Well-Known Member
Welcome NaturalUM07 
NaturalfienD - sounds yummy!
My hair is in the condition of it's life right now!
Co-washed (no pre-poo), then did a protein mask treatment yesterday. I just rinsed out a DC mix of Queen Helene Cholesterol + Mirpur AV Cholesterol + Glycerine + AVG + Castor/Jojoba/Soy/Sunflower oils. It went on really thin, which wasn't normal, and it was dripping all day and overnight, which is unusual. Realise now this was the AVG seperating from the mix, next time I won't add so much.
When I unwrapped the saran this morning my head and scalp were COATED with thick, heavy conditioner
I was afraid I'd have to shampoo it out but it rinsed okay. Added a touch of regular con (Tresemme Moisturizing) to my rinsed hair while in shower, left for a few minx then rinsed with one jug of ACV water to close the cuticles.
My hair responded accordingly. NATURAL MIRROR SHINE that I've never ever had (I don't have silky hair, it's that coarse dull type!), so smooth and silky feeling, soft healthy and moisturised! SCORE!!!

NaturalfienD - sounds yummy!

My hair is in the condition of it's life right now!
Co-washed (no pre-poo), then did a protein mask treatment yesterday. I just rinsed out a DC mix of Queen Helene Cholesterol + Mirpur AV Cholesterol + Glycerine + AVG + Castor/Jojoba/Soy/Sunflower oils. It went on really thin, which wasn't normal, and it was dripping all day and overnight, which is unusual. Realise now this was the AVG seperating from the mix, next time I won't add so much.
When I unwrapped the saran this morning my head and scalp were COATED with thick, heavy conditioner

My hair responded accordingly. NATURAL MIRROR SHINE that I've never ever had (I don't have silky hair, it's that coarse dull type!), so smooth and silky feeling, soft healthy and moisturised! SCORE!!!