I like classic gospel music (Shirley Ceasar), but I also like
some the modernized gospel music groups (such as Mary Mary). Some people will like it, some people won't. It reaches a younger audience and I think this is what is most important. If it grieves your spirit, then please, by all means don't listen to it. However, I have a very good relationship with Christ, and my spirit isn't grieved by this song. As such, I will continue to enjoy it. I listen to the
content of the song ( although the music composition doesn't hurt either). Bad
content is what makes bad music.
I will say is this: I can't remember thinking much about the group member that was wearing the skirt (don't really remember it--just that it was a skirt). However, I immediately thought that the one in black shiny tights looked like she was headed out to the club.
You can be fashionable without oozing sexy. If she had thrown on a cute tunic (or any other long stylish top), it would have been just as fashionable. I wear tights and tunics myself. That outfit was sending the message that you can be Christian and still be EXACTLY like the world. Christians are supposed to be a "strange" people.
My issue is that fact that she dressed
that way singing a song that was meant to glorify God. I'm not judging her, however, there is no way I would have felt comfortable singing about the "God In Me" whilst sauntering around stage in skin tight pants (that weren't at all flattering btw). I believe these ladies
are Christians, however the clothing choices were a mistake. I've certainly messed up before
, so I am not throwing stones.