Marvin is the hair salon experience


New Member
Okay. Today was the big day and I am proud to say Marvin the is man. Here is a step by step analysis of what he did and you can judge for yourself:

1) I arrived 15 mintues late but that was fine with Marvin. As soon as I put my stuff down his assistant based my scalp. When she was done Marvin came over and discussed my hair with me. Check this out: they have a client card that is filed so your stylist can see what procedures were done on you and on what date. There is also a brief hair history space on it. Just like a patient's chart at a doctor's office.

It turns out that Joseph's overprocessed one side of my hair and that is why I am always complaining of frizzies. At this point there is nothing I can do about it, but Marvin corrected some of it and the rest will come off as I gradually trim.

Step 2: Marvin applied the relaxer (I think it was Mizani) and did not use a comb. He did a quick job

Step 3: He rinsed my hair and gave me a pre-conditioner. His assistant did the rest of the shampooing and conditioning.

Step 4: My hair felt really soft after the shampoo and conditioner. Then Marvin trimmed my ends. Listen to this. I have been walking around with a lopsided hair do because Joseph's did not cut my hair right!!! I did not even know this! So he corrected this problem too. He had to trim a about an inch /images/graemlins/frown.gif but he said it was necessary. I will try to survive.

Step 5: His assistant roller set me and sat me under the dryer for 45 min. Marvin then wrapped my hair and sat me back under the dryer for 10 min. This is a better subsitute for blowing the hair out. And now my hair is still in the wrap and it feels soo soft. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Marvin spoke to me A LOT about hair. He told me to use Aveda shampoo because it is very moisturizing. He also recommended Motions CPR and Organic Hair Mayoinaise. He said I should alternate weekly between a hot oil treatment and a protein treatment. Marvin said everyone should invest in a paddle brush to wrap the hair. He also told me to stay away from the buns b/c it pushes the hair together and stumps the growth. He gave me a scientific explanation that is too hard to explain myself.

My bill came out to $104 which included the relaxer, conditioner AND trim. (Josephs's charges $40 for the trim on top of the $98 relaxer and $20 conditioner). Marvin understood that I am a student and don't have $$ so he suggested I visit any Dominican salon for maintenance. But the one advice he gave was ABSOLUTELY NO BLOW DRYERS.

It was funny because I was reading SBH Hair Magazine and there were tips from stylists and I saw Marvin's name! He told me if I listen to him I will be fine.

I went in at 2:30 and finished at 5:15. The best part is that all of this time was spent on my hair and not me twiddling my thumbs in the waiting area.

Kitkat: I think we've found our spot.

AmilLion: I cannot thank you enough for suggesting Marvin to me.

I am really happy now /images/graemlins/grin.gif The sad thing is that I didn't even know my hair was jacked up until he pointed it out to me. All that money for what??? I can take this as a lesson learned.
Sniff Sniff....I'm soooooo glad that your experience was wonderful. HOwever, even though the entire process went well, I'm surprised that he didn't do everything himself. Maybe due to the holiday season and he just got back from a vacation.

I'm sooo delighted to hear about your experience PUMPKIN. WAY TOOO GOOOOO /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Marvin's a Tricologist/Beautician, they are certified and have training in the health of the hair and scalp.
OMG what a fantastic experience. Now that's what you'd expect for the money: lots of hair care advice and personal recommendations and tips.

Thanks so much for posting this. And cheaper than Joseph's too (but then isn't everyone? lol!!). I paricularly liked his aversion to hairdrying and just wrappping your hair after rollar setting. Sooo much healthier. Don't worry about the trim, after all he's corrected it's now going to grow healthier and evenly.

I'm suprised that he said to protein condition every other week. I thought that would be too often. Are you now going to do this? if so, let me know how your hair likes it please? This is SOOO different to what Natasha at Joseph said "you don't need to use protein conditioners, they just dry out your hair = all you need to use is moisturizing ones" (errrr yeah okay /images/graemlins/tongue.gif )

Stupid question here, is the paddle brush the one with the small knobs on the end of stiff stick bristles? did he say why its best to wrap hair with it? I'd like to get one but I see so many at the beauty supply stores I have no idea what's the good one! (if this is the same brush he mean't).

I'd love to have been a fly on the wall just to listen to the hair advice alone.
Dang Girl!

You make me wanna come all the way from Texas to see Marvin! Okay, so if buns are out--what other styles did he suggest to keep hair healthy, protected, growing (and all that...)

I'm happy that you had a great experience. I am on a search too for that stylist who is just right for me. Someone on another hair board recommended someone to me. Aren't these boards great?

Okay--so what about the forbidden bun though?
BRH...This is a paddle brush but you generally want to find one that the bristles are spaced a little further apart and have a round ball on the tips.

I always wanted an alternative (beautician) just in case I couldn't get Marvin to do my hair, but I believe I will stick with him and only him. If its not broke, why fix it?
That's the brush I use to wrap. It's great. Thanks for posting the visit details. Please let me know how the bi-weekly protein works.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Dang Girl!

You make me wanna come all the way from Texas to see Marvin!

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Hell!, I wanna come all the way from London to make an appointment for this man to do my hair.

I'm so glad you had a great salon experience with someone who was interested in the health of your hair rather than seeming more interested in just taking your dollars.

This guy sounds like he knows what he's talking about, and I'm happy he recommended 2 products I already use the ORS and the Motions CPR.

Pumpkin, did he say that you are to use the CPR every 2 weeks?
BRH and Londondiva: Marvin told me to use CPR or Mayonaise every other week. And use a moisturizing conditioner the other weeks. You guys are scaring this bad??? /images/graemlins/confused.gif I remember I use to use Motions once a week until my hair became to hard.

Londondiva, If you ever take a trip to NYC you should definitely book an appt. with Marvin.

Also Marvin said the culprit for my thinning hair are the metal clippes I use when I wet set. You know, the ones you put on the side. He recommends the metal ones that you attached with a hair pin.

AmilLion: I was weary of the assistant doing things but she only did the little things that aren't easy to mess up.

OMG did you guys know that Vevester faxed the entire thread about Joseph's to the salon /images/graemlins/shocked.gif

Happy Thanksgiving Pumpkin!

I would still like to know what alternatives to the bun that Marvin gave you. Do tell...

You have to know what works for you my dear. The ORS Hair Mayo is not a problem at all. I use this after every shampoo 2-3 times a week and I use it with heat under a shower cap. I find this very moisturising. I have never experienced anything untoward with the Motions CPR, but then again that's because I used it every 4 weeks or so or only when I experienced breakage. It's only ever left my hair feeling soft.

Pumpkin, I would advise (if you are at all concerned) is to ring the salon and briefly speak to Marvin about this, stating that it made your hair hard when you used it before. I moisturise my hair so much that I don't think a product has the time to dry out my hair anyways. Did you moisturise religiously when you used the CPR every week before?
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Londondiva, If you ever take a trip to NYC you should definitely book an appt. with Marvin.

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When I can face my fear and get back on a plane I will be visiting NYC again quicker than you can say Saks! Oh I will remember this thread and book my appointment way in advance when I go again.
He sounds like a keeper. I appreciate the fact that he told you to go to a Dominican salon for maintenance. This is a man that is interested in the health of your hair and not the money in your wallet. Also, to give you key instructions on how to maintain your hair with the ORS Conditioner and the Aveda shampoo. Makes me want to make an appointment. The advice he gave you was the same advice my stylist in Queens gave me. If you can't come (because I live in Jersey) to me every two weeks or so go to the Dominican for maintenance. But don't let them BLOW DRY your hair because their blow dryers are extremely hot. I can appreciate a stylist that is confident in themselves to recommend another alternative for mainteance.
I'm so glad you enjoyed your hair appt!

I don't need a relaxer but I am going to Marvin on the 20th for a wash &amp; set and trim..

One question... was the Mizani Relaxer Lye or No lye??? /images/graemlins/grin.gif
WOW, Pumpkin, you had a great salon experience! You actually had the stylist relax you and speak with you in detail about your hair - imagine that?! And you didn't have to pay thru the nose, either. How cool is that?!

Natasha never recommended protein conditioners to me; like BRH, she told me that I need moisture, not protein, because it will cause dryness. Seems like she said the same things to different people. I mean, my hair tends toward dryness because of underprocessing, so I could understand why she might say that (though I didn't listen /images/graemlins/grin.gif) but BRH's hair looks anything BUT dry.

Looks like I'll have to pick up and follow you here, Pumpkin! I haven't decided whether I'll get a touch up or go back into braids next month. If I don't do braids, I'll definitely check out Marvin cuz he sounds like the move! Marvin sounds easier on the wallet and more thorough in his approach. Thanks for the detailed rave, Pumpkin. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
OMG did you guys know that Vevester faxed the entire thread about Joseph's to the salon

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Good!! Some of these salons and hairdressers need to understand that not everyone is ignorant about proper hair care procedures and we will tell friends about the poor treatment and over priced service they dish out!! /images/graemlins/mad.gif

She should fax the thread we made on the things we hate hairdressers do. Heck, I think I'll fax it to them!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
for whoever who had the bad experience at Joseph'S in NYC if u can bear it return in about 3-6 months time for a simple wash and set and observe if there have been any changes since they received that fax. i wish i could! oh and i wish i was there to see their reactions... and i hope they are humble enough to really think things over. i bet now they treat all customers with suspicion, i.e. if they suspect u might be a hair board regular u get that special treatment. somehow, i dont think so!... /images/graemlins/mad.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif
What is Marvin's Address &amp; Tel? I need to make an apt to counteract my horrific experience at Joseph's!!!
No Bun Explanation

Here is the explanation Marvin gave me for "no buns." I told him I would put my hair in a bun at night and get up and go the next morning. He did not think I should bun my hair at night because he said the forced bunching up does not allow for free movement of the roots, hence, stumping hair growth. So he suggested using the metal rollers and sleeping with them right after a roller set OR wrapping the hair with a paddles brush.

I will call him to find out about the protein conditioner thing. Also I forgot to ask about a good daily moisturizer so I will when I call.
Re: No Bun Explanation

That makes sense regarding buns, but I guess I need some scientific research or some type of case study to make me a full believer. But you know think about it, my hair grows much better when I wear it out or pinned up rather than in a bun. wonder my hair never grew past a certain length in a certain area.

Anyway, metal rollers? Never heard of such a thing.
Re: No Bun Explanation

Ya know, when I was in high school, this class mate of mine always wore her hair back in a plait(braid) but she always had her bangs styled(back in the 90s y'all!)

Anyway, one day she showed me how their wasn't much new growth on the sides of her head where she was wearing it pulled back then she showed me the tons of new growth in the area where her bangs were. Hmmmm...

As I got older, I thought maybe it was just that her new growth on the sides wasn't evident because she hair had been pulled taut and it made the new growth appear straight and smooth.

Anyway...perhaps there is something to this /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: No Bun Explanation

AmilLion: Yeah the metal rollers. You know the ones you use to wet set and there is metal under and the top is covered with some material. And you secure them with a bobby pin. I did a search and can't find them. Ask your friend who went to Joseph's b/c I know they use them. Also when using them you should wrap the ends around the roller paper. I hope this is clear. I haven't been really articulate lately. /images/graemlins/crazy.gif
Re: No Bun Explanation

I'm so glad you are going to ask him about the protein thing and a recommendation for a daily moisturizer. I can't wait to hear what he says! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
