MegaTek is the freakin TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!

I think MTG is MoeGro Tek or MoeTek Gro. Something like that. But, they have waaaay more negative reviews than positive.As far as the thickness, its not really an overwhelming amount. At least not from what I hear. And it gets thicker FIRST then you will start to experience growth. Whereas its vice versa with Ovation. But, if yu are happy with Ovation then I would do whats best for you. No need to mix up you routine if you're already happy with it. Know what I mean chicky?? I hope this helps you.
MTG = Mane Tail Groom (or Grow) I think it is - stinky sulphur bacon BBQ smelling stuff.

MoeTek Gro is a combination of Mega-Tek and MoeGro Oil
I think MTG is MoeGro Tek or MoeTek Gro. Something like that. But, they have waaaay more negative reviews than positive.As far as the thickness, its not really an overwhelming amount. At least not from what I hear. And it gets thicker FIRST then you will start to experience growth. Whereas its vice versa with Ovation. But, if yu are happy with Ovation then I would do whats best for you. No need to mix up you routine if you're already happy with it. Know what I mean chicky?? I hope this helps you.
oh ok i see they tryed to imitate mega tek, as logn as the thickness isnt over whelming. one lady said she had 1/2-1 inch 9 days after her relaxer:blush:

i have to try this :grin:
oh ok i see they tryed to imitate mega tek, as logn as the thickness isnt over whelming. one lady said she had 1/2-1 inch 9 days after her relaxer:blush:

i have to try this :grin:

Dang that's good. I don't know how much growth I experienced, but I know my hair is an inch longer. So, I guess I got an inch. LOL
I am loving Mega Tek. For the past few weeks I have been parting my hair in a lot of sections and applying it to my scalp. I am so glad that this is not an oil growth aid because I hated that feeling if the oil dripped on my face, or even on the back of my neck after I applied it. I loooove the smell of Mega Tek. I agree that it smells like coconut or pina colada. :lick: I agree that Mega Tek is the freakin truth.
I am running out of mines. I don't know were I will order from next time. There is a pet supply store in my area that carries mt for pets only. I am working on getting them to order the horse version.:rolleyes:I think I need to call and bug them today:yep:.:lachen:Addiction is a terrible thing:lachen::lachen:.

Get ready 'cause they will ask you about your horses:grin:
Get ready 'cause they will ask you about your horses:grin:
See, this is why I don't want to buy it in person!
I'm so sure they'll be like, I know this black girl does not own or nor has ever seen a horse in person, wth is she doing!

I may resort to ordering it online, but I don't want my apartment complex to see a package that came from or whatever. I already get too many packages and they'll be wondering what I'm doing in my apartment.
Okay first of all... I'm sicka all yall thick haired lucious locked-ed females goin on and on about this mega-tek...

Up in here wit all that ---->> :kiss3::kiss3::kiss3:

Yall tryna make me dip into my book fund huh??? yall wanta sista ta eat canned beans for dinner huh???!!!:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

AND 2nd of all... HAND ME MY VISA!
where can i get it????:look:

Hmmmm.....the ingredients are somewhat similar:

Mega-tek Cell Rebuilder

Active Ingredients:
Deionized water, hydrolyzed keratin protein, stearalkonium chloride, glyceryl Stearate, peg 100 stearate, marine protein, peg 40, panthenal, dimethicone copolyol, magnesium citrate, Allantoin, amino acids, methylparaben, Mucopolysaccharides, propylparaben, imidazolidinyl urea, fragrance.

EQyss Mega-Tek Coat Rebuilder

Ingredients: Deionized Water, Hydrolyzed Keratin Protein, Peptoneized Mil Protein Hydroysate, Amino Acids, Mucopolyaccharides, Marine Protein PEG, Sea Kelp Algin, Methylparaben, Fragrance, Propylparaben.
Hi, I am kinda of a newbie to this, but you say that the mtg is really good? My hair is thin and lifeless especially since I just relaxed this past weekend. I use to have really thick hair. I am trying to acheive my thickness back first then worry later about the length. I just hope this stuff does work for me as it did for you! I do have a ? for you, you said you noticed the difference in no time? Was it that much of a change actually?
BUMP.....I was wondering the same thing.
I think I'm gonna have to jump aboard the MT bandwagon.

thanks for posting the ingredients. I wonder if they are close enough to yield somewhat the same results? I have the mt on my to buy list and may be ordering it sooner than I had planned :rolleyes::look:
You are too funny! I myself have a really nosey neighbor in my complex, by the way I am the only black living here! Anyway she sometimes sits outside on the balcony and I am walking up the courtyard with my bags and she'll say "Oh you've been to wal-mart"! I'm like this woman is too nosey for me! So what I did is at wal-mart, or walgreens purchased those green bags that cost about a $.99 and carry your products in the bags, that way no one would see or know what you carry in your building! Not that it's there business anyway! But just a suggestion for you.:lachen:
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Hi, I am kinda of a newbie to this, but you say that the mtg is really good? My hair is thin and lifeless especially since I just relaxed this past weekend. I use to have really thick hair. I am trying to acheive my thickness back first then worry later about the length. I just hope this stuff does work for me as it did for you! I do have a ? for you, you said you noticed the difference in no time? Was it that much of a change actually?

It's Mega Tek, not MTG :)

I agree OP MT is the truth :grin::yep:
See now why did yall go and do this to me. I am about to order me some right now. One questioon how do you use it? Is it a conditioner of a everyday hairdress?
Sorry for my in your face title but I can't contain my excitement. I have been using MegaTek on my scalp for the past couple of week and in three weeks I can already tell that I have some growth. At least .75. FOR REAL:grin:!!! And then I have been having a problem with my ends breaking off. I moisturized and sealed and sealed and moisturized and I still ahd the same problem. Ends EVERYWHERE. Well, on Sunday I didn't have a Deep Conditioner and so I put MT on my scalp and hair. Right away I could feel it on my scalp. So I kept it on for 5min in the shower and washed it out 75% airdried and then moisturized, sealed and wrapped my hair (which I never do but my hair doesnt like full flat iron). The next morning my hair was SOOOO bouncy and soft. I have been wearing it a pony tail and I have NO BREAKAGE. It's crazy. like I mean 1 or 2 hair the past three days. I am so in 7th Heaven. So, I have a question... Can I use MegaTek as a deep conditioner Once a week or is that too much??

Sorry... pics are useless at this point. Its just in a ponytail. But, it has major slip and swang!!!

Good for you, girl!
I have this on my to buy list b/c I need thickness and length. Ladies is this the same thing: Mega-Tek Cell Rebuilder.html

just in a grease/solid form?


That one is the pet version. The blue one is the horse version. The pet version is SIGNIFICANTLY more expensive at roughly 5 dollars per ounce, vs the horse version which is roughly 1.80 an ounce. Shoot, even Ovation is only 3.25 an ounce.

It's supposed to work the same way, though.
Hey Ladies,

Just a heads up that YOU MUST USE A MOISTERZING DEEP CONDITONER AFTER USING MEGATEK OR OVATION! There are tons of stickies around, but I find this link to be the most helpful since it is the most recent. From what I hear, MT and Ovation are protein city and you NEED a DC after each use. If not, your hair will dry out and break off. (So I've heard) Also, if you are looking for length followed by thickness, it seems to be that Ovation is best. If you are looking for thickness first followed by length, the Megatek will get you there. They both do the same things, except you will notice them coming in a different order.

Happy hair growing!
How long have you been using the MT/Ovation?
I love it:lick::love2::love3::love5:. Ok, I am sure you all get the picture. The question is I have a very busy 18 year old who wears braids and doesn't have time to deal with hair. How do I get her to use it. She also has very dry hair,is that going to become more of a problem after using MT?
Can anyone tell me how to join the challenge? I tried once before, but to no avail failed!
You are too funny! I myself have a really nosey neighbor in my complex, by the way I am the only black living here! Anyway she sometimes sits outside on the balcony and I am walking up the courtyard with my bags and she'll say "Oh you've been to wal-mart"! I'm like this woman is too nosey for me! So what I did is at wal-mart, or walgreens purchased those green bags that cost about a $.99 and carry your products in the bags, that way no one would see or know what you carry in your building! Not that it's there business anyway! But just a suggestion for you.:lachen:


I'm worried about the people who work at the office seeing where it came from, AND my roomate is entirely too nosey!

Whenever she gets one she usaully just tears it open in the living room
Everytime I've gotten a package, I take it to my room to open. I like to keep my addiction somewhat secret.

But sometimes she will follow me too my room and stand in the doorway and watch me. And she will tell my business in class in a heart beat, so I can't let her catch me ordering horse products.