Mega Tek vs. MTG...Seriously, what's the difference?

Mega Tek vs. MTG

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Ok I am *this* close to picking up 20 bottles of this mega tek stuff from reading all of the raves about it. :spinning: The only thing that's stopped me so far is remembering that I already have a bottle of mtg collecting dust on my bureau and would like to avoid having more than one type of horsey product in my home :blush: :lachen:

So for those of you who have tried both, can you please break down to me what the differences are as far as you can tell. Most importanly, does Mega Tek really give that much more growth or is it just the same thing in different packaging?
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MT - Megatek
MTG - Mane Tail Groom

major difference ... that starts with the name, the smell, the bottle, the consistency
Two entirely different products, by two entirely different companies, with different ingredients, different formulas, different smells, and for me, entirely different results. Of course, the way MTG stanks, I couldn't use it for long enough to really see results, anyhow. :lachen:

The only thing similar about the two products is that they were both originally for horses.
Two entirely different products, by two entirely different companies, with different ingredients, different formulas, different smells, and for me, entirely different results. Of course, the way MTG stanks, I couldn't use it for long enough to really see results, anyhow. :lachen:

The only thing similar about the two products is that they were both originally for horses.

:yep: I totally agree with JK. Mega Tek smells totally yummy. I have both and I really hate that MTG, the smell is really overwhelming stank even after dressing it up with some peppermint essential oils, YUCK!!! I think it's time to chuck mine, thanks for the reminder JK.
never used MTG but i like MT. all i have ever heard about MTG is the way it smells and i refuse to suffer in any way to grow my hair.
MTG gave me a headache, not to mention the cat kept licking my hair:lachen:He was smelling the bacon grease I guess:perplexed Okay, I'm exaggerating a little but anyway, it did give me a headache. MT smells :lick: and produces faster results in a short time span...
MTG gave me a headache, not to mention the cat kept licking my hair:lachen:He was smelling the bacon grease I guess:perplexed Okay, I'm exaggerating a little but anyway, it did give me a headache. MT smells :lick: and produces faster results in a short time span...

oh crap, that was the last thing I needed to read. I'm really hoping someone can testify that they both work the same and save my poor anorexic wallet! :lachen:

<<<inches closer to debit card :look:>>>
MTG worked well for me and I didn't mind the smell. it was easier to apply because I put it in the applicator bottle. I know some ladies do that for MT but that's not my preference. MTG filled my edges in completely in 2 weeks but I was never consistent so I'm not sure what it wouldve done for me long term. MT does smell nice and my hair is growing, I'm noticing new growth and I got a relaxe maybe two weeks ago if that. but as some ladies have mentioned different ingredients!
I'm confused Ovation and mega tek are not the same product?:perplexed I love MTG, but I can't use it because Surge is no longer being made. Surge nullified the MTG smell and added to my hair growth, too.
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I'm confused Ovation and mega tek are not the same product?:perplexed I love MTG, but I can't use it because Surge is no longer being made. Surge nullified the MTG smell and added to my hair growth, too.

They are close. Ovation is the Mega-Tek for humans, basically. More or less same results (Ovation tends to leave your hair feeling better), more or less same ingredients, same company, different price points.
:love: MegaTek

I have a partially used bottle of MTG that I will mail to anyone who wants it....otherwise its going in to the trash Thursday July 24th, 2008. I'm cleaning house.
I agree with others about MTG. I stopped using it before I could tell if it was working because the smell was horrible. I was tired of hearing "What smells like bacon?" wherever I went.

MT is working for me -- even though I don't use it everyday. But the smell is a HUGE improvement from MTG and is reason enough to switch.
I like the ingredients in MT better, Its smells really nice. MTG has sulfur in it... I heard it smells like bacon grease too..
:grin:Describing the difference is easy. Just go to any tackle shop that sells it and take one good whiff. I tried everything to hide that smell, peppermint, cinnamon, lavendar, tea tree. I even made a concoction that actually worked but could only hold that smell but had a MTG residue smell so it would be in my scalp, ew ew ew:barf:. That crap woke me up out my sleep.
MT has a normal smell. Smells like conditioner and does not linger, get into your close, run down your face in the heat...I could go on but I guess I made my point.

BTW. Alot of people have had a lot of success with it though. If you want to try it you can get a little bottle of it for like $6....good luck.

I voted MT best thing since Afro Sheen......:grin:
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MTG worked well for me and I didn't mind the smell. it was easier to apply because I put it in the applicator bottle. I know some ladies do that for MT but that's not my preference. MTG filled my edges in completely in 2 weeks but I was never consistent so I'm not sure what it wouldve done for me long term. MT does smell nice and my hair is growing, I'm noticing new growth and I got a relaxe maybe two weeks ago if that. but as some ladies have mentioned different ingredients!
lots of ladies put their MT in an applicator bottle. i am one of them!
I loved the results of MTG, but the smell began to kill me, :nono:

i had to put bottles of E.O's in it to mask the smell!!!!!

But i love everything about MT :love:

(the poll does not make sense to me!!!):drunk:

If anyone wants a free unopened bottle of MTG (32oz) its yours. shipping costs only :)
:grin:Describing the difference is easy. Just go to any tackle shop that sells it and take one good whiff. I tried everything to hide that smell, peppermint, cinnamon, lavendar, tea tree. I even made a concoction that actually worked but could only hold that smell but had a MTG residue smell so it would be in my scalp, ew ew ew:barf:. That crap woke me up out my sleep.
MTG has a normal smell. Smells like conditioner and does not linger, get into your close, run down your face in the heat...I could go on but I guess I made my point.

BTW. Alot of people have had a lot of success with it though. If you want to try it you can get a little bottle of it for like $6....good luck.

I voted MT best thing since Afro Sheen......:grin:

Don't you mean MT has a normal smell:yep:?
I loved the results of MTG, but the smell began to kill me, :nono:

i had to put bottles of E.O's in it to mask the smell!!!!!

But i love everything about MT :love:

(the poll does not make sense to me!!!):drunk:

If anyone wants a free unopened bottle of MTG (32oz) its yours. shipping costs only :)

I didn't understand the poll at first either. You are voting whether you think MT is the best thing since whatever or is it just the same as MTG with a different name.
Originally Posted by Blaque*Angel
I loved the results of MTG, but the smell began to kill me, :nono:

i had to put bottles of E.O's in it to mask the smell!!!!!

But i love everything about MT :love:

(the poll does not make sense to me!!!):drunk:

If anyone wants a free unopened bottle of MTG (32oz) its yours. shipping costs only :)

Originally Posted by Ivy Butter [I didn't understand the poll at first either. You are voting whether you think MT is the best thing since whatever or is it just the same as MTG with a different name.]

haha, sorry for any confusion. But yeah, it's just what Ivy said :grin:

*scratches head @ poll*

HAHA.. megatek option a or megatek option b...
i guess i choose...both...

lol seriously, I had to give my MTG away, 3/4s of a bottle. it gave me a rash, and bad eczema wherever it touched on my body. Namely my upper back and chest.

not only did it smell, but while i was doing wash and gos, it drip drip dripped on the back of my work shirts...leaving MTG collars:nono:
oh crap, that was the last thing I needed to read. I'm really hoping someone can testify that they both work the same and save my poor anorexic wallet! :lachen:

<<<inches closer to debit card :look:>>>

Well, MTG and MT cost around the same:yep: Minus a coupla dollas. So gon HEAD and break yoself:rolleyes:
HAHA.. megatek option a or megatek option b...
i guess i choose...both...

lol seriously, I had to give my MTG away, 3/4s of a bottle. it gave me a rash, and bad eczema wherever it touched on my body. Namely my upper back and chest.

not only did it smell, but while i was doing wash and gos, it drip drip dripped on the back of my work shirts...leaving MTG collars:nono:
I'm giving mine away too....I can't go to work smelling like bacon...somebody might bite me!:nono:
Besides the smell of MTG, I would have to say the oily-ness of it.:nono: It made it a little difficult to style my hair. Other than that, I liked using it.

Mega-Tek is light (not oily at all), absorbs easily, smells great, and leaves your hair feeling great, making it easier to manage your hair.:yep: Just pluses all the way around.
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ya'll are too much! I really didn't expect the poll to cause so much difficulty (megatek is the joint or its no different from mtg...).

Ahhh well, guess I wont be winning any awards for poll writing this week. :ohwell: :grin:

Anyway, ya'll done done it - just ordered megatek from stagecoachwest. Cant wait to get it!

btw - I still have my one and only {full} bottle of mtg that I will be placing in the product forum soon if anyone wants dibs...
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