Megatek and Henna?


New Member
Newbie here!

I've been reviewing the progress pics of the Ovation and Mega-tek users, and wow! They are amazing! :grin: I've never even considered a growth aid before...but the reviews are so positive, I figure 'why not?'

A forum friend of mine actually gave me a sample of Megatek, but I'm hesitant to use it because my usual routine involves a twice- monthly henna + indigo, another protein treatment. I use it specifically for its thickening qualities, and recently, a little gray coverage :sad:.

Do you ladies think that the double whammy of protein from Megatek and henna could damage my fine 4a natural strands?
It probably won't cause any damage if you don't mix the Mega Tek in w/ your henna/indigo. On the safe side, you might not use the MT the day before or after you henna, but overall I don't think there'd be a problem. This is just a guess on my part. I think JustKiya uses both products w/o problems. She's sure to turn up.

Okay, I used henna every other month before I started using MT. My hair is protein sensitive, and it reacts to henna like a protien - so I was reluctant to use it with the MT, unless my hair 'said' it needed it.

So far, it looks like my hair 'needs' it about every 3 months, or so, now - and this is with daily use of MT.

I think that as long as you keep your moisture levels high (give you hair a REALLY good DC after every henna treatment) and keep an eagle eye on your hair for any 'hardening' issues, you'll be fine.

I suspect that you'll eventually drop the henna/indigo to once a month (if that much) because the MT will take over the thickening responsibilites, and they you can just use the HIC to handle the grays...
Thanks, Jamaraa and JustKiya! This stuff smells really good-- I'm excited!

What is HIC?
NP...I KNEW JK would come in here to help. She's always on the case! ;) Hope it works out well for you.