Manetabolism Users!

Took my last pills today. They helped grow back my bald edges from a weave install gone wrong so I will continue using these along with inversion and my Liquid Gold sulfur products. Placing an order Saturday. Installing crochet braids Friday.
I had to stop taking these because although I got great growth and thickness my face broke out like crazy and I never have acne. I started getting facials, changing my diet until I realized it was these pills. I am so disappointed because I was on my 3rd month and loving them. Now I have to try and see how my face can recover. I was tempted to take only one pill a day instead of two but I don't know if that will even help. UGH I still have 4 months left in my cabinet.

They use to give me acne too. Now I take one pill with some zinc and I have NO acne. I'm thinking abt starting to take two pills. Try the pills with zinc and see what happens
They use to give me acne too. Now I take one pill with some zinc and I have NO acne. I'm thinking abt starting to take two pills. Try the pills with zinc and see what happens

I heard about taking Zinc with these vitamins. I have three bottles and I'm nervous about starting because I'm most definitely acne prone. I will definitely buy some zinc.
I'm on my second day of these vitamins. I have a total of three bottles. Has anyone noticed thicker hair with this? I really want to thicken my hair.
What results have you seen so far? i'm on my 5th day of the first bottle so of course I'm not expecting results so soon. I'm hoping to see results maybe by the end of the 3rd week.
my sides are growing fast.. i'll post a pic at the end of the month to see if I get more results..ive only been taking them for 35 days..:lick:
I took my July weave out today and I got a blowout. Still going strong with both Manetabolism and Hairfinity. I will be posting these pics in all of my subscribed threads :-)



The left side is from July 7, 2014 and the right is from October 11, 2014. I think I saw iciness more than length this go round. Any length was mainly experienced in the interior part of my head where it is still growing from a setback I had two years ago.
That's what I like about manetabolism. It seems to grow the areas you need it most. For me it was my edges and the sides of my head with thickness and a little growth in the nape. Whit your hair is definitely thicker! Just yummy!
On my 12th day of these vitamins. My hair is braided in a beehive underneath my wig. I haven't seen much new growth yet but I'm hoping to see something by the end of the bottle.
I have four days left of my first bottle. While I definitely didn't get an inch a month like those on Instragram received I will continue to take these for at least two more months. My hair is in braids right now but I probably got 1/2 inch. I didn't experience any breakouts. I have two bottles left and after that I'll decide if I will repurchase.
I've been done with my last bottle for some time now. I didn't see ANY increased growth :nono:. I wont be repurchasing and will just let me hair grow at its own, slow pace :crying3:.
For those taking this and getting results, did u try 5000mcg of biotin and get the same or similar results? It does have that amount of biotin in it and I can't help but wonder if that's the main reason why this pill and others work.
I'm taking Biotin until the end of the month and then will start with with the two bottles off Manetabolism. Biotin doesn't seem to effect my hair growth so I'm taking it more for metabolism really to see if it does anything. Can't wait until May so I can start with Manetabolism though!

How much biotin did u take?