MBL 2013 Challenge!

Welcome NaturalUM07 :welcome:


NaturalfienD - sounds yummy! :lick:


My hair is in the condition of it's life right now!

Co-washed (no pre-poo), then did a protein mask treatment yesterday. I just rinsed out a DC mix of Queen Helene Cholesterol + Mirpur AV Cholesterol + Glycerine + AVG + Castor/Jojoba/Soy/Sunflower oils. It went on really thin, which wasn't normal, and it was dripping all day and overnight, which is unusual. Realise now this was the AVG seperating from the mix, next time I won't add so much.

When I unwrapped the saran this morning my head and scalp were COATED with thick, heavy conditioner :ohwell: I was afraid I'd have to shampoo it out but it rinsed okay. Added a touch of regular con (Tresemme Moisturizing) to my rinsed hair while in shower, left for a few minx then rinsed with one jug of ACV water to close the cuticles.

My hair responded accordingly. NATURAL MIRROR SHINE that I've never ever had (I don't have silky hair, it's that coarse dull type!), so smooth and silky feeling, soft healthy and moisturised! SCORE!!! :lol:
Checkin in... I have started doing length checks 2 months apart. I'm currently BSL and about 2-3 inches from MBL. Hopefully by Jan/Feb I will reach my goal but I really need to do better about vitamins and bunning! I hope all is well with you ladies, keep up the good progress :)
Hello ladies! I'm really excited about this challenge, and I know I can achieve my goal with consistent determination and dedication...WE ALL CAN!!

I have been relaxed since age 9. In 2006 I decided to go natural, and did that for 2 years. It was far more work than I expected. I missed the ease of my relaxed hair. So, in 2008 I relaxed again and have NEVER LOOKED BACK!!! We have to know what is best for us, and for me it is best for my hair to be relaxed. It is much healthier, less breakage, and no traction alopecia from too-tight puffs, etc. Lesson learned.

Anyway, here are my stats this far...

Current Length: Approx APL
Current State of Hair: Self-relaxed every 2 months with Mizani Butter Blend Sensitive Scalp
Regimen: Currently wet-bunning with coconut oil followed by deep condish. Been doing this since my relaxer 2 weeks ago, and I also hennaed yesterday. My typical regimen is shampooing weekly, followed by deep condish under steamer or hooded dyrer, and then roller-set and dry under hooded dryer. I NEVER brush my hair, and comb it daily when detangling and styling. I "pineapple" my hair at night and tie it up with a satin scarf. Plus, I sleep on satin pillow cases. Bunning is my protective style of choice. I plan to bun like there's no tomorrow in order to retain my length. I moisturize and seal ends daily. Also, I do herbal hair treatments using various ayurvedic powders mixed with aloe vera juice or water. I do those approx once a week.

Goals for each check-in date (dates are below)
By December 31, 2012 I hope to be nearing BSL
By April 15, 2013, I hope to have passed BSL and nearing MBL
By August 31, 2013 I hope to be full blown MBL
By December 31, 2013 I hope to be nearing or at WL

What month in 2013 you hope to be at MBL: JULY 2013!!!
I want to join!

[*] Current Length - BSL
[*] Current State of Hair - Natural
[*] Regimen - Co wash ever 2-3 days. Deep condition every week alternated between protein & moisture. Bun 5 days a week.
[*] Goals for each check-in date Check-In Dates
March 31, 2012 - Grazing BSL
August 15, 2012 - BSL
December 31, 2012 - MBL
April 30, 2013 - Full MBL
August 15, 2013 - WL
December 31, 2013 - Full WL

[*] What month in 2013 you hope to be at MBL: January/February 2013


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I feel like I'm finally gaining headway when it comes to retaining length. Dusting is finally paying off, I think. We'll see what happens by the end of the year. I will need to have someone take a photo of my hair...
checking in...

today I applied a deep condish as if applying a relaxer, then sat under the steamer for approx 40 mins. Rinsed, washed scalp with a garlic shampoo, then rinsed hair with V05 moisture milks condish. while that was in my hair, i poured Stabilizer Plus on my hair to seal the cuticle. I wanted to see if my hair would get extra moisturized by sealing the V05 condish in it. I left that in for about 2 mins, then rinsed with cool water. Got out of shower and applied my leave-in tonic and sealed with grapeseed oil. My hair felt GREAT!!!! And, the shine was off the hook!!! Bunning now, and plan to do a henna treatment tomorrow.

Hope you all are doing well and working toward your MBL goal!
Thanks for the welcome! :grin:

Welcome @NaturalUM07 :welcome:


@NaturalfienD - sounds yummy! :lick:


My hair is in the condition of it's life right now!

Co-washed (no pre-poo), then did a protein mask treatment yesterday. I just rinsed out a DC mix of Queen Helene Cholesterol + Mirpur AV Cholesterol + Glycerine + AVG + Castor/Jojoba/Soy/Sunflower oils. It went on really thin, which wasn't normal, and it was dripping all day and overnight, which is unusual. Realise now this was the AVG seperating from the mix, next time I won't add so much.

When I unwrapped the saran this morning my head and scalp were COATED with thick, heavy conditioner :ohwell: I was afraid I'd have to shampoo it out but it rinsed okay. Added a touch of regular con (Tresemme Moisturizing) to my rinsed hair while in shower, left for a few minx then rinsed with one jug of ACV water to close the cuticles.

My hair responded accordingly. NATURAL MIRROR SHINE that I've never ever had (I don't have silky hair, it's that coarse dull type!), so smooth and silky feeling, soft healthy and moisturised! SCORE!!! :lol:
checking in...

today I applied a deep condish as if applying a relaxer, then sat under the steamer for approx 40 mins. Rinsed, washed scalp with a garlic shampoo, then rinsed hair with V05 moisture milks condish. while that was in my hair, i poured Stabilizer Plus on my hair to seal the cuticle. I wanted to see if my hair would get extra moisturized by sealing the V05 condish in it. I left that in for about 2 mins, then rinsed with cool water. Got out of shower and applied my leave-in tonic and sealed with grapeseed oil. My hair felt GREAT!!!! And, the shine was off the hook!!! Bunning now, and plan to do a henna treatment tomorrow.

Hope you all are doing well and working toward your MBL goal!

WendellaWoody - Oh my, just tried this method for the first time over the weekend, WOW!!! Shine was crazy, like you say, hair feels GREAT for sure :yep: Only diff was that I used ACV to seal. Will be doing this every time from now!
Count me in :)

Current Length: BSL (not yet full)
Long term goal: full WL

Current State of Hair: Relaxed, last on aug 8 (almost 5 weeks)
Stretching goal: at least 12 week

Hair type: I've been relaxing my hair since childhood, so i don't know exactly,, I think am 3c/4a

- my hair loves moisture so I co wash and I use moisturizing deep conditioners regularly
- recently started to self relax with a softer relaxer to avoid getting a very straight hair,,
- Trying to minimize heat use (finally achieved a personal goal - whole week without heat- and I love it,, so am stretching the no heat for another week)

Goals for check-in dates
December 31, 2012: full BSL
April 30, 2013 almost MBL
August 15, 2013: full MBL
December 31, 2013 almost WL

What month in 2013 you hope to be at MBL
May or June 2013

I Hope I can post a full BSL on next check in date :)
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Hi!! I've been stalking LHCF for years now an FINALLY I decided to just do it and join. I'm excited. I thanked this challenge a while ago but I am finally posting to it. I DEF wanna join. I uploaded a pic, hopefully it worked and you can see it!! Cheers!!


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I realize I didn't post any answers to the thread questions. Oops :)
But here we go...

Current Length: Grazing the shoulder when twisted out/stretched.
Current State of Hair [(Natural/Relaxed/Transitioning (length of transition)/Stretching (length of relaxer stretch)] – You can also include hair type if you like : All natural baby! I have 3c, 4a, 4b (its all over the place)
Regimen (including what precise steps you are taking in order to get to MBL): The reggie will be changing soon because I moved from Hawaii to East Coast. Totally different weather. So winterizing will be commencing shortly. But at moment I'm using KBB to deep condition every so often. Curl junkie to moisturize and cowash and JBCO to seal. Just recently got WGHO so we'll see how that works. I have one area that has been traumatized or something and is slow growing. sigh*
Goals for each check-in date (dates are below): Probably every three months. So I'll start Jan just to know where I stand for the beginning of the year. Then do check ins during March, June, Sep, & Dec.
What month in 2013 you hope to be at MBL: Im guessing to be realistic, I'll say Dec. But I sure hope its sooner
Any links to a photo album or Youtube channel if you want to share: No links :)
Hi claud_uk! I'm thrilled you got the same great results I did! I'm including this as a staple step in my regimen too! Have a blessed weekend and happy hair growing! :yep:
Checking in...

Sitting here with henna in my hair. I'm on hour #3 of 6. I plan on sitting under the steamer for the last 45 mins of the process. Afterward, I will rinse, rinse, and rinse some more. Then apply deep condish and sit under steamer for about 30 mins. Then hop into shower and pour Stabilizer Plus over hair with the condish still in it, let it marinate for about 2 mins, then rinse out.

I betta have some MBL hair by Dec 2013 after all this! :lol:
WendellaWoody said:
Checking in...

Sitting here with henna in my hair. I'm on hour #3 of 6. I plan on sitting under the steamer for the last 45 mins of the process. Afterward, I will rinse, rinse, and rinse some more. Then apply deep condish and sit under steamer for about 30 mins. Then hop into shower and pour Stabilizer Plus over hair with the condish still in it, let it marinate for about 2 mins, then rinse out.

I betta have some MBL hair by Dec 2013 after all this! :lol:

I just hennaed on Tuesday...and then again on Wednesday because the previous day's efforts ended with a red-orange halo because of my gray...YUK! Right there with ya on Dec 2013! Good luck.
Current Length
Longest layer is BSB
Current State of Hair [(Natural/Relaxed/Transitioning (length of transition)/Stretching (length of relaxer stretch)] – You can also include hair type if you like
Natural with every known and unknown type of curl included
Regimen (including what precise steps you are taking in order to get to MBL)
Protective styles in Minitwists and regular twists. Twistout buns and low manipulation twist outs. Reggie is still a work in progress.
Goals for each check-in date (dates are below)
December 31, 2012- BSL
April 30, 2013- Full BSL
August 15, 2013- MBL
December 31, 2013- Full MBL
Just to not have any setbacks and keep up retention for each check in
What month in 2013 you hope to be at MBL
December 2013
Any links to a photo album or Youtube channel if you want to share
Current length is attached below.


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Current Length: various :ohwell: (APL to BSL/almost MBL-see pic)
Current State of Hair: Transitioning (55 weeks post). Type 4a/b.
Regimen: protective styling, protective styling, protective styling (braids, weaves etc.). And vitamins.
Goals for each check-in date:
December 31, 2012- A BC (or the BC) to start off fresh: Cut up to 6" for more even hair around APL (~Line 3 or 4 on length t-shirt).
April 30, 2013- almost BSL @ Line 7
August 15, 2013- Full BSL @ Line 9
December 31, 2013- All natural, full MBL @ Line 11
What month in 2013 you hope to be at MBL: Realistically, December 2013

Latest pic (from 07/25/12) attached.


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Latest Update


My hair is still really short. I'm hoping that I will be able to make MBL by the end of 2013.
These pics arent the best, I will try and take better ones after I wash this weekend. Im making progress , not as much as I like, but its looking pretty good.


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Did a pre-poo, protein tx and DC 4 days ago (Sunday). Have had serious breakage for the last week, since arriving back in the UK. Haven't trimmed/dusted for a couple of weeks, hopefully that's the reason and not the sudden change in weather?? Don't have a mirror so it's difficult to fix at the mo.

Hair wasn't as soft as usual after my wash process even tho I stocked up on my usual goodies and did a luxurious DC mix for 36 hours... very disappointed right now. Off to the shops in the next couple of days for some more stuff, think I'm gonna go for it and pick up some Mizani H20 and Butter Rich Hairdress, plus a dedicated moisturizing treatment, sth with some strong protein, Vitale Po leave in and another new comb - my last one didn't last two weeks :perplexed

Do you know I think I forgot to put castor oil in my last DC... I don't remember adding it... I really hope i did forget and that explains the unsatisfactory wash results
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I'm in!!
I'm Relaxed
I plan on reaching my goal by Dec. 2013

Regimen: 1:cowash 1x a week
2: Pre poo, shampoo, and dc 1x a week
** always air dry**
3: moisturize and seal nightly
4: protective style and/or low manipulation style
5: growth aids twice a week
First pic roller set June 2012 second pic flat iron September 16,2012


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:welcome: Mertzy


Here's what I bought today:

* Beautiful Textures Rapid Repair Deep Con
* Vatika Egg Protein Treatment
* Vitale Pro Olive Oil Hair Mayo
* Mizani H20 :lick:
* Mizani Butter Rich Hairdress :lick:
* Ultra Sheen Moisture Blend Leave In
* CON AO Oil Moisturizer
* Aphogee Keratin & Green Tea Recon
* ORS Humidity Control
* Frizz Ease 3-Day Straight


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I keep hearing great reviews about the Mizani H20 leave-in, and have been debating about getting it. I think moisturizing my hair will really fend off the little bit of breakage I get, and help me to retain the length I need to get me to MBL and ultimately to WL.

What's it like? Is it greasy? Does it work? Likes/dislikes?
  • Current Length -
Collarbone/Shoulder Length

  • Current State of Hair -
Natural, 4A/4B mix, fine strands

  • Regimen -
Shampoo 3x per week (Chagrin Valley Butter Bar Shampoo)
Shampoo 1x per week (Chagrin Valley Butter Bar Shampoo)
Moisturize 3x per week (Qhemet Biologics Burdock Root Butter Cream)
Moisturize 1x per week (Qhemet Biologics Burdock Root Butter Cream)
Seal 3x per week (JBCO/EVCO)

Seal 1x per week (JBCO/EVCO)
Growth 3x per week (MN mix)

DC and HOT (as needed)

  • Goals for each check-in date -
August 15, 2012 - Arm Pit Length
Goal: Not Met
December 31, 2012 - Full APL, Grazing BSL
Goal: Arm Pit Length
April 30, 2013 - Bra Strap Length
Goal: Full APL, Grazing BSL
August 15, 2013 - Full BSL, Grazing MBL
Goal: Bra Strap Length
December 31, 2013 - Mid Back Length
Goal: Full BSL, Grazing MBL

  • What month in 2013 you hope to be at MBL?

Update: Modifications are in RED :yep: