken, it is simply filled with love waiting to pour upon someone who will receive it.

For you see, a broken heart, cannot hold love; it will fall through the cracks.

You, Diadall, are a woman of God with a heart full of love, overflowing, running over, filled above the rim to share with another 'him'.

That day, that moment will come and soon. :yep:
Will be there!! :yep:

Prayer requests:
-Family of my bestie, she just lost her granddad.
-For so many people suffering from cancer (My godfather in particular)
-For continuous direction and guidance in my life


Praying for your family and loved ones. :pray:
i will be calling in. thanks for tagging me:). needing prayer concerning:
- my house, refinancing and repairs needed
- companionship wise / men issues
- my family - need to be closer
- promotion on my job
- i need a real vacation this coming year, a for real one
Thanks so much Shimmie (((((hugs)))))
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Thanks for tagging me as well. I'm glad that you started a prayer line. I'll try calling in tonight. I need prayer for:

-direction/clarification of what to do next year (I'm so confused right now)
-victory in my two upcoming battles
-healing of "her" ovaries (God knows who I'm referring to)
-healing of my parents who are still grieving at their/our loss

Thank you, and I look forward to tonight.
To all Reading:

The 'Prayer Team' is logging out for now. We're preparing in prayer for tonight's session.

Please continue to post your prayer requests, especially if you are unable to call in tonight.

Love and blessings to everyone.

Hey Shimmie .......It's been a minute. Thank God for you. I'm doing fine hun. I pop in and out now & again.
I'm in agreement with you all.
Thank you Shimmie for starting this thread. I've been spending more time reading my bible and fasting from tv/minimal internet as I get ready for some big changes in 2012.

Please pray for me that I will stay close to Him while I wait for His direction on how to proceed.
I want to be part of your prayer line. Please include me and my family in your prayers.

Our first conference call prayer session was a wonderful success. :yep:

Please join us. This is an open invitation for everyone who needs prayer and/or wants to share a prayer to bless others.

Here's the information:

Date: Thursday, November 10, 2011

The time frame is: 10:00 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

Call in Number: 916-233-2999

Access Code: 523054

Important note:

Long Distance Rates may apply depending upon your phone service.

:Rose: :Rose: :Rose:

Prayer Requests

This is still EVERYONE's invitation. EVERYONE who desires prayer is Invited .

I'm just trying to get the word out. Please feel free to '@' names for me in this thread. :yep:
Hi Ladies,
My prayer request:
  • comfort to those in grief
  • protect those away in the Military Services : emotionally & physically heal those as they return home.
  • as we enter into the holiday season I pray that God's presence is felt by those that are lonely.
  • Pray for our leaders
Marriage to a faithful man of God
Deliverance from strongholds and bad situations
obedient spirit
family to be saved
my pastor
love for others
Beautiful!! It was so nice to hear all of your voices and to stand in agreement with you lovely women of God. I look forward to the next call.
Beautiful!! It was so nice to hear all of your voices and to stand in agreement with you lovely women of God. I look forward to the next call.

:kiss: Heyyyyyyy Yodie. I'm so glad you were able to join us. :yep:
I agree. I thank God for all of you ladies!! It was such a blessing. :yep:

I feel blessed to be able to pray with you ladies. I look forward to continuing in what God is doing.

and Laela. and Alicialynn86

Beyond words....


Could not have done this without you.
To All of the Ladies ....

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for joining in. You are loved...very dearly.

Wonderful prayer session... I stand in agreement with the prayers and look forward to the next call. God bless all you ladies.
Oh wow...I was so blessed by this prayer line last night! Thank you everyone and Shimmie for the awesome and sincere prayers you sent up for me. It was such a blessing to be apart of that prayer line with all of you lovely ladies. I too stand in agreeance with all the prayers sent uo last night. I cant wait until the next one!
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I dropped in for a few minutes before rehersal... :sekret::takecover:...It sounded like it went very well...

Who prayed last night?
Thank you to Shimmie and everyone last night for their prayers. I will continue to pray for all of us. I was deeply touched by everyone being so open. I know God heard our hearts.