No prayer time is a waste.
Those are very serious words u using there.. "They are in the flesh".. be careful.
Signed... nobody is perfect!
Dont' take what I'm saying out of context. If I truly thought that prayer of any kind was a waste, I wouldn't be a Chrisitian with the strength that I have. I know prayer and how to use it.
While you tell me not to judge Mary, Mary, you are yet still, mis- judging me, calling me in the flesh, which I am not.
. Yet it seems you are defending those who are in the flesh.
When I say it's a waste, I know exactly what I'm saying here. There are too many excuses being made with that cop out to taking action, which is why the Church is in the mess it's in today. There is way too much of 'anything goes' which is why it's only getting worse.
The attitudes are too lax and the term 'prayer' is often misused. We can pray all we want, but sooner or later action has to take place. In the word of God, folks prayed all the time, but there was also action needed and Paul and the others, did indeed take action.
While we are so busy, hiding and praying and reading scripture all day, the enemy is having a hay day with the Church and all kinds of mess is coming in / out of the Church doors. Why is that? Folks won't speak up! Sure, they're praying, but that's not stopping the ho'ing and the laying and homosexuality and garbage that's being 'accepted'. ... by the Church.
The word says it plain, 'Wake Up'! The Church is so busy pacifying folks and letting any and every occur with the cowardly reaction, "I'll just pray on it". Pray, but put some foot and action into the prayers. Speak up! Stop allowing these Christian entertainers to continue to defile our real purpose. Take a stand and stand up to them.
I'm tired of watching folks in the limelight living like the devil and the first thing out of their mouth is Jesus! And yet Jesus is no where to be found in their lifestyles or presentation. It's ludacrious to sit and pray and then nothing ever changes. That's just plain foolishness. And yet our children in the hood, are still hooded and pregnant and hoe'in, and full of STD's, HIV, Aids running rampant, gays demanding Jesus to take it or leave it.
Foolishness is what it is. You can't pray everything away. Even Jesus took action in the Temple with the thieves. He kicked some judgmental butt and thought nothing of it. For He was not going to allow them to defile the House of God.
Folks come to Church dressed like ho town and 'we' give them excuses that it's all they have to wear. NO........ It's all they are buying to wear because 'Christians' like Mary Mary and such say it's okay to dress that way.
I'm looking at the disgrace of Tia and Timera Mowry (the twins) who raved about Jesus and now one them is on a show sleeping with every Tom, Dick and Harry without remorse and any code of decency.
Yes! We pray, but when does someone speak up and pull her aside and say, this is not what God has called you to do. Make up any excuses you want for them. Pray all you want, but action MUST be taken.
Am I going to allow my child to run out into traffic, and just sit in the house and pray that he will stop and not do anything about it, because it's judgmental. No! I'm going to pull him up and put a stop to it.
There's good judgment and bad judgment. The examples set before require a lot more than prayer. They require being exposed for what it is, so that our little ones don't follow behind their mess.
Christians have become so weak and fearful and it's a shame. A sad shame. It takes backbone to go with prayer. Otherwise the devil will whip you senseless and run all over top of you.
You can pray, but I'm doing both praying and doing something about it to safeguard the minds of my children, young family members and students God has entrusted me with. Wrong is wrong and we are to teach our children the difference. Those who truly represent God do not dress like that.
I wish this post was audio. This is all gently and lovingly and prayerfully spoken.... :Rose: