Active Member
First, depends on who 'we' is. That you're thinking of the second thought doesn't mean that everyone else who uses the term 'scab hair' is. As you can read above, I responded to a general question about the existence of scab hair, not a question about you.
Um, I'm glad you got a chance to say all of this? That post wasn't about you, so please don't make it about you.
It's ridiculous of you to roll your eyes when you're the one who jumped the gun. It seems to me that you were waiting for someone to attack you in this thread, so when an attack didn't come, you manufactured one to work yourself up. Take a deep breath.
Umm..Im not mad... just having a discussion... I didn't even know that was a rolling eye smiley... just a blue smiley.. Maybe I shoud have used this one?