Naturals: Have YOU Experienced Scab Hair??

First, depends on who 'we' is. That you're thinking of the second thought doesn't mean that everyone else who uses the term 'scab hair' is. As you can read above, I responded to a general question about the existence of scab hair, not a question about you.

Um, I'm glad you got a chance to say all of this? That post wasn't about you, so please don't make it about you.

It's ridiculous of you to roll your eyes when you're the one who jumped the gun. It seems to me that you were waiting for someone to attack you in this thread, so when an attack didn't come, you manufactured one to work yourself up. Take a deep breath.

Umm..Im not mad... just having a discussion... I didn't even know that was a rolling eye smiley... just a blue smiley.. Maybe I shoud have used this one?:yep:... And I hope you dont think I was attacking you... Just having a disscussion who had a different point of view... and i used ME because I only know my hair personally...:yep:
Ladies please don't lucious, sonce was awnsering my question, it wasn't about you. And i apologize if my question has started anything but i truly didn't know. This information could help someone else who does not know about scab hair.
You have nothing to apologize for because you did nothing wrong. :) We all have questions.
Umm..Im not mad... just having a discussion... I didn't even know that was a rolling eye smiley... just a blue smiley.. Maybe I shoud have used this one?:yep:... And I hope you dont think I was attacking you... Just having a disscussion who had a different point of view... and i used ME because I only know my hair personally...:yep:
The smiley is literally labeled "Roll Eyes (sarcastic)," but it's ok if you didn't realize that. :) As I stated, my point of view is that scab hair is possible, as is misuse of the term by those who aren't ready to accept their natural texture. Which part do you disagree with?
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Mine was located in the back of my crown. Everything else looked moisturized with nice kinks and curls but that part stayed dry looking and lighter in color. Now that my hair is growing longer its only on the ends and my hair looks much better in that area.
Ladies please don't lucious, sonce was awnsering my question, it wasn't about you. And i apologize if my question has started anything but i truly didn't know. This information could help someone else who does not know about scab hair.

Oh no problem.. I just started this thread so other could chime in... whether they agree or not..I welcome all thoughts and points of view.
Thank you for your response. When i first went natural i thought i had scab hair but it was just a different texture than the rest of my hair. I had no idea at the beginning that people could have 2 or more different textures. My hair is mostly coily but then i have places that are just fluff. This scab hair thing had me really confused and ready to cut hair that did not need to be cut. But this is a good explaination of how scab hair can occur.
I have fluff in some areas too. But if the hair is not stiff and crunchy..dont cut anything :nono:. In my case some parts were crunchy and wiry..when I cut the ends off, in that area I still have fluff but it was not where near as hard as it was during my transition. And it stays moisturized unlike the s.h.

I dunno..for me though, I could tell a difference between the hair that was already grown out and the hair coming in.
The smiley is literally labeled "Roll Eyes (sarcastic)," but it's ok if you didn't realize that. :) As I stated, my point of view is that scab hair is possible, as is misuse of the term by those who aren't ready to accept their natural texture. Which part do you disagree with?

My thoughts were that you presenting scab hair and hair trauma as two seperate things and Im thinking of them as the same thing...if you weren't then thats cool...I do agree that if someone has been natural for 5 years and points to a certain piece of hair and say "Girl this is my bad spot.. this is my scab hair and it doesn't grow in like that normally!" and its been 5 years then yea... shes got some hair identity crisis issues and needs to be admitted to HA (hair annonmous):lachen:
I have fluff in some areas too. But if the hair is not stiff and crunchy..dont cut anything :nono:. In my case some parts were crunchy and wiry..when I cut the ends off, in that area I still have fluff but it was not where near as hard as it was during my transition. And it stays moisturized unlike the s.h.

I dunno..for me though, I could tell a difference between the hair that was already grown out and the hair coming in.

I would be happy with fluff... LOVE FLUFF.. just not cruchy and hard... How long did it take to grow out for you?
Yes I experienced it. I didn't transition before my BC. At about month 3 or 4 I noticed the difference. I trimmed about half an inch and now going on month 6 I can see where the scab hair actually ends. I have about an inch left. :nono: The scab hair is significantly duller, dryer, fuzzier than my roots.
Yes I experienced it. I didn't transition before my BC. At about month 3 or 4 I noticed the difference. I trimmed about half an inch and now going on month 6 I can see where the scab hair actually ends. I have about an inch left. :nono: The scab hair is significantly duller, dryer, fuzzier than my roots.

Is there anything that you used to make it more managable until it grew/grows out?
I do agree that if someone has been natural for 5 years and points to a certain piece of hair and say "Girl this is my bad spot.. this is my scab hair and it doesn't grow in like that normally!" and its been 5 years then yea... shes got some hair identity crisis issues and needs to be admitted to HA (hair annonmous):lachen:
:lachen::lachen::lachen:Exactly. You know there are women out there who are still waiting for their "real" texture to come in after years of being natural.
I would be happy with fluff... LOVE FLUFF.. just not cruchy and hard... How long did it take to grow out for you?
Have no problem with fluff either. :drunk:

Not very long. . By month 10 (going by my fotki) I had about 2.5 inches of natural hair in that area then that little bit of rough hair..the rest was texlaxed then bone straight ends. No breakage in those areas.

I have a patch of hair thats very frizzy (frizzier than other areas on my head), thick and wiry. Thought that was scab hair...But thats how my hair grows in that has a pattern like the rest of my hair..just a diff. texture. Wont hold a curl there! My mom and my sis both have that patch in the same it may just be hereditary?..what a coincidence if its not. anyway i'm rambling off topic.
Bumping.I think I have scab hair as well.Nothing seems to be helping my dry hair ,it is wirery no moisturiser is helping at all:ohwell:
I had it for a while when I was stretching my relaxer up until after I bced. It was kind of frizzy and undefined. Most of it was gone after my first few trims. My hair looks different now.
I hate to necro this thread lol...but this just shed a WHOLE LOT of light on my situation. It seems no matter WHAT I do to this stuff, it turns out feeling like a pot scrubber when it's dry. When it's wet, it's's cool...when it dries, it's like there's nothing I can do for it. The hair in the back of my head (where admittedly I was never able to completely relax it) is baby soft and fine. Whereas the top and sides (where I KNOW that relaxer got through lol) have this wiry, dry thing going on. Some pieces are even straight...and Lord knows I went near bald headed. :giggle:
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This is very interesting, OP. I have read about scab hair here on this board previously, but I never fully understood what it was.

So...basically, the deep-set-in chemicals have to work their way completely out of our bodies and scalp. Until they do, the texture of our hair will grow differently. Do I have it? I thought it had to do with heat damage. Thanks for this information!!!

I also just realized that the reason I never paid too much attention to it is because the term "scab hair" is uncomfortable for me to hear or even think. I pushed it away because I don't want scab anything in my life. Maybe "remnant hair" or something like that. :grin:

Anyway, I think I might some on both of the upper-sides of my head. Also the back middle, I think....

I guess I will really know as it continues to grow, but my hair definitely feels differently than it did the last time I was natural and not yet locced.

Scabby :lachen::lachen:
I thought I had scab hair since the front bit of my hair is totally different from the rest. Then I realized it's just a different texture and I need to treat it a bit differently.
Wow...I thought that it was just me.

I have a patch of scab hair at the very front and at the top of my head where my stylist would ALWAYS start the relaxer (instead of matter how often I would ask her to do so)

My hair used to grow in very thick in these areas and now...not so much. This area was sore when I first started to transition but now...not so much. Scab hair perhaps?
I thought scab hair was a myth. I wonder if thats whats going on in the middle of my head. The middle of my head would always get burned. I started having problems growing this part of my hair. It was suuuuuuuuuuper dry and brittle and would always break and be shorter than the rest of my hair but it wasn't that way before I started relaxing. Since I've bc'd all of my hair is soft and curly like when I was little except for the patch in the middle at the top. Deep conditioning and keeping it moisturized seems to be helping. It might just be that part of my hair is a different texture but I guess only time and more growth can tell.
I BC'ed for the 2nd time about 10 days ago. The first time I had relaxed for 20 yrs., transitioned for 6 months, then BC. My scab ends were the hardest to keep moisturized but really my entire head was very coarse. I spent hundreds of dollars on moisturizers. This time I was relaxer free for 15 months, relaxed twice, transitioned for 10 months, then BC.

I have a whole different head of hair than the first time I transitioned and BC. My hair is a lot softer, less coarse, and I have no problems with holding onto moisture. I'm really pleased.
From what I have read... the longer you have had a relaxer.. the MORE LIKELY you are to have scab har and it takes some people up to a year to grow out?!?!? Kind of like if you been relaxed for 20 years or have been relaxed from when you were 4 or 6 years old... and your now 30 trying to go natural... you may have scab hair before you see your true texture..

I had scab hair, but it was very soft and fragile. The rest of my natural hair was fine but that less than 1/2 inch of hair was soooo thin. It wasn't part of my relaxed hair, that was even thinner.
I'm still trying to understand this "scab hair" thing. :spinning::drunk: So, let's say you've been transitioning for 1 year, how much scab hair would you have? When would your normal texture show?

Am I making any sense?:look:
i have scab hair on my left temple and the bang area. the bang area doesnt curl at all, it looks like i still have a relaxer because its sooooo straight. the left temple looks natural but is a whole different texture than the rest of my hair. the left temple does not obsorb product well either. but i have been natural for 2 months now and i can see that my bang area is starting to curl but the left temple may just grow that way because i dont see a change.
I dont believe in scab hair...I'm almost 12 months post and all my new growth is the same texture.

I have noticed for most black women (relaxed or natural) they say there middle is the most coarse, so i dont think it's "scab" hair
I definitely believe in scab hair! I transitioned from a short cut and the hair in the very back that was shaved and didn't get really relaxed as much is softer than the hair at the top that was relaxed bone straight. Some people don't believe but I think its definitely true. The only part of my hair thats soft is the hair at the very back. Im giving it 3 more months before I stop believing in scab hair.
I am believing in scab hair. I think that's what's going on right now in my transition. My scalp has been really sore lately and the new growth has been really dry. I hope this passes soon.
When I first bc my hair was desert dry bit that is changing now, I think moisture is a major issue for twa's . If its really scab hair then why does it regain its curl pattern with time?