KeraSmooth, similar to BKT but better!!!

Glad I found this because my sister maybe getting this done this weekend and no reversion is my biggest concern for her. I mean she just got about half her hair cutoff because the stylistic said it was damage which I agree but she wants to stay natural and...well maybe she doesn't because of comments she made lately. But I do think she will be sad if it does not revert.
Glad I found this because my sister maybe getting this done this weekend and no reversion is my biggest concern for her. I mean she just got about half her hair cutoff because the stylistic said it was damage which I agree but she wants to stay natural and...well maybe she doesn't because of comments she made lately. But I do think she will be sad if it does not revert.

I'm nervous for your sister but make sure to keep us posted.
Bioionic is Japanese Hair Straightening or hair rebonding and is totally different from BKT in any form or brand. It is not compatible with relaxers so do not overlap at all. There's a Youtube process on a young AA girl. There's also competitor products on EBAY via the UK that are reasonably priced. You have to know your stuff to get this done and if you already have relaxer in your hair, you'll need somebody else to apply it to avoid overlapping. (please ignore her asinine comments on "bad hair" and whatnot...just look at the technique and listen to the conditioning aspects...chick don't know squat about Black stylists and sodium hydroxides...oy vey...but she does know how to do hair rebonding)
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I'm nervous for your sister but make sure to keep us posted.

Me too, I wanted to talk her out of it but she already made her appt. I defiantly tell her to take pic and send it to me because I won't be home this weekend and may not see it while its straight since she likes to do bantu knot out. I will let you know the result.
Do you still have to avoid hair products that have sulfates and chloride?

I originally created a thread yesterday about Kerasmooth and before I could reply to your posts, it was closed :perplexed. I went to reply to some your responses and I read the rest of the responses. You are guys are funny. My intentions for this thread was to give insight and share my thoughts on the product and the hair salon. But some where it took a left turn. But its OK. Now the thread is closed ( I wonder why?). Anyway I still wanted to answer some of the questions that came up. So here are some answers. I am not starting this thread with the intentions of having a debate about BKT, relaxers, etc. So let's not get off topic.

1. What makes Kerasmooth better than BKT?

Kerasmooth doesn't have formaldahyde, aldahyde or ether . From what I know this chemical is harmful. Also, Kerasmooth takes half the time to apply as the BKT. It is also cheaper.

2. Can you DIY?
I am sure you can, but I do not know. That is just my opinion. The stylist told me she went to a class for it. So I really don't know. I know some ppl put the BKT themselves, so I am sure you can DIY.

3. How much does it cost?
At the salon, I paid $90. That's it. I know BKT cost over $100. I know you can by Kerasmooth online. I did a quick search online and found it for $40.

4. Can it be applied to relaxed hair?
No, it cannot. But there are 2 types of formulas. One for virgin/resistant hair and the other for chemically treated hair. I am sure this is because the virgin/resistant formula is stronger. With the chemically treated formula you apply part of the treatment to the NG and another part to the previously relaxed hair.

5. Is it applied the same way as BKT?

I never had a BKT done, but from what I read, yes. It is applied in a similar fashion. Clarify first, apply product, wait, wash out, blow dry and flat iron. But the process is shorter than the BKT, half the time. This is partly due to the flat ironing. With the BKT you have to use smaller sections of hair and the flat iron has to pass x amount of times.

5. Is it permanent?
No, it is not. Results last up to 12 weeks.

Ok I believe that's it. Thanks to everyone who said they were happy for me. I appreciate that. I was struggling for a little bit. And yes, I did go to Dominican Essence in Brooklyn. And like I said before the hair stylist was very knowledgeable, helpful. and nice. And my hair has no breakage whatsoever. I am still trying to figure out how to post pics but I will get there soon.

Here is the link to the website: