MARRIED LADIES: Men Know Their Wives As Soon As They Meet?


Well-Known Member
I think I've met my future husband.

It's such a whirlwind. I met him last Monday, we talked for a few months on the phone but I didn't know what he looked like or anything, we were just talking about working together. A week later he's talking about making room for me in his closet.

It's all quite intense but he makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world and he's so open about me being in his life, telling his mom and family all about me, already including me in his travels for work, (plays the keyboard for a few churches and gospel groups). He's just a year older than me, no kids. He's the perfect combination of a best friend and a lover. Makes me laugh, very intelligent and spiritual, and he's near perfection in my eyes as far as the physical, and it's all mutual probably more on his part because he's the one in control of this whole thing and already has me in a clinch. He's one of those men that wants to dominate and read me as a control freak but asked if I could be submissive when we first met. And strangely, or not so, I wouldn't mind being submissive to him and he's the first man I've felt this way about. He's possessive but in a good way where I can feel protected yet free. Like he's not the type that would try to keep me locked up, he's the type that would be supportive of my dreams and also though there is that little possessiveness he loves to show me off and just dare any dude to try him. Honestly he's everything I prayed for and wrote down as far as the list of things I want my husband to be but he's also more, it's crazy. We spent the weekend together but left each other for a few hours on Sunday and here I am thinking he's gonna want a break from me and I'll see him sometime this week and he called me on his way home like "So you're on your way?" and when I got there he said "Can I just tell you I felt all out of order without you today?" This is the guy i wrote about our natal charts and I believe there is something to those stars. This was one of our conversations.

Him: "I'm feeling like there's a possibility we can grow old together. How do you feel?"
Me: "I'm feeling like thats a possibility, so far"
Him: "So far!? You're done. No getting to know anybody else, or talking to anybody else. I'm in all the way. There's no such thing as separation. When things get tough we work it out together."
Me: ((melting))

I find myself almost TRYING to have doubts about this because it's all happening so soon and all in a flash, and the last time it happened like this the relationship ended up not being good. But then I think about the extra qualities this man has that the ex didn't have, the things about the ex that I would have changed that this man already comes with and then some..just pushes those negative thoughts out the window. I'm praying about it too and sometimes when I find myself trying to dwell on a doubtful that it's almost like i want to laugh at myself because I know God didn't make a mistake bringing us together.

So ladies share your experiences with getting caught up with man who knows he going to wife you before he knows your last name.
All I'm going to say is "TAKE IT SLOW"

What she said.

"So ladies share your experiences with getting caught up with man who knows he going to wife you before he knows your last name"

My experience is that I confused all his attention and possessiveness with love. He was an incomplete and troubled man who overtook my world like a virus. The things that just didn't seem right that I overlooked because the attention and words were so nice and he was everything on my 'list', grew into him being a crazy, VERY possessive and emotionally damaged man. He was an incomplete human and needed me, my presence, my time, my whereabouts, to feel okay. NUTS I tell ya!

I hope this will not be your experience.

Take. It. Slow. and Good Luck!
All I'm going to say is "TAKE IT SLOW"

Took the words OUTTA MY MOUTH!! :lachen:
What she said.

"So ladies share your experiences with getting caught up with man who knows he going to wife you before he knows your last name"

My experience is that I confused all his attention and possessiveness with love. He was an incomplete and troubled man who overtook my world like a virus. The things that just didn't seem right that I overlooked because the attention and words were so nice and he was everything on my 'list', grew into him being a crazy, VERY possessive and emotionally damaged man. He was an incomplete human and needed me, my presence, my time, my whereabouts, to feel okay. NUTS I tell ya!

I hope this will not be your experience.

Take. It. Slow. and Good Luck!

X____________________ co-sign
What she said.

"So ladies share your experiences with getting caught up with man who knows he going to wife you before he knows your last name"

My experience is that I confused all his attention and possessiveness with love. He was an incomplete and troubled man who overtook my world like a virus. The things that just didn't seem right that I overlooked because the attention and words were so nice and he was everything on my 'list', grew into him being a crazy, VERY possessive and emotionally damaged man. He was an incomplete human and needed me, my presence, my time, my whereabouts, to feel okay. NUTS I tell ya!

I hope this will not be your experience.

Take. It. Slow. and Good Luck!

Wow, I'm no stranger to this experience and I came up with the same assessment about that man afterwords, insecure, incomplete and looking for someone to complete him. I don't completely get that vibe with this new guy though because although the similarity of wanting to cuff me very early on is there, there are alot of differences between the two that makes me look at the new guy a bit differently. He has options and can be with someone else just as much as I do and can, I just see it as he knows what he wants and goes for it. And it doesn't help that I'm just as much as a hopeless romantic at heart as he is and it takes a long time for me to meet someone I'm completely smitten over so when I do, I will feed into his urge to merge. When this happens (it's happened twice before) it's usually because we are so compatible and we end up being best friends as well as lovers just doing everything with each other and never tiring of each others company...I almost can't have anything less than that in a relationship and it's very rare to come across.

From what I learned from my past is to keep my friendships and relationships with my family going strong..I let my ex isolate me from everybody before, that won't happen. And I'll continue to work on my life goals and routines I'm taking to get there outside of him..I let me ex convince me to look only to him with working on my goals.

I don't want to punish him and taint our possibility for my past, but I will grab hold of those reigns and slow it down a little bit to keep 'reality' in check.
I agree with everyone else here - take it really slow. It's impossible to know someone in a couple of weeks...most people can keep up appearances for at least a few months. He seems a little possessive and demanding for having known you such a short time - this is just judging from what you wrote of course, he might be completely the opposite in real life.

I agree that many men know that they want to marry a woman early on, though.

Good luck! :)
All I'm going to say is "TAKE IT SLOW"

what she said. I came out of one of these and it was intense and everything happened to quickly. we didnt' take the time to smell the roses. needless, to say it ended.

I just met someone and it has been instant attraction for us so far but I don't want it to be like the last and told him..lets take this slow....real slow..he don't live in my town so that helps in ensuring that.

Good luck girl! and i agree don't punish him 'cause last quick thing didnt work.

SvelteVelvet, I so want to be gloriously happy for you but I cannot, not just yet. I'm suspicious of a man who wants to be so much with you so fast..take it easy, treat the relationship the same way you'd treat a female who wants to be all into you so quickly.
Take it slow is very good advice.

My DH wanted to marry me one week after we met, with the intention of buying me a ring. I looked at him like he was crazy. We had the same goals, he did have the qualities I was looking for, but only knowing a person for one week and wanting to make that kind of commitment seemed really odd to me.

After getting to know each other 5 years later we got married, and have been married for 16 years.

He still reminds me to this day of how he knew I was the one after a week, and I still tell him he was a nut. LOL
DH says he knew before we even met(he saw me in class). I was a freshman and he was a sophmore in college so we weren't thinking of getting married when we met. He says men know when they've met "the one". We dated for 4 years and have been married for 13.

All the best to you two.:yep:
Thanks ladies for your replies and concern and ~HoneyComb~ and alexstin thanks for sharing your stories. I think men do know when they've met 'the one' or at least feel and think that they have and they each handle that information differently. We're both close to 30, he has been married before, and I've been close to marriage or practically married without the paperwork. I'm a person that knows I want to be married and so I only date guys I consider marriage material. I believe when you have two people like this, it doesn't take long to figure out, but that doesn't mean things should be rushed either.

I'm gonna try to keep a healthy balance of getting to know him and remaining positive yet being careful as far as any official steps being made towards the relationship.
Thanks ladies for your replies and concern and ~HoneyComb~ and alexstin thanks for sharing your stories. I think men do know when they've met 'the one' or at least feel and think that they have and they each handle that information differently. We're both close to 30, he has been married before, and I've been close to marriage or practically married without the paperwork. I'm a person that knows I want to be married and so I only date guys I consider marriage material. I believe when you have two people like this, it doesn't take long to figure out, but that doesn't mean things should be rushed either.

I'm gonna try to keep a healthy balance of getting to know him and remaining positive yet being careful as far as any official steps being made towards the relationship.

This sounds like a great idea! Glad you started this thread as I am taking in some of these ladies tips as well.
Thanks ladies for your replies and concern and ~HoneyComb~ and alexstin thanks for sharing your stories. I think men do know when they've met 'the one' or at least feel and think that they have and they each handle that information differently. We're both close to 30, he has been married before, and I've been close to marriage or practically married without the paperwork. I'm a person that knows I want to be married and so I only date guys I consider marriage material. I believe when you have two people like this, it doesn't take long to figure out, but that doesn't mean things should be rushed either.

I'm gonna try to keep a healthy balance of getting to know him and remaining positive yet being careful as far as any official steps being made towards the relationship.

That's great. I'm glad you've decided to take it slow because I've met guys that started off just like him and ended up being crazy and extremely possesive. TAKE IT SLOW!!
The first day I met my SO he said that I think you'll be my wife. lol I looked at him all crazy, and didn't take him seriously AT ALL. Five months later, we're not engaged or anything, but we're still going strong. He said that he knows and feels that I can be the perfect woman for him to spend the rest of his life with, and that he's interested in getting married pretty soon. I think men definitely know if they're potentially dating their future wife.
UPDATE: Well not really an update. I guess an update on my perspective from a few days ago. I'm convinced he's my future husband and it's not going to be long before we're married. We are two people crazy about each other and compliment each other so well, everything just flows naturally. Each day it's just growing stronger and stronger. I prayed yesterday asking God to reveal to me if this is my husband or not, to give me a clear vision or sign that would allow me to see what this man is seeing without any doubts and yesterday I believe He did just that. I won't get into all the specific details but those specifics are what is convincing me that this is my soulmate.

I often seek advice from other women but I'm learning to trust my gut more when it comes to men, and guts don't just give you warnings of bad things, they can give you conviction of good things. Of course most women hearing of this situation it's like "whoa! nelly" and I know because reading my OP if that was even a day before meeting this man I would have been saying the same thing. Advice to take your time and take it slow is typical great advice but I think alot of the problem in romance and relationships these days comes from trying to be so textbook with it and zapping out all the 'magic' by looking for something to be wrong because it's just 'too good to be true'. That attitude is self-fulfilling and it should not exist on my quest to marry happily and start a family. When I make those steps I want to do it whole-heartedly with no doubts. This all literally feels like being stung by cupids arrow. My parents got married 3 months after meeting and they've been married going on 30 years. One of my friends parents married only after 1 month! Still going strong. I also did a search and read about other ladies who were married to their men in less than a year of knowing each other and are in happy relationships.

I wouldn't have pictured it to happen this way. In my "plans" I would know the person for a while and we'd be dating for a few years before the talk of it even came up. It may seem a bit fairy tale-ish like a Rochelle Ayers novel, fall in love in an instant and feel like you've known each other forever and become instantly inseparable...hopefully no murders to solve or goons to be rescued from but it's real, and hopefully our relationship can be another example of when you know, you just know. That's all. SSL.
UPDATE: Well not really an update. I guess an update on my perspective from a few days ago. I'm convinced he's my future husband and it's not going to be long before we're married. We are two people crazy about each other and compliment each other so well, everything just flows naturally. Each day it's just growing stronger and stronger. I prayed yesterday asking God to reveal to me if this is my husband or not, to give me a clear vision or sign that would allow me to see what this man is seeing without any doubts and yesterday I believe He did just that. I won't get into all the specific details but those specifics are what is convincing me that this is my soulmate.

I often seek advice from other women but I'm learning to trust my gut more when it comes to men, and guts don't just give you warnings of bad things, they can give you conviction of good things. Of course most women hearing of this situation it's like "whoa! nelly" and I know because reading my OP if that was even a day before meeting this man I would have been saying the same thing. Advice to take your time and take it slow is typical great advice but I think alot of the problem in romance and relationships these days comes from trying to be so textbook with it and zapping out all the 'magic' by looking for something to be wrong because it's just 'too good to be true'. That attitude is self-fulfilling and it should not exist on my quest to marry happily and start a family. When I make those steps I want to do it whole-heartedly with no doubts. This all literally feels like being stung by cupids arrow. My parents got married 3 months after meeting and they've been married going on 30 years. One of my friends parents married only after 1 month! Still going strong. I also did a search and read about other ladies who were married to their men in less than a year of knowing each other and are in happy relationships.

I wouldn't have pictured it to happen this way. In my "plans" I would know the person for a while and we'd be dating for a few years before the talk of it even came up. It may seem a bit fairy tale-ish like a Rochelle Ayers novel, fall in love in an instant and feel like you've known each other forever and become instantly inseparable...hopefully no murders to solve or goons to be rescued from but it's real, and hopefully our relationship can be another example of when you know, you just know. That's all. SSL.

Sounds like every thing is going well. I hope it all works out for you guys! :)
Congratulations! I hope this works out and he is the one. I know a lot of couples from engaged to married 50 years and MOST of them knew each other for a very short period of time and were married in less than a year. I am seeing this more and more these days, as well.
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My DH knew the day we met. It took me a little longer. :lachen: We didn't actually marry until five years later. Best of luck, OP, and just be sure to move slowly and keep your eyes open.
UPDATE: Well not really an update. I guess an update on my perspective from a few days ago. I'm convinced he's my future husband and it's not going to be long before we're married. We are two people crazy about each other and compliment each other so well, everything just flows naturally. Each day it's just growing stronger and stronger. I prayed yesterday asking God to reveal to me if this is my husband or not, to give me a clear vision or sign that would allow me to see what this man is seeing without any doubts and yesterday I believe He did just that. I won't get into all the specific details but those specifics are what is convincing me that this is my soulmate.

:yep: Reading your update made me smile. Your gut is obviously telling you that he's the one. I wish you the best. I hope it works out :)
Wow! this is great! I just met someone and we feel the same about eachother, the spark is there..we talk every night for hours getting to know one another better. I'm 38 he's 39/divorcee of 17yrs of marriage(divorced for 3). I would think at this age we both should know what we want.

I know how you feel. Exactly how you feel. I want to shout this out to the world but then worry they may not understand. I am so afraid of my feelings but then I don't want to hold it back from him. Know what i Mean?

Do you and what your heart tells you.

Hopefully we will both have happy endings.
UPDATE: Well not really an update. I guess an update on my perspective from a few days ago. I'm convinced he's my future husband and it's not going to be long before we're married. We are two people crazy about each other and compliment each other so well, everything just flows naturally. Each day it's just growing stronger and stronger. I prayed yesterday asking God to reveal to me if this is my husband or not, to give me a clear vision or sign that would allow me to see what this man is seeing without any doubts and yesterday I believe He did just that. I won't get into all the specific details but those specifics are what is convincing me that this is my soulmate.

I often seek advice from other women but I'm learning to trust my gut more when it comes to men, and guts don't just give you warnings of bad things, they can give you conviction of good things. Of course most women hearing of this situation it's like "whoa! nelly" and I know because reading my OP if that was even a day before meeting this man I would have been saying the same thing. Advice to take your time and take it slow is typical great advice but I think alot of the problem in romance and relationships these days comes from trying to be so textbook with it and zapping out all the 'magic' by looking for something to be wrong because it's just 'too good to be true'. That attitude is self-fulfilling and it should not exist on my quest to marry happily and start a family. When I make those steps I want to do it whole-heartedly with no doubts. This all literally feels like being stung by cupids arrow. My parents got married 3 months after meeting and they've been married going on 30 years. One of my friends parents married only after 1 month! Still going strong. I also did a search and read about other ladies who were married to their men in less than a year of knowing each other and are in happy relationships.

I wouldn't have pictured it to happen this way. In my "plans" I would know the person for a while and we'd be dating for a few years before the talk of it even came up. It may seem a bit fairy tale-ish like a Rochelle Ayers novel, fall in love in an instant and feel like you've known each other forever and become instantly inseparable...hopefully no murders to solve or goons to be rescued from but it's real, and hopefully our relationship can be another example of when you know, you just know. That's all. SSL.
I know EXACTLY what you're feeling, verbatim! Thanks, and good luck with your new guy!

Wow! this is great! I just met someone and we feel the same about eachother, the spark is there..we talk every night for hours getting to know one another better. I'm 38 he's 39/divorcee of 17yrs of marriage(divorced for 3). I would think at this age we both should know what we want.

I know how you feel. Exactly how you feel. I want to shout this out to the world but then worry they may not understand. I am so afraid of my feelings but then I don't want to hold it back from him. Know what i Mean?

Do you and what your heart tells you.

Hopefully we will both have happy endings.
So ladies share your experiences with getting caught up with man who knows he going to wife you before he knows your last name.

My dh knew right away, but he waited to tell me. He courted me and respected my boundaries.

I would take it very slowly. Give yourself time to find out more about each other. You're in the dating honeymoon phase right now, which is dangerous because you can overlook some important red flags.
My husband told me on our first date that I will be his wife.
We've been married for 7 years with a total of 8 years together.

I also moved in to live with him that night after the wedding.
My dh knew right away, but he waited to tell me. He courted me and respected my boundaries.

I would take it very slowly. Give yourself time to find out more about each other. You're in the dating honeymoon phase right now, which is dangerous because you can overlook some important red flags.

Yes, this awareness is what prompted this thread and also my prayer because I know first hand how dangerous this stage can be. With him I've got one foot in the clouds and one foot on the ground. Getting to know him and letting him know me. I will say a big difference from the past with the wrong men and this man is my spiritual well-being. I believe when you are close to God he gives you discernment when dealing with others, and I'm going to always seek Him for clarity while searching my heart for answers even after marriage. It helps that this man is also spiritual, prays and goes to church regularly as I do. We're equally yoked in so many ways that I don't think there is anything I can find out that I wouldn't be able to handle, or WE wouldn't be able to handle. Our desire to be together is too strong.
Yes, this awareness is what prompted this thread and also my prayer because I know first hand how dangerous this stage can be. With him I've got one foot in the clouds and one foot on the ground. Getting to know him and letting him know me. I will say a big difference from the past with the wrong men and this man is my spiritual well-being. I believe when you are close to God he gives you discernment when dealing with others, and I'm going to always seek Him for clarity while searching my heart for answers even after marriage. It helps that this man is also spiritual, prays and goes to church regularly as I do. We're equally yoked in so many ways that I don't think there is anything I can find out that I wouldn't be able to handle, or WE wouldn't be able to handle. Our desire to be together is too strong.

I hear you. It's good that you are praying about it. :yep: Let me get personal for a second...if you are sleeping together, that may affect your discernment. If you're not, disregard this completely!:grin:
UPDATE: Well not really an update. I guess an update on my perspective from a few days ago. I'm convinced he's my future husband and it's not going to be long before we're married. We are two people crazy about each other and compliment each other so well, everything just flows naturally. Each day it's just growing stronger and stronger. I prayed yesterday asking God to reveal to me if this is my husband or not, to give me a clear vision or sign that would allow me to see what this man is seeing without any doubts and yesterday I believe He did just that. I won't get into all the specific details but those specifics are what is convincing me that this is my soulmate.

I often seek advice from other women but I'm learning to trust my gut more when it comes to men, and guts don't just give you warnings of bad things, they can give you conviction of good things. Of course most women hearing of this situation it's like "whoa! nelly" and I know because reading my OP if that was even a day before meeting this man I would have been saying the same thing. Advice to take your time and take it slow is typical great advice but I think alot of the problem in romance and relationships these days comes from trying to be so textbook with it and zapping out all the 'magic' by looking for something to be wrong because it's just 'too good to be true'. That attitude is self-fulfilling and it should not exist on my quest to marry happily and start a family. When I make those steps I want to do it whole-heartedly with no doubts. This all literally feels like being stung by cupids arrow. My parents got married 3 months after meeting and they've been married going on 30 years. One of my friends parents married only after 1 month! Still going strong. I also did a search and read about other ladies who were married to their men in less than a year of knowing each other and are in happy relationships.

I wouldn't have pictured it to happen this way. In my "plans" I would know the person for a while and we'd be dating for a few years before the talk of it even came up. It may seem a bit fairy tale-ish like a Rochelle Ayers novel, fall in love in an instant and feel like you've known each other forever and become instantly inseparable...hopefully no murders to solve or goons to be rescued from but it's real, and hopefully our relationship can be another example of when you know, you just know. That's all. SSL.

I am SO agreeing with you and not because I'm a hopeless romantic but because I believe that the world has a very cynical view on love and relationships and it being geniune. We live in a world that questions anything good and rightfully so. People have experienced pain and turmoil through multiple measures. Its no wonder we have become so cautious...but because God Almighty is still the creator and doer of all things,you can rely on him to take flight for you while believing in the Lords plan for you and waiting for him to answer you. Meaning,once you have received Gods word that this is the relationship for you, then you can relax and throw caution to the wind because you are trusting God. I stay encouraged and believe there is a possibility to experience what you are experiencing. I am blessed to be experiencing the same thing. Will it be perfect? no.. will there be problems? yes! difficult problems? yes! but I believe in the meeting of two individuals who "just know"...

How many times when asked the do you know you've met the right one? and people reply with "you just know". There is no rhyme or reason, no right way or wrong way, no certain length of time that determines when and how you know you've met your future spouse.

my man and I have been together for a year and he told me he knew I'd be his wife shortly after we started dating. I feel with conviction that he will be my husband. Something I have never felt with anyone before.

SvelteVelvet I encourage you to say this prayer: "Lord, please give me discernment. I believe in this relationship but will not move forward without your blessing. Lord If he is not the man that you have chosen for me Dear Lord, remove him from my life with a quickness"

I prayed that prayer several times when my baby and I first started dating and God has not removed him and we continue to grow closer,stronger and more in love if this is not Gods discernment, I dont know what is.

Good luck sweetie!
My DH knew the day we met. It took me a little longer. :lachen: We didn't actually marry until five years later.

Same for me too. We have now been married for 10 years and I believe we have a great marriage and friendship.

As long as you and him are seeking God about the relationship, and God has given you and him an answer, then you should be confident that this is His will.
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Great post! Totally agree with everything. And thanks for the prayer!

I am SO agreeing with you and not because I'm a hopeless romantic but because I believe that the world has a very cynical view on love and relationships and it being geniune. We live in a world that questions anything good and rightfully so. People have experienced pain and turmoil through multiple measures. Its no wonder we have become so cautious...but because God Almighty is still the creator and doer of all things,you can rely on him to take flight for you while believing in the Lords plan for you and waiting for him to answer you. Meaning,once you have received Gods word that this is the relationship for you, then you can relax and throw caution to the wind because you are trusting God. I stay encouraged and believe there is a possibility to experience what you are experiencing. I am blessed to be experiencing the same thing. Will it be perfect? no.. will there be problems? yes! difficult problems? yes! but I believe in the meeting of two individuals who "just know"...

How many times when asked the do you know you've met the right one? and people reply with "you just know". There is no rhyme or reason, no right way or wrong way, no certain length of time that determines when and how you know you've met your future spouse.

my man and I have been together for a year and he told me he knew I'd be his wife shortly after we started dating. I feel with conviction that he will be my husband. Something I have never felt with anyone before.

SvelteVelvet I encourage you to say this prayer: "Lord, please give me discernment. I believe in this relationship but will not move forward without your blessing. Lord If he is not the man that you have chosen for me Dear Lord, remove him from my life with a quickness"

I prayed that prayer several times when my baby and I first started dating and God has not removed him and we continue to grow closer,stronger and more in love if this is not Gods discernment, I dont know what is.

Good luck sweetie!
I wish you all the best in whatever decision you pray for. Before anyone says I do or you become engaged, or you are choosing a move in stage please know that marriage/relationship takes more than love.

Make sure you both know basic information about each other like these for example?

How is your credit? Pull reports for each of you to discuss.
How do you handle your money?
Can I see your checkbook, savings, IRA, 401K?
Are you going back to school?
Do you want children? If so how many?
Do either of you have children from previous relationships?
How is the relationship with the other parent?
If there are no children and the other person does not want any children, can the other handle that? Because no means no forever.
Who will handle the finances in the home or paying the bills?
What faith will we both be under?
What are our goals as a couple?
What are our goals as individuals?
How infuential are the family members on each of you?

If you are serious about each other then all these discussons and discovery should be included. None of these areas as well as others should be off limits for discussion.

Wishing you happiness and blessings.
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