to screen for sex offenders


New Member will start checking its members against a national sex offenders registry, according to a story in the Associated Press.
The company has been considering the option for a while, but yesterday's decision was hastened as a result of the attention brought on by a lawsuit filed last week, spokesman Matthew Traub told the AP.
A woman in California has sued, claiming she was sexually assaulted by a man that she met through the online dating service. Arguing that the woman had no idea her date had been convicted of sexual battery, the suit is seeking an injunction to stop anyone from joining until the company sets up a process to screen for convicted sex offenders. president Mandy Ginsberg told the AP that the company had been hesitant to implement such screenings due to their "historical unreliability." But discussions with advisers over the past few days convinced that certain improvements have made sex offender registries more accurate, prompting the dating service to reverse its stance.
The company expects to start the new policy in 60 to 90 days but cautioned that these types of checks can still be highly flawed. advises its members to read and follow the safety tips that it posts on its Web site to better protect themselves both online and offline.

I don't think the lady should sue Match considering that it'd be no different then meeting the guy off the street, but what do you guys think
. I figured you ladies using Match would be interested.
Um, not all sex offenders are registered. DUH. There are possible sex offenders who have never been in trouble with the "law" or formally charged. IE, "You can't report Ray Ray, he won't get into college." "You can't report Uncle Junebug he got kids to take care of."

I think people need to worry more about unregistered folks who have done a lot of evil, then the registered folks. The registered folks know people are on the look out for them and they TRY to behave sometimes.

Most people are assaulted by folks they know, not the mean old, "Boogie Man".
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it's bs and if someone is a sex offender and using an online site, they can easily find their way around a screening... especially when there's absolutely nothing in their sign-up process that requires any real validation....

i can't see how it would work and i still stand by my original thought that the woman in question shouldn't be placing her lack of due diligence on the website...