Mega-Tek & The Archive (2002-2007).....

Just chiming in...

the problem with being a PJ is trying new things, and not really forgetting about the old but just putting them in the back of the cabinet only to be dusted off later.

Never really left the MegaTek scene, just stopped using it as often in lieu of other options (i.e. henna which is still a strong favorite of mine).

Do I still use it, yes, more so lately than I had been in the last six months. Documentation, not so much anymore, deleted pictures and lost files. I don't spend as much fussing with my hair and trying new things as I have in the past, there's more to my life.

But, would I still recommend it after 4 years? Yepper, one of the few things I still have in my arsenal, that an my DDTA!

this was fab! It was suggested that videos would be more effective for instruction on MT/OCT. I don't necessarily agree, MT/OCT threads are a major part of why I come to the site. Reading through all the other threads is where I pick up ancillary information but, looking at the photos and reading multiple comments keeps me motivated and believe it or not grounded. The MT/OCT Ladies have become like family and I love hearing updates on their lives also. I just think all of that would be missing with just videos but, I think both may be effective especially for those who don't want to read or become part of out happy family...try it, we are all really nice : )