MBL Challenge 2012


Well-Known Member
I stole this from soldierforhair (hope that's okay!)

My final goal is natural MBL and I know that it is not realistic for me to say that I will make it until about 2012 since I won't finish my transition until August 2011, and I'm only about APL now. I would like to know how many of you all would like to join me on this challenge to make it official.

This is just a sign-up thread! You can sign up on this thread until August 31, 2010. I will make a new thread on August 1 that will only include regimens/starting pics! I will post the link to the new thread in this thread on August 1 to let you know where to click to post your regimen and pics. I am doing it this way so that the challenge thread will not contain pages and pages of people asking to be entered and will instead just include important challenge info.

ETA: Please post your pics and reggies at: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/for...d.php?t=488414 by August 15! An updated challenger list is at this thread.

miss Congeniality
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Oooooh....I like this one! But I'm already in the WL 2012 Challenge. What to do...what to do. :confused:
^^ Hahaha. My final goal is MBL so I plan to maintain it there. Maybe I could reach WL by the end of 2012/beginning of 2013, but I don't think I want to plan for it.
I know there's no way on God's green Earth I'll make it to WL by then, but a girl can dream. I have a better chance at MBL than WL unless there are some hair growth fairies that are gonna pay me a visit soon.
^^ Welllllll... you could always join both. If you make WL in 2012, it's a given that you will make MBL. :)
Cowash 2x week
Shampoo and DC weekly
Dust ends when needed
PS every day with LF,phony pony,or bun

Sorry I don't have a more recent length shot, but its only 3 weeks old. I'm excited!!! :grin:


  • 10 weeks 003.jpg
    10 weeks 003.jpg
    28.4 KB · Views: 13
Yay! I am just making this the sign-up thread, so I will copy-paste your regimen over on the new thread.
Im in the WL 2012 also. But sign me up. I'd be satisfied with any of the two lengths. My starting pic is in my pikistrip.
I want to be down, but I was just wondering when will this challenge be over. I will be one year post in October so I was just wondering will this challenge last until the end of 2012 because if so than I will have a better chance at making it happen.:grin:
I'm in.

My regimen is really just weaving it up and protective styling until I hit my goal.

I'm 1.5 inches away from APL.


  • Photo on 2010-06-28 at 20.33 #2.jpg
    Photo on 2010-06-28 at 20.33 #2.jpg
    91.2 KB · Views: 30
I'm end I think I have a chance if I go to like DEC. 2010. I think I might be APL by Dec 2010. At least that's what I'm working towards. MBL as of now is my final growth goal. I want to maintain at that length.
I'm end I think I have a chance if I go to like DEC. 2010. I think I might be APL by Dec 2010. At least that's what I'm working towards. MBL as of now is my final growth goal. I want to maintain at that length.

It's my final goal too. :grin:
Welcome to the challenge.
I'm hoping to make MBL in 2011, but even if I do, it probably won't look the way that I want it to (full with thick ends) until 2012. I'm in!