Melanin Haircare By Naptural85!

For what it's worth, I ordered the same day and still sit here waiting for my shipment notice.

Nice that people have started receiving their product. Can't wait to get mine. Cute that she actually included the lollipops in the packages.

I was just on Youtube watching some reviews of the products and some people said they ordered during December and already have their products. They have until 2/1 to send me a shipping notice or I'm going to cancel the order.
I was just on Youtube watching some reviews of the products and some people said they ordered during December and already have their products. They have until 2/1 to send me a shipping notice then I'm going to cancel the order.


Well now I'm just hurt....:cry3:

Thanks for the info!
Well dang. She said she expected to ship out in February from the jump, now she’s getting penalized for being able to ship some out early :spinning: :lachen:

FWIW - in case my post is one that is being seen as penalizing her....I agree with you. Yes, I would hope my order would be filled before someone ordering in December but I am thrilled to be getting it earlier than expected, for sure!! Besides...I've ordered from Soultanicals so, yeah...I truely wasn't worried at this stage! :lachen:

Also, I popped in to say that I got my shipment email this morning so I hope you see yours today, too, @jamaica68!
I saw someone post theirs on the Gram, umm Imma need thoughts and product reviews immediately.

In the summer when I was more I might try it. I truly hate heavy shea butter products... :(

There are plenty of reviews on YouTube.

I ended up washing my hair last night and used the cream, but I think I used too much. It was just too heavy. I barely scratched the surface. I cowashed it out and couldn't get it all of the way out. I tried applying it again, a lot less (the same way I would apply shea butter, fingertip amounts dispersed between my palms and then rubbed towards the ends) and my hair is drying now. I'll post my thoughts once it's completely dry.

My hair generally doesn't like heavy products. I can get away with shea because it's almost an oil, but with creams, it's very iffy. I'll be sad if i don't like it because it would last me like 18 years, but we'll see.

It's marketed as lightweight, which I find funny. I would not call it that. :lol:
There are plenty of reviews on YouTube.

I ended up washing my hair last night and used the cream, but I think I used too much. It was just too heavy. I barely scratched the surface. I cowashed it out and couldn't get it all of the way out. I tried applying it again, a lot less (the same way I would apply shea butter, fingertip amounts dispersed between my palms and then rubbed towards the ends) and my hair is drying now. I'll post my thoughts once it's completely dry.

My hair generally doesn't like heavy products. I can get away with shea because it's almost an oil, but with creams, it's very iffy. I'll be sad if i don't like it because it would last me like 18 years, but we'll see.

It's marketed as lightweight, which I find funny. I would not call it that. :lol:

I could tell by her using a jar it wasn't lightweight.

Im a type 4 but I cant use heavy products at all. I need light, water based, creamy non shea butter, non aloe, non protein ,LOLOL @sunflora
When did this thread pop off???
I’m so jealous of the ladies whose received their shipment...braggers I tell ya
I’m patiently counting down to when I’ll receive the email notice that my pre-order is shipped :computer:....NOT
send me my email already!... I ordered the cream, oil and the visor :giggle: :cool2:

ETA-I pre-ordered on OCT-16:look:
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Which is all the reasons I want her products:giggle: and knowing what ingredients you hair likes can save one some coins :yep:

Tell me about it - the cream was not on my radar, but my hair loves shea butter (generally not water-based shea products though) but I wanted to be supportive. I'll just give it to my sis if I can't use it, even though we have a similar hair type, she loves her shea moisture products so I think she'll like this. I'll look at some other reviews and see what other people are saying, too.

I re-watched her video and how she smacked on a palmful. That type of product application has not ever worked for me, so I may really end up being an outlier in my opinion of the product. Slightly random, but I see so many YouTubers applying like bottles of product to their hair at a time. What I don't know is what their hair actually feels like once it dries. Is that really a feasible why do use any type of product, or are people really walking around out here being potential slip hazards? I'm so curious :lol:
Right. :lol: No one was supposed to get anything until sometime in February. Some people getting theirs early, doesn’t mean yours is late.
Lol I was just thinking this. I've seen complaints on IG and YT. They should be grateful she's already shipping boxes out. I wish I had preordered but the shipping made me say no. I'll probably order in the future.
I got mine but can't even use it because I ordered it before I decided to loc my hair. I'm gonna give it to my daughter. I doubt I would have been able to use it anyway because it just feels thick and my hair can't do heavy products. I also didn't like the way it smelled. I can't describe it bit it was like waxy or something.
So I just got home and saw that my twist elongating cream had been delivered. My hair is straight right now, so can't fully test it out, but I put a bit on my ends which have been feeling dry and crispy all week. My ends feel so soft and smooth now.

This was my first time straightening my hair in over a year and it didn't come out that great since it was hard to get my ends straight. I've just been bunning it and have been putting stuff on it all week to get my ends to feel a little better...some sweet almond oil, Camille Rose Hair Milk, coconut oil. None of them really did anything except this cream. So +1 for the cream for now, can't wait to really try it this weekend when I wash and twist up my hair.



It's heeeeeerrrrrreeeeee!

Very excited.

I whipped up a shea mix last week and used it on blown out hair (revair).

This will be nice because I have a point of reference of something that has been very nice and didn't need anything extra to make my hair feel lovely all week long. I want to see if these products will do the same for me (I find that a lot of products need extra help and/or make my hair feel weird by wash day....if I make it that far...). to the races...:cowgirl:
I received my order on the 1st of this month. I ordered the Melanin hair + body oil and the visor.

I love the oil, it's perfect! No coconut/olive/soybean oil (for those who were wondering). I don't have to worry about my sensitive skin having a reaction! The scent is strong but it gradually fades. Non-greasy, I've used it as a sealant for my hair in the LCO method. And as a moisturizing oil for my skin. So far 10/10!!!

If anyone was wondering.... the visor fits all head sizes. :look: