Manetabolism Users!


Active Member
Hi ladies!!
So I'm starting my two months of Manetabolism vitamins today! So excited. I am posting my length check of the front of my hair and will check in every 30 days :))


If anyone will like to post their results or how things are going. Feel free :))
I am 1 week in to my second bottle and feel like I'm getting some growth. I should have documented my start. These pills are definite keepers, so far.
Just received mine today. I paid for three, but only received two. :look: I contacted them. Hopefully they respond soon.
I started my second bottle on Apr. 4th. I didn't measure the first time, but I did this time around.


Please. I beg of you. Excuse my busted-ness.
Update: She sent an email within the hour apologizing and my third bottle will be sent out tomorrow. It already has a tracking number. That's good cs. :yep:
I'm taking Biotin until the end of the month and then will start with with the two bottles off Manetabolism. Biotin doesn't seem to effect my hair growth so I'm taking it more for metabolism really to see if it does anything. Can't wait until May so I can start with Manetabolism though!
I was in the HairFinity challenge (didn't finish my first bottle :blush:) but I bought Manetabolism and now I'm joining this challenge :look:

I just got mine today, already took 2. :lachen:
I started mines today . Make sure and drink loads of water to prevent face breaks. I hope it works I want a long mane shoooo lol
Just ordered yesterday. Couldn't help it with all of the hype. Still have one more bottle of Hairfinity left. So I will finish it and then start the Manetabolism.

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Im currently taking nature's bounty optimum solutions hair nails and skin you guys think I can still take that while taking manetabalism?
checking in

*Does anyone notice that the vitamins kind of smell chemical-like when you open the bottle?

Its really faint.. but its there.
Just ordered 2 bottles today. Ive never had any success with growth aides or supplements. Havent used any in the past year and a half. I hope these work!
Fourth day. I take my capsules in the morning when I get up so I won't forget. I received my third bottle (which had been missing from my original order) yesterday. Very prompt response. :yep: