May 28, 29, 30th - What Are Your Hair Plans???

IDK. Maybe I'll wash it tomorrow night.
I'm taking out my weave on Monday night...length check coming soon!!
We're having a water softener installed as I type. Sooo, I am hoping I get a chance to use the ION Crystal Clarifying Treatment so get rid of all the mineral build.

That build up has caused major stickyness from the middle of my hair strands to the ends. So, when I pull my hair apart, say when taking down a bantu knot, my ends will break.

And to think that porosity alone was an issue. Roux and ACV final rinses will not lay the cuticles down cuz it's actual gunk & junk laying on top of my hair strands.

So, I hope this is a final solution. If I have success today or this weekend, I will definitely post a thread. It's just not right to have a solid regimen and have to go thru this torture.
I shampooed and DCed yesterday instead of my usual midweek co-wash because I missed my wash day over the weekend. So I'll probably co-wash on Saturday or Sunday.
I'm about to run out of my Coconut Milk Shampoo so I might end up getting the KeraCare HD Shampoo over the weekend too.
I keep threatening to touch up my relaxer but I love when my NG is in nice and thick and I'm curious to see how long I can stretch (I'm 9 weeks post which is about the longest I've gone since starting HHJ). I have an active outdoorsy weekend planned so I should relax, especially if I end up swimming. I dunno...:perplexed
I just flat ironed and had my hair trimmed. *Imma have to put the scissors and the flat iron DOWN*

So, this weekend I am going to wash my hair and attempt to do a decent bantu knot-out!
I plan to shampoo and deep condition my hair. It feels so dry ever since I went to the beach. I guess doing a quickie wash and condition isn't gonna cut it but I was so tired. I added some ACV to my conditioner so hopefully that will help. :look:
Saturday: Currently doing a DC on dry hair with Queen Helene Cholesterol + Ginseng Conditioner
Rinse and air dry in bun, moisturise either with Nature's Blessings Hair Pomade or coconut oil

Sunday: Co wash

Monday: (It's a holdiday in Trinidad): Go over to mum's to get my hair done in cornrows for the next two weeks.