Mean Comments!

Honey Vibe

The Good Physician
In the various threads, people have mentioned that they get vindictive comments from family and strangers who are jealous of their hair, or they're unsupportive of your decision to leave your hair natural.

My mother has given up belittling my natural hair with comments like "What you NEED is a relaxuh on that head" or "You're not going out looking like that are you?", and for that I am grateful.
I was surprised at how rude some people could be! A woman I have never said more than "Hello, how are you" to told me I was getting peasy. /images/graemlins/shocked.gif
Most people humor me and think it's 'cute' that I've decided to stop relaxing my hair. These are the ones that burst out laughing and say, "Yeah right! Just wait until summer time!" /images/graemlins/mad.gif
So far I've only had my feelings really hurt one time. A friend I haven't seen in a while asked me if I was still 'wearing my hair in that tired wrap'. I told her that I stopped relaxing my hair. Her response: "Why? You don't have good hair." Ouch.
(This is the same woman that let me walk around in MC Hammer pants without making one nasty comment!)
Most of my cousins have stopped relaxing their hair, but they get blow outs once a week. When I showed them some photos of how I want to wear my hair, they said I would look like an extra from Roots.
I am not looking forward to visiting my relatives for Christmas...

The only thing that keeps me from going off the deep end is that I know in two years this jacked up phase will be a faded memory and they will all be asking me for hair advice.
I'm gonna charge 'em $19.95. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Sassy, I can relate perfectly to those rude comments. I think that if people don't have anything nice to say, maybe they should reconsider if they are a nice person or not.

/images/graemlins/blush.gif I'm sorry; this topic seems a bit nonsensical. It's actually an invitation for ladies to post the vindictive comments they've gotten on their hair.
I mentioned on another thread that an aunt yanked on my head thinking I had a wig on last week! /images/graemlins/mad.gif When I used to wear a weave, she would always point out to people I had one on by making comments like: "who does your weave for you?" or "wow, that weave looks so good, it's hard to tell it's not your hair!" She would do that whenever we were in public and I hated it! She always would say how even as a child, I never had much hair.

You see how our lovely Adrienne had beautiful long hair even as a child? O.k. That was not me!! I was the little girl with the short, little braids sticking up in the air. Yes, that was me. It's not the fact that my aunt says it, it's the tone in which she says it that was always so hurtful.

Now fast forward to today and I can tell she's in as much shock as I am over the growth I've experienced. I don't have long hair like a lot of the ladies on this forum, but I have more hair than I've ever had and she is just going to have to deal with it! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Dang, Pebbles...with family like that who needs enemies!??

I checked out your photos and your hair looks great! Your aunt is probably green with envy now. Just keep your hair regimen up and in no time your hair will be even healthy and longer.

When your aunt sees that long hair and makes her usual "weave comment" you'll be able to reply: Weave? What are you talking about...this is ALL my hair!

/images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
When your aunt sees that long hair and makes her usual "weave comment" you'll be able to reply: Weave? What are you talking about...this is ALL my hair!

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh JOY!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Pebbles, you have very pretty hair, it is so thick. My cousin told me I can't grow my hair long. It would be better if I had a short cut, which would very cute, because I have stunning features. I myself never had long hair when I was growing up. When I was in my teenage years, my hair grew up to the bottom of my earlobes, but it would always break, if I was under stress, it was very delicate. I'm 41 now and I have collar length natural hair, when I started this journey from February, my hair was 3 inches short, July stretched my hair could only reach to half my earlobe, now in October my hair stretched past my earlobes towards my chin, my back hair is now past my nape. I have more hair than I have ever hair, things change and sometimes people don't want to expect that. Because of the complexity of our bodies, our hair needed that extra boost. I think greatly it needed rinsing on a regular basis, that it what has caused my growth. I will be paying a visit to my cousin, next Summer and I will be going with my thick head of natural hair. She was shocked to hear I go swimming every week, she expected to hear that I keep my hair short, I said no, swimming is fine, I have been swimming for nearly a year and a half, twice in the summer, once a week in the Winter. God is for all of us. Good Luck Ladies and you will get your help.
Hi Valerie,

Thanks for the compliment. I'm 36 years old and for the first time I have hair that looks like something. I'm sure that my aunt is as shocked as I am because even I thought that I wouldn't be able to grow much hair at this stage of the game. This particular aunt is, overall, a nasty individual to everyone, so I try not to take things personally. (Though I admit, she does get to me.)

I would definately have to credit the new habits I've learned for my hair growth. All my life I've done it the old fashioned way: lots of grease, wash every 2 weeks, etc. Clearly, it wasn't working. I think you're right. Things change and people just don't expect that. In many ways.

Your hair seems to have grown pretty fast in a short period of time. At that rate you'll have a beautiful head of long natural hair to shock your cousin with next summer. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

And you are absolutely right: GOD is for all of us! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I was surprised at how rude some people could be! A woman I have never said more than "Hello, how are you" to told me I was getting peasy. /images/graemlins/shocked.gif
Most people humor me and think it's 'cute' that I've decided to stop relaxing my hair. These are the ones that burst out laughing and say, "Yeah right! Just wait until summer time!" /images/graemlins/mad.gif
So far I've only had my feelings really hurt one time. A friend I haven't seen in a while asked me if I was still 'wearing my hair in that tired wrap'. I told her that I stopped relaxing my hair. Her response: "Why? You don't have good hair." Ouch.
(This is the same woman that let me walk around in MC Hammer pants without making one nasty comment!)
Most of my cousins have stopped relaxing their hair, but they get blow outs once a week. When I showed them some photos of how I want to wear my hair, they said I would look like an extra from Roots.
I am not looking forward to visiting my relatives for Christmas...

The only thing that keeps me from going off the deep end is that I know in two years this jacked up phase will be a faded memory and they will all be asking me for hair advice.
I'm gonna charge 'em $19.95. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Wow, I can't believe people can be so nasty. :nono:

The old adage comes to mind, "if you haven't got anything decent to say, don't say anything." It's a pity you can't buy good manners.
My mother and brother were really the only ones who made nasty comments when I bced. They've since gotten over it. I think they've come to accept it as what it is. My dad never said anything but he stopped making comments about my hair a long time ago when I was still relaxed.

Sometimes I get :perplexed faces from people when I tell them I don't perm my hair but once they see my hair out they like it. I get more compliments than anything. Either that or the people who don't like it are just keeping their opinions to themselves which is fine by me.
I am asking the same question. These threads are from 2002. Some of them are so old that some of the people that started them are probably no longer members here. :ohwell:

I dunno about the rest of ya but i'm starting to think that our friend Babs over here might be a bot... since most of her comments are one liners... cartoon avatar... i could be wrong but i'm just sayin'! lol.

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I understand your pain. I work at a high school and the kids can be brutal. Well I was rocking some 18 inch extensions in my head and the kids thought the weave was my natural hair. I received numerous compliments and I was riding on cloud 9. Than I took the weave out and relaxed my natural hair, and than the insults begin! The kids BEGGED me to put the weave back in. One kid told me I use to be fine before I took the weave out. Believe me I know insults!
If I had a penny for every bad comment I got about my hair:rolleyes:

I was told I looked like a slave with my natural hair. Pretty much all my life I got the bad hair comments. It was so bad sometimes I would just come home crying. I'd be standing in line and people behind me would say "omg look at her hair". I remember when I was in the first grade, these girls took a piece of foil and tried to get me to eat it, telling me it would make my hair grow:rolleyes: Good thing I knew better than that.

I remember when I was in the 7thh grade this boy in class was like look even that first grader has more hair than you...

And I have a friend who still needs to remind me that I how bad my hair is. She was saying oh thank God my daughter doesnt have that bad hair like yours.. I can't wait til the day my hair flourishes so she shut her trap..

All of these made me have a complex about my hair...
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If I had a penny for every bad comment I got about my hair:rolleyes:

I was told I looked like a slave with my natural hair. Pretty much all my life I got the bad hair comments. It was so bad sometimes I would just come home crying. I'd be standing in line and people behind me would say "omg look at her hair". I remember when I was in the first grade, these girls took a piece of foil and tried to get me to eat it, telling me it would make my hair grow:rolleyes: Good thing I knew better than that.

I remember when I was in the 7thh grade this boy in class was like look even that first grader has more hair than you...

And I have a friend who still needs to remind me that I how bad my hair is. She was saying oh thank God my daughter doesnt have that bad hair like yours.. I can't wait til the day my hair flourishes so she shut her trap..

All of these made me have a complex about my hair...

Wow, locabouthair, here's a: :bighug:While growing up, I heard some mean comments, as well... most of the nasty remarks came from the people who lived with me. :nono: Just give it time and continue with your healthy hair practices until you have the hair of your dreams.
If I had a penny for every bad comment I got about my hair:rolleyes:

I was told I looked like a slave with my natural hair. Pretty much all my life I got the bad hair comments. It was so bad sometimes I would just come home crying. I'd be standing in line and people behind me would say "omg look at her hair". I remember when I was in the first grade, these girls took a piece of foil and tried to get me to eat it, telling me it would make my hair grow:rolleyes: Good thing I knew better than that.

I remember when I was in the 7thh grade this boy in class was like look even that first grader has more hair than you...

And I have a friend who still needs to remind me that I how bad my hair is. She was saying oh thank God my daughter doesnt have that bad hair like yours.. I can't wait til the day my hair flourishes so she shut her trap..

All of these made me have a complex about my hair...


These kind of nasty attitudes - particularly from your current friends who ought to know better, should give you all the determination you need to show them that you can and will grow healthy, beautiful hair.

You should dump those so call friends too as they don't mean you any good. :nono:
Wow, locabouthair, here's a: :bighug:While growing up, I heard some mean comments, as well... most of the nasty remarks came from the people who lived with me. :nono: Just give it time and continue with your healthy hair practices until you have the hair of your dreams.

Thanks. I never got bad comments from my family abouy my hair it was always other people...I remember a friends mom said if she had my hair she'd get a weave..:ohwell:


These kind of nasty attitudes - particularly from your current friends who ought to know better, should give you all the determination you need to show them that you can and will grow healthy, beautiful hair.
You should dump those so call friends too as they don't mean you any good. :nono:

Thanks..It should but lately I just wanna throw in the towel. I do keep my distance from my friend.
My mom, my sisters all had comments to deter me from going natural. "Yeah, your going natural until summer", or "How are you going to wear your hair? In an afro!" My SO was and still is the most supportive person IRL about my hair, but he had APL length natural hair when we met. Three years ago he cut all his hair off; since watching me grow out my hair, he decided last year to stop cutting his and has about 6 inches of hair. It's been 29 months since my last relaxer, my family is ok with it; my youngest sister has SL natural hair. My older sister wears weaves constantly, but only relaxes 3-5 times a year and trims her hair back to APL when she relaxes. My transistion actually was one of the best influences on my family, and fortunately it did not take them long to realize that it was for the all over health of my hair and happiness; I did not care what they thought or had to say, I had made up my mind. My Mother is the last convert, growing up my Mom always had pretty hair, but I want her to treat it better.