see thats the thing.. I have been living on my own for about 5 years now..paying bills, struggling..the whole was his idea to try to take some of the financial weight off of me by myself, so I could focus more on school and work a little less.. he works two jobs now, and is saving to pay for his tution in the we have been working on this..we are just trying to be a little smater about how were go about it..ya know
okay I'm just going to say it.....You're not ready. You as a single person must be able to live wholly and holy on your own before you could ever feel you are ready for marriage. I was you 10 years ago and all I can say is PRAISE GOD, I didn't do it! Yes you are going to make your own decisions, figure ways to justify it in your own head, but at the end of the day, your conscience is going to get you. Continue to do it on your own, continue to find your own path so you can say you lived your own life before you get married. He is not independent. Let that man be a man....are you ready to submit? Are you ready to deal with the good and the bad?...especially the bad, cause its going to be 10000xs worse than you can ever yourself a favor and answer these questions:
Are you called to be married?
Are you called to married to this person?, if so, how did God show you: through godly council?, through prophecy (and remember a profit is only to confirm what God has only told you)?, through the preached and taught word?, through dreams and visions?, through is voice?
Are you saved?
What is God's perception of this situation? Would he be pleased & glorified?
Does this man compliment you?
Do you bring out the best in each other?
the questions can go on an on but honey, please sincerely take a hard look at what you're doing....If you do it God's way it may take you 3 steps to get there, as opposed to doing it your way, which could take you 100 steps and a multitude of unnecessary hurdles. You're young and enjoy your singleness........write out the reasons why you enjoy being single...if your list is short, you got some living to do.
Here are some ways to keep you from hearing the voice of God:
an unguarded heart
and family pressure
Marriage is SERIOUS BUSINESS, not a cake walk, not a means to an end.....its a commitment before GOD!