MBL Challenge 2012 Official Thread

My goal length is fairy
Current Length: APL
Current State of Hair: natural
Reggie: ACV, Onions, Ayurvedic, Frequent shampoo, Frequent DC, Weekly Clay, Scalp Treatments, Cerimides, Rarely CW and plus I am on the latest bandwagon :band:

What month in 2012 you hope to be at MBL: Sept 2012

April 31, 2011: APL
December 31, 2011: BSL
August 15, 2012: Full BSL
December 31, 2012: MBL :rocker:

What I reach MBL I am going to throw a length check and Reveal Party! :bdance: I am going to have a cake made with Long thick massive hair :trophy: . Going to give everyone a keepsake picture of my length check. :cheers:

My gift to myself will be dedicating a room to an in home salon and spa :bath:
I just went to a salon for the first time IN SEVEN YEARS and had a great experience.

I got a silk press and a SLIGHT cut, which I don't consider a set back to my MBL/WL 2012 challenge because my ends reeeeaaaallly needed it.



Now, I'm either going to get the Splitender and maintain at home every 2 months or so, or seal my ends like Fort Knox and keep going to this salon.
I missed this challenge :(

I am in BSL 2011 and WL 2013. MBL 2012 fits right in with my goals!!

I will be coming back and forth for inspiration! Grow ladies, grow!!!
Can I join???

I just straightened my hair for the first time since May and I am actually 1 in from BSL so hopefully I will be there by January....so now I am focusing on MBL for 2012

There's only a 2 inch difference from BSL and MBL on me, so hopefully I will be there by May or June. SO excited!
Current Length 1 inch from BSL
Current State of Hair Natural
Regimen- Less manipulation, I just straightened my hair and don't plan to straighten it again until February 2012, and then again in May or June. I plan to wash every 2 weeks and in between that time I plan to keep my hair braided up...the back section of my hair gets A LOT of SSKs so I plan to band the ends of the braids in the back. I also ensure my hair is moisturized, I honestly can't remember what products I use lol
Goals for each check-in date February- Full BSL
What month in 2012 you hope to be at MBL By my June check in
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Current Length: APL
Current State of Hair: Texlaxed and Transitioning to Natural

Regimen: bunning and other protective hairstyles (weaves, wigs), more moisturizing, treatments to strengthen hair, low manipulation, dusting when necessary.

Goals for each check-in date:
December 31, 2011: close to BSL
April 30 2011: BSL
August 15, 2012: Between BSL & MBL

What month in 2012 you hope to be at MBL: September

Starting pic (taken 9/13/11):
Current Length: Very close to bsb
Current State of Hair:Natural with a section of bleached hair in the front.
Regimen: I've given up on a real reggis...but I try to DC weekly when I can. I alternate between protein and moisture. Co wash a lot in the summer not so much in the winter. I wear my hair in wng's, twist outs and braid outs in the summer and I've been alternating between twists, braids,natural buns and straight hair in the winter. I might do a sew in at some point as well.
My hair is currently

Goals for each check-in date
December 31, 2011: Very very very close to BSB or at BSB :look:
April 30, 2012: Almost MBL
August 15, 2012: MBL
December 31, 2012: WL

What month in 2012 you hope to be at MBL: August
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Hi, I would like to join. I wanted to be WL by Dec 2012 but I don't think I will be a peace with my layers. So, I'm trying to make it to MBL and start trimming for blunt ends.

Current Length BSL
Current State of Hair Texlaxed

Alt week of moisture and protein
Moisture week
prepoo with Dabur Amla intensive treatment mixed with WGO, poo, DC with steam. I've been using hemp oil & AOHSR

Protein week
prepoo with molasses, WGO, and Suave condish, poo with clarifying or chelating poo, Aphogee 2 min or Dudley cream protein, Steam DC with AOHSR

I normally let my DC stay in all night after steaming. My hair feels so good the next day.

I'm about to change somethings up. I'm going to go back to using Indian powders mixed with condish and tea rinsing. I have a couple of Indian DC to try that have henna in them. I will try that one prob in Dec. I'm trying to add one product per month to really see how my hair responds. I really need to be in the use up your stash challenge too.

Goals for each check-in date
December 31, 2011 Full BSL
April 30, 2012 Grazing MBL
August 15, 2012 MBL with some blunt ends
December 31, 2012 Full MBL with another trim for blunt ends
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Update: After my last wash day last week I'm about one inch away from full APL. I'm still on Hairfinity but I started taking an additional 1000mcg of Biotin on Friday and call me crazy but I think I'm already seeing growth.:ohwell: One good thing about re-growing my hair after this setback, I'm seeing how fast my hair can go from barely SL to APL if I take care of it and give it a boost via vitamins.:perplexed:yep: I hadn't thought much of projections but now since my hair's growing at 1 inch per month here's my projection for the rest of this year and 2012.

full APL/BSB~November 21(my birthday or soon thereafter):grin:
BSL~end of January 2012
MBL~end of February/early March (only 1 inch between BSL-MBL for me)
I want to join as well. I don't think I will actually make it considering I'm SL, but I want to give it a serious effort.
Okay, I'm in! I think this is a real possibility in 2012, so I'm going to set it as a goal.

Current Length: Nape grazing APL, CBL sides, Bangs a few inches below chin

Current State of Hair: Natural

Weekly - DC on dry hair w/AOGPB or AOHSR, wash w/mudwash, leave-in w/Yes to Cucumbers, seal w/castor oil or grease, twist to airdry or bun

Weekly - cowash and leave-in as needed w/Yes to Cucumbers, seal w/castor oil

Daily - moisturize w/water (might make a sheabutter mix or use Yes to Cucumbers to moisturize), seal w/castor oil or grease

Monthly - Henna once a month

Style - PS in a bun or wear twist-out

Daily multivitamin that includes biotin, MSM for health reasons, but welcome any health benefits!

Goals for each check-in date:
December 31, 2010 – NA
April 30, 2011 – NA
August 15, 2011 - NA
December 31, 2011 – APL
April 30, 2012 – APL
August 15, 2012 – Past BSL/BSB (hope to reach June 2012)
December 31, 2012 – MBL

What month in 2012 you hope to be at MBL: December
Please introduce yourself!
Current Length- grazing BSL
Current State of Hair- Natural
Regimen- Cowash daily unless I am in twists/ twistout, Deep Condition 1x a week, Shampoo 2x a month, Protein 2x a month, Trim every 12-16 weeks. I keep my hair with conditioner in it, pinned up the majority of the time. I only use heat for trim/ length checks 4x a year and on a few rare occasions in the fall and winter.
Goals for each check-in date- BSL by December 31, 2011; MBL by June 2012; WL by December 31, 2012- trying to get it early!
What month in 2012 you hope to be at MBL- June 2012
Any links to a photo album or Youtube channel if you want to share- Photo album on here, avi and siggy! :)

Thanks for letting me join late!!!
Im In ! :grin:

Current Length: Pic In Sig
Current State of Hair: Relaxed 4a, Possibly Transitioning
Wash Weekly
Co-Wash 2x per Week
M&S Daily
24 Week/6 Month Stretch
No Heat
Oil Scalp Every Night
GHE 5x a Week, Baggy Ends 2x a Week
No Trims
No Manipulation Protective Styling Daily
Minimum 50g Protein Eaten Daily
4 Servings of Dark Green or Yellow Vegetables Daily
Scalp Massage Every Night
Vitamins Nightly :look:
Goals for each check-in date (dates are below):
December 31, 2011 – Full SL
April 30, 2012 – APL
August 15, 2012 – BSL
December 31, 2012 – MBL! :drunk::drunk::drunk:
What month in 2012 you hope to be at MBL: December 2012
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I want in this challenge too!!

Current Length

Current State of Hair
I'm natural and staying that way forever

winter: weekly washes/dcs and styling, lots of moisture
warm months: cowashes every few days and styling, lots of moisture

Goals for each check-in date
My goal is to just retain 1/2 inch every month (or more if I get a summer growth spurt like you girls mention sometimes)

What month in 2012 you hope to be at MBL
I think I can get there by September 2012

Any links to a photo album or Youtube channel if you want to share

My hair stuff is all on my blog http://www.okdani.com
Welcome Whimsy! I forgot that you cut your hair!
And do you really think it'll take til September to get to MBL? You'll probably be there by early spring!
Beautiful hair, btw :)
Welcome @Whimsy! I forgot that you cut your hair!
And do you really think it'll take til September to get to MBL? You'll probably be there by early spring!
Beautiful hair, btw :)

I hope you're right!!!! But, yeah probably september, I figure I'll make full bsl by may and then it's another inch or 2 to full MBL....but I'll probably trim at some point sooo Sept maybe Aug seems realistic with 1/2 inch a month and hopefully retaining it all.

My plan, BSL May, MBL Sept, WL December..... cross your fingers for me.
I hope you're right!!!! But, yeah probably september, I figure I'll make full bsl by may and then it's another inch or 2 to full MBL....but I'll probably trim at some point sooo Sept maybe Aug seems realistic with 1/2 inch a month and hopefully retaining it all.

My plan, BSL May, MBL Sept, WL December..... cross your fingers for me.

You're confusing me! In that pic, you only look like you're an inch or so away from BSL!
Also, MBL and WL are only an inch and a half apart on you? They're like 3.5 inches apart on me. I think you're wearing your bra really low!
You're confusing me! In that pic, you only look like you're an inch or so away from BSL!
Also, MBL and WL are only an inch and a half apart on you? They're like 3.5 inches apart on me. I think you're wearing your bra really low!

When I say BSL I mean full bsl, my brastrap covered, not just barely reaching my brastrap.

MBL and WL are about 2 inches apart I'd say.
When I say BSL I mean full bsl, my brastrap covered, not just barely reaching my brastrap.

MBL and WL are about 2 inches apart I'd say.

OHHH! Full BSL makes more sense then. I was about to diagnose you with severe hairrexia! :lachen:
Anyway, welcome to the challenge!
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Hi ladies! I haven't logged on in a while. I am a sniff away from BSL, should be there by end year. I plan to start taking chlorella, biotin and MSM before the end of this month and increase protective styling. I am 7 months post and will relax just before the new year.
One of my friends just pulled my hair because she was being nosy and she told me that my hair was getting really close to my bra strap. I don't know what "really close" means, but I am assuming that my hair has to be at least APL again for her to make that statement. I know it will probably take an extra year (if not more) for all of my layers to catch up, but if my back couple layers reach a milestone, I definitely claim it!
In any case, I am excited for December. I hope I really am close to the strap!