Married/Engaged Ladies...did you cook for your husband prior to marriage?

Married Ladies...Did you cook for your husband prior to marriage?

  • Yes, I cooked for him on a routine basis.

    Votes: 23 59.0%
  • Yes, but only for special occasions.

    Votes: 8 20.5%
  • No, I never cooked for him.

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • No, he cooked for me!

    Votes: 5 12.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Just curious...since cooking during the dating phase seems to be a "hot topic".

Whether you cooked or not, do you think it made a difference in him asking for your hand in marriage?
Hmm no, we only lived together for a month before we married and he cooked a few times. I didn't really know how to cook anyways
He started out cooking for me, after a while I started cooking for him but I don't think my cooking had much influence and its not because I can't cook :lol:
^^^See that's what gets me. All these relationship books telling women that they need to cook for their man while dating and cater to them. I never cooked for my ex prior to marriage and it was never an issue. Matter fact the only relationship where I did cook & clean, the man had issues commiting...go figure. :ohwell:
I started cooking since we first meet. He cooks from time to time.
I don't think it have anything to do with him asking me to marry him.
I was wondering about this. I can cook some food and I cooked for him once and he must not have liked it cos we eat out or he cooks. I don't mind but i feel weird cos my mom raised me with the knowledge that I have to cook to keep a man. lol
The only thing I remember doing was baking him a cake for his birthday. i didn't cook for him prior to marriage, but I never been one to cook ALL the time, so I don't think it made a difference really. I'm sure he knew prior to marriage that I wasn't uber domesticated.
Occasionally. Just enough to let him know I was good at it. Same went for cleaning.

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Just curious...since cooking during the dating phase seems to be a "hot topic".

Whether you cooked or not, do you think it made a difference in him asking for your hand in marriage?

I think it stopped being a "hot topic" after a member here pointed out that the same women who refuse to cook prior to marriage don't have a problem sexing these same men they won't cook for.
There might have been a time or two when I saw a recipe I thought he'd like and cooked it for him, but most of the time, we ate out. If there was cooking going on, 9 times out of 10, we were cooking together.

ETA: I doubt my cooking with or for him had much to do with his decision to ask me to marry him. DH doesn't sweat stuff like that.
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Occasionally. Just enough to let him know I was good at it. Same went for cleaning.

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The same here. I didnt want to do wifely duties until I was that. We just, after 3 years, started washing clothes together.

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I think it stopped being a "hot topic" after a member here pointed out that the same women who refuse to cook prior to marriage don't have a problem sexing these same men they won't cook for.

:lol: Very good point. He's already had your apple pie so why not bake one for him in the kitchen? Refrain from doing both.
Nope. I am not a good cook at all. I've been trying lately though. My dh is a wonderful cook and does cook when he has the time.
Yes I did:yep: I continue to do so. I love to cook. When I first moved in he gained 20lbs:lol: So I scaled back. All my friends know I enjoy feeding people. (and I even don't want to own a restaurant, how funny is that??) I also fix everyone's plate. Its how I was raised. When you're a guest in my home I will wait on your hand and foot. For some, thats a bit uncomfortable because they're not used to such things at first, but for me, its natural and normal to do. So when we have people over I'm allowed to take care of more people, feed them well, and send them home:lol:

IMO, if you like to cook, do it. I don't really see the big deal of it. If you don't want to cook, well...don't.

I didn't. Not on principle or anything, just never occurred to me/never got around to it. He had my mom's cooking though.
I don't think I actually cooked a meal for him. I would cook at home and invite him over. We also cooked things together.

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Yes I cook. In the beginning it was mostly me alone or us together cooking. Now he cooks 2 days, I cook 3 days and we go out 2 days. It works for us. I actually think I'm getting a better deal since he pays for everything.
I never did either and I wasn't holding out or anything. I just never had time and honestly didn't/don't know how. I hardly had time to cook for myself!

Now he says I bait and switched! lol

But, no I didn't cook nearly as much as I do now.
Yes. I enjoy cooking for him and others. I remember making some meatloaf and he was talking mad sh*t about it. I served him a piece and went to grab my plate, I looked over and he had cleaned the mess out of that meatloaf!:lachen: That's when I knew my baby knew I could throw down. He's military and we are separated because of his job for now, I'm collecting a lot of yummy looking recipes so I can cook for him. But yes, he's tried the cooking before we married. I won't even get on my grandmother's caramel cake he inhaled.

I'm not sure if it made a difference, he's only tried my cooking a few times. There was one meal (frozen everything) that I made that he really wasn't feeling. It was salmon, boxed mashed potatoes, and steamed brocolli lol. :lol: His mother doesn't cook neither so I don't think he cares either way. All I know is that he will be my guinea pig and I can't wait to cook for him everyday.
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Hm... I think we ate out mostly or he cooked for me. Once we got engaged and he got us our own place I cooked for him when I would visit
I cooked but not neccessarily for him. He'd come over for dinner maybe once a week. We go out to eat a lot. I'm trying to teach him how to cook now.
Sure did. We both love food. However, my cooking while dating him was often in manner of showing him how to make certain things, and I must say, the tutorials have paid off. He can cook rather well now. If only he could get with the 'clean up while you cook' concept, though.
Just curious...since cooking during the dating phase seems to be a "hot topic".

Whether you cooked or not, do you think it made a difference in him asking for your hand in marriage?

Yes, but we also shacked. It's easier to cook for someone when you live with them. Dh would not have married a woman who couldn't/wouldn't cook for him.
Yep. Alot better than now, hed tell you. Ive slimmed down a good 70 so poor man had to get used to steamed things, and no butter. The old bait and switch.

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Yes, from the beginning, while we used shack up at each other's places and when we actually moved in together. However, it did his fair share of cooking also. We liked to eat, so one of us was always cooking something.