May I Testify ???


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies:

During this Lent season I have given up some things totally. I was supposed to give up this forum totally, But I didn't :nono:. Just half way. I have pretty much stuck with my scriptures. But I stopped blogging which I need to begin again.

There have been some changes in my life. During the season I transistioned to a new job. theis is my 3rd week however, I am at home sick today.

During this last week, the Lord bought to rememberance many things of my past. Many that I am not proud of. Stupid things that I did, and bad decisions that I made. Things that could have caused me my life.

The thing is.... when I made some of the decisions that I was not too sure of I would pray to God to put a hedge of protection around me because I know that it was somewhat risky.

Never the less I said that to say this. God bought these things to my rememberance not to show me how dumb I am because I already know that. He was showing me how good he is. How good that he has been. There were things that I had forgotten about. When you empty yourself out. God will show you things.

I am crying as I type this. because God has been so good to me. He has saved me from myself over and over again. He has been so merciful and patient with me. More than I would have been to me. As some of you might know when you are a child of God and you are tripping. Sometimes he just decides to "call you home".

But he decided to work on me.

I will Bless the Lord at All times. His praises shall continually be in my mouth.
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Hello Ladies:

During this Lent season I have given up some things totally. I was supposed to give up this forum totally, But I didn't :nono:. Just half way. I have pretty much stuck with my scriptures. But I stopped blogging which I need to begin again.

There have been some changes in my life. During the season I transistioned to a new job. theis is my 3rd week however, I am at home sick today.

During this last week, the Lord bought to rememberance many things of my past. Many that I am not proud of. Stupid things that I did, and bad decisions that I made. Things that could have caused me my life.

The thing is.... when I made some of the decisions that I was not too sure of I would pray to God to put a hedge of protection around me because I know that it was somewhat risky.

Never the less I said that to say this. God bought these things to my rememberance not to show me how dumb I am because I already know that. He was showing me how good he is. How food that he has been. There were things that I had forgotten about. When you empty yourself out. God will show you things.

I am crying as I type this. because God has been so good to me. He has saved me from myself over and over again. He has been so merciful and patient with me. More thatn I would have been to me. As some of you might know when you are a child of God and you are tripping. Sometimes he just decides to "call you home".

But he decided to work on me.

I will Bless the Lord at All times. His praises shall continually be in my mouth.

Awwww, I feel what you're going through cause I'm going thru the same thing :kiss:.

I've fallen short in some areas during this lent also, things I was supposed to give up but haven't totally. :sad: But I'm still praying and seeking Him and what he wants to show me.

Last year, I brought A LOT of situations and people in my life. Although I prayed about each situation/decision, they weren't right for me.:nono:
In the end, I fasted and prayed and God took ALL those negative people and situations out of my life. I mean, he swept them out completely.:yep:

During this lent God is showing me to focus on Him. My focus has been elsewhere but He's trying to tell me to trust Him. So here I am. I have areas in my life where I need to improve so that's what I'll be doing. One of them is tithing. I've been falling short of that. So, my focus will be on improving my relationship w/ God and trusting Him.
Thank you for this thread. I too have given up some things for lent but have not focused fully on Him. I've gone astray and have put myself in situations that I know are not good for me. GOD forgive me...I'm so dissapointed in myself. I know shame is not of HIM but thats what I'm feeling now.
You know what ladies? We are being fortified. I can say that my focus has been on him and I am sure yours has too. By me giving up TV and I stuck to that. I have more time to focus and read God's word.

There have been monkey wrenches thrown in the plan. 40 is the number of power. My church has a lent calander with several scriptures to read everyday. The scripture is what cause me to reflect back on where God hs bought me from and us from. Do you realize what the hebrew children (in the desert)had to go through just to have forgiveness? They could not even go to God for themselves. They had to have a priest, and you had th have a certain animal to sacifice for a certain sin, and on this day you had to do this and on that day you could not do that, and if the priest wasn't right God would strike him down and then your sin would never be forgiven..

Thank God for Jesus. All we have to do is go to God in prayer. Jesus was our one time sacrifice. People don't ralize that there is a road to the cross and that is what lent season is. We just don't show up at the cross. We have to prepare oursleves, and on resurection day, it will be even more special.

Reading my lent scripturesIt rained 40 days and nights. The hebrews were in the desert 40 years. Jesus fasted 40 day ( lent - the road to the cross).

40 is the number of power and we are being fortified.
Sorry I missed this yesterday, but I enjoyed reading your testimony. Thank you so much for sharing. It caused me to reflect on GOD's goodness to me-not only for what HE has done for me but for all the MANY things HE has kept me from despite bad decisions or poor judgment.