I would like to testify to GOD faithfulness!!!


Well-Known Member
^^^GOD's faithfulness

Hey Ladies

Last sunday I was in church and I could feel the holy spirit really moving, his presence was definately with us that morning, during praise and worship and within the preacher who was delivering a POWERFUL message.

Anyway, at one point it was said that next week would be a better week and you'll be able to testify to the great things GOD has done. The holy spirit (I didnt know it at the time) said to me you will get a job. I replied (in my head LOL) 'no I won't who applies & gets a a job in a week, certaintly not me', and that was that.

Fast forward to Tuesday I applied for a job that I was really interested, later on that day I was called for an interview for Wednesday. Had the interview on Wednesday which went ok. Thursday I heard the voice again whilst I was putting my shoes on to go to work that said 'Be careful and watch your steps babygirl you will trip' I laughed because I knew it was the holy spirit and it was funny to me that he called me babygirl LOL.

Lo and behold, I get to work, working the past the same things I walk past everyday and I trip and nearly land on my face LOL. I spoke to God and said your spirit told me I would trip and I did, I guess I will be the job to. If I do I will testify in church to your greatness, faithfulness and mercy you have on your children and share my story.

Friday (today) comes and I get a call saying I got the job :)

Now, I nervous to testify on Sunday LOL, I've never done that before :spinning:
Praise God, Amour. :wow:

I am so blessed by this and I am happy for you. :giveheart:

The same manner that you have shared this glorious blessing with each of us, you can share with your Church with boldness and glee. It will encourage someone else there who has been struggling to 'believe' that God has a blessing coming true for them too.

Be Bold, Be Strong, for the Lord thy God is with thee. Let your Church Family know so that they can have the faith to 'hold on' and believe God too. Someone there really needs to hear this from you. Someone whose faith has been shattered to pieces and needs to be encouraged by your miracle and God's faithfulness.

It's someone who has also heard God speak to them, yet they are afraid to believe that it is true. Share your miracle which will heal them.

God Bless You... :grouphug2:
Amour (I love your screenname) I am happy for you! God is good and worthy to be praised!

Don't be afraid to testify on Sunday, speak with boldness about how God moved in your life. Just think, your testimony will help someone get through next week and come out victorious just as you did!

Congratulations on the new job! :)
Well, now! That's was such a great testimony to read... God is really good. And I love your sense of humor with the Holy Spirit.. :lachen:

Congratulations on your new job!

God bless you..

Praise God!!!! There is absolutely nothing that is too hard for the Lord...:grin:

Congrats and thanks for sharing your testimony!!!
God is truly good. Congratulations! Don't feel bad....I've never testified in church as yet either but God has moved in my life in a mighty way as well.
Thats wonderful News. God is truly faithful. when he comes through he really comes through. Many blessings to you. Please share with your church. What a blessing it is to truly put your faith in God.
The real blessing in this is 'hearing' the voice of God and being aware that it is 'Him'. :yep: God speaks to many, who have yet to hear and take heed to His voice.

"My 'Sheep' know my voice and the voice of the stranger they will not follow."